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# React Storybook [](https://travis-ci.org/kadirahq/react-storybook) [](https://badge.fury.io/js/%40kadira%2Fstorybook)
Now you can develop and design React UI components without running your app.

You just load your UI components into the React Storybook and start developing them.
This functionality allows you to develop UI components rapidly without worrying about the app. It will improve your team’s collaboration and feedback loop.
> Have a look at this article on [Introducing React Storybook](https://medium.com/@arunoda/ec27f28de1e2).
## Features
* Isolated environment for your components (with the use of various iframe tactics).
* Hot module reloading (even for functional stateless components).
* Works with any app (whether it's Redux, Relay or Meteor).
* Default webpack configuration similar to [Create React App](https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app).
* Support for CSS (whether it's plain old CSS, CSS modules or something fancy).
* Clean and fast user interface.
* Runs inside your project (so, it uses your app's NPM modules and babel configurations out of the box).
* Serves static files (if you host static files inside your app).
* Deploy the whole storybook as a static app.
* Extendable as necessary (support for custom webpack loaders and plugins).
## Demo
Let's look at what React Storybook does. First clone the following repo:
git clone https://github.com/kadira-samples/react-storybook-demo
> It's a Redux to-do app (taken from the Redux repo).
Then apply the following commands:
npm install
npm run storybook
This will start your Storybook in <http://localhost:9001>. Open that URL in your browser. You will see the React Storybook UI:

Edit some of the components in the `components` directory and see how they reflect in the Storybook UI. We define stories inside the `components/stories` directory. Have a play with that as well.
## Getting Started
Now let's add support for React Storybook to your app. First of all, add the `@kadira/storybook` NPM package to your app:
npm i --save-dev @kadira/storybook
Then, add the following NPM script into your `package.json`:
"scripts": {
"storybook": "start-storybook -p 9001"
Now you can run `npm run storybook` and start developing components.
**Wait... we are not there yet.**
### Writing Stories
Now you need to write some stories, which is how you can see your components inside the Storybook UI.
Basically, a story is a single view of a component. It's like a test case, but you can preview it (live) from the Storybook UI.
You can write your stories anywhere you want. But keeping them close to your components is a pretty good idea.
Let's write some stories:
// components/stories/button.js
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf, action } from '@kadira/storybook';
storiesOf('Button', module)
.add('with text', () => (
<button onClick={action('clicked')}>My First Button</button>
.add('with no text', () => (
Here, we simply have two stories for the built-in `button` component. But, you can import any of your components and write stories for them instead.
### Configurations
Now you need to tell Storybook where it should load the stories from. For that, you need to write a simple configuration file. Add the following content to `.storybook/config.js`:
import { configure } from '@kadira/storybook';
function loadStories() {
// require as many stories as you need.
configure(loadStories, module);
That's it. Now simply run `npm run storybook` and start developing your components.
> Check this app to see it in action: https://github.com/kadira-samples/react-storybook-simple-demo
## Learn More
There are many things you can do with React Storybook. You can explore them with the following links:
* [Writing Stories](docs/writing_stories.md)
* [Setting up for CSS](docs/setting_up_for_css.md)
* [Configuration APIs](docs/configure_storybook.md)
* [Extensions](docs/extensions.md)
* [Power Tools](https://voice.kadira.io/power-tools-for-react-storybook-d404d7b29b82#.4yodlbqi8)
* [How Storybook Works](docs/how_storybook_works.md)
* [Known Issues](docs/known_issues.md)
* [Storybooks.io](https://storybooks.io/?utm_source=github&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=react-storybook)
#### New: React Storybook meets GitHub
## Sample Apps
React Storybook is very powerful and you can use it with any kind of app. Here's a list of sample apps configured for React Storybook:
* [Very simple demo](https://github.com/kadira-samples/react-storybook-simple-demo)
* [Redux to-do app](https://github.com/kadira-samples/react-storybook-demo)
* [Meteor app (Mantra)](https://github.com/mantrajs/mantra-sample-blog-app)