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Args |
A story is a component with a set of arguments (props, slots, inputs, etc). “Args” are Storybook’s mechanism for defining those arguments as a first class entity that’s machine readable. This allows Storybook and its addons to live edit components. You do not need to change your underlying component code to use args.
When an arg’s value is changed, the component re-renders, allowing you to interact with components in Storybook’s UI via addons that affect args.
Learn how and why to write stories in the introduction. For details on how args work, read on.
Args object
The args object can be defined at the story and component level (see below). It is an object with string keys, where values can have any type that is allowed to be passed into a component in your framework.
Story args
To define the args of a single story, use the args
CSF story key:
<CodeSnippets paths={[ 'react/button-story-with-args.js.mdx', 'react/button-story-with-args.ts.mdx', 'vue/button-story-with-args.js.mdx', 'angular/button-story-with-args.ts.mdx', ]} />
These args will only apply to the story for which they are attached, although you can reuse them via JavaScript object reuse:
<CodeSnippets paths={[ 'common/button-story-primary-long-name.js.mdx', ]} />
In the above example, we use the object spread feature of ES 2015.
Component args
You can also define args at the component level; such args will apply to all stories of the component unless they are overwritten. To do so, use the args
key of the default
CSF export:
<CodeSnippets paths={[ 'react/button-story-component-args-primary.js.mdx', 'react/button-story-component-args-primary.ts.mdx', 'vue/button-story-component-args-primary.js.mdx', 'angular/button-story-component-args-primary.ts.mdx', ]} />
Args composition
You can separate the arguments to a story to compose in other stories. Here’s how args can be used in multiple stories for the same component.
<CodeSnippets paths={[ 'common/button-story-primary-composition.js.mdx', ]} />
Note that if you are doing the above often, you may want to consider using component-level args.
Args are useful when writing stories for composite components that are assembled from other components. Composite components often pass their arguments unchanged to their child components, and similarly their stories can be compositions of their child components stories. With args, you can directly compose the arguments:
<CodeSnippets paths={[ 'react/page-story.js.mdx', 'react/page-story.ts.mdx', 'angular/page-story.ts.mdx', 'vue/page-story.js.mdx' ]} />
Using args in addons
If you are writing an addon that wants to read or update args, use the useArgs
hook exported by @storybook/api
<CodeSnippets paths={[ 'common/args-usage-with-addons.js.mdx' ]} />
In Storybook 6+, we pass the args as the first argument to the story function. The second argument is the “context” which contains things like the story parameters etc.
In Storybook 5 and before we passed the context as the first argument. If you’d like to revert to that functionality set the parameters.passArgsFirst
parameter in .storybook/preview.js
<CodeSnippets paths={[ 'common/storybook-preview-parameters-old-format.js.mdx' ]} />
Note that args
is still available as a key on the context.