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If you are reporting a bug or requesting support, start here:
Bug or support request summary
Please provide issue details here - What did you expect to happen? What happened instead?
Steps to reproduce
Please provide necessary steps for reproduction of this issue. Describe the exact steps a maintainer has to take to make the problem occur. If the problem is non-trivial to reproduce, please link a repository or provide some code snippets.
(A screencast can be useful for visual bugs, but it is not a substitute for a textual description.)
Please specify which version of Storybook and optionally any affected addons that you're running
- @storybook/react x.x.x
- @storybook/addon-something x.x.x
Affected platforms
- If UI related, please indicate browser, OS, and version
- If dependency related, please include relevant version numbers
- If developer tooling related, please include the platform information
Screenshots / Screencast / Code Snippets (Optional)
// code here
End bug report support request - delete the rest below
If you are creating a issue to track work to be completed, start here:
Work summary
Please provide a description of the work to be completed here - Include some context as to why something needs to be done and link any related tickets.
Where to start
Please list the file(s) a contributor needs to figure out where to start work and include any docs or tutorials that may be applicable.
Acceptance criteria
Please include a checklist of the requirements necessary to close this ticket. The work should be narrowly scoped and limited to a few hours worth by an experienced developer at the most.
Who to contact
Add yourself and/or people who are familiar with the code changes and requirements. These people should be able to review the completed code. End work issue - please tag this issue with the correct status and type labels