2017-12-23 20:14:48 -08:00

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# 3.3.0-rc.0
#### Bug Fixes
- Angular component props assignment improvements [#2554](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- UPGRADE jest & react-native [#2542](
# 3.3.0-alpha.6
#### Features
- Add support for importing markdown in storybook [#2299](
- Add `TableComponent` option for addon-info [#2400](
- Change keyboard shortcuts to platform safe [#1858](
- Replace `console` with `client-logger` and `node-logger` packages [#2347](
- Add renderer option to storyshots [#2414](
#### Angular Support
- Added type annotation to helpers, added ts declaration files for angu… [#2459](
- Adding extra metadata to module/components [#2526](
- Fix ng component prop output override [#2456](
- [WIP] Angular versions support [#2467](
- Angular Add custom pipes support [#2518](
#### Bug Fixes
- Remove redundant render in react [#2503](
- Addon-actions: Fix types and refactor [#2438](
- Fix warnings in search box [#2479](
- Migrate to marksy@6 [#2464](
- Extract Jest config from package.json to config file [#2424](
- Fix Horizontal Scrollbar of DownPanel [#2410](
- Move `@storybook/addons` to peerDependencies in all addons [#2335](
- Fix compatibility with @babel/core v7 [#2494](
- Unmount after storyshot snapshot [#2417](
#### Documentation
- Addon-info: deep merge passed styles with default ones [#2449](
- Test documentation duplication fix [#2228](
#### Maintenance
- Netlify for angularexample [#2533](
- Netlify for officialexample [#2532](
- Add a storybook for the ui package [#2504](
- FIX the failing netlify builds [#2527](
- fix tests not actually running [#2450](
- Add method to channel that ignores event from self [#1879](
- Fix broken CI build [#2255](
- Fix unittest warnings r3.3 [#2381](
- Move addon events into its own story file [#2502](
#### Dependency Upgrades
33 Upgrades
- Move back to original fuse.js package [#2478](
- UPDATE "react-split-pane": "^0.1.74", to FIX an breaking issue [#2528](
- Upgraded `gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files` in `/docs` from "1.5.24" to "1.5.25" [#2529](
- Upgraded `gatsby` in `/docs` from "1.9.144" to "1.9.146" [#2529](
- Update gatsby in /docs from 1.9.143 to 1.9.144 [#2524](
- Update gatsby in /docs from 1.9.142 to 1.9.143 [#2521](
- Upgraded `enzyme-adapter-react-16` in `/` from "1.1.0" to "1.1.1" [#2520](
- Upgraded `jest-image-snapshot` in `/` from "2.2.0" to "2.2.1" [#2520](
- Upgraded `axe-core` in `addons/a11y` from "2.5.0" to "2.6.0" [#2520](
- Upgraded `moment` in `addons/knobs` from "2.20.0" to "2.20.1" [#2520](
- Upgraded `vue` in `addons/knobs` from "2.5.11" to "2.5.12" [#2520](
- Upgraded `vue` in `app/vue` from "2.5.11" to "2.5.12" [#2520](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `app/vue` from "2.5.11" to "2.5.12" [#2520](
- Upgraded `moment` in `addons/comments` from "2.20.0" to "2.20.1" [#2520](
- Upgraded `vue` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.11" to "2.5.12" [#2520](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.11" to "2.5.12" [#2520](
- Upgraded `@storybook/addon-actions` in `/docs` from "3.2.17" to "3.2.18" [#2519](
- Upgraded `@storybook/addon-links` in `/docs` from "3.2.17" to "3.2.18" [#2519](
- Upgraded `@storybook/addons` in `/docs` from "3.2.17" to "3.2.18" [#2519](
- Upgraded `@storybook/react` in `/docs` from "3.2.17" to "3.2.18" [#2519](
- Upgraded `gatsby` in `/docs` from "1.9.141" to "1.9.142" [#2519](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `/` from "1.13.2" to "1.13.3" [#2498](
- Upgraded `graphql` in `addons/graphql` from "0.11.7" to "0.12.0" [#2498](
- Upgraded `@types/react` in `addons/knobs` from "16.0.30" to "16.0.31" [#2498](
- Upgraded `file-loader` in `app/react-native` from "1.1.5" to "1.1.6" [#2498](
- Upgraded `file-loader` in `app/react` from "1.1.5" to "1.1.6" [#2498](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/react` from "1.13.2" to "1.13.3" [#2498](
- Upgraded `file-loader` in `app/vue` from "1.1.5" to "1.1.6" [#2498](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/vue` from "1.13.2" to "1.13.3" [#2498](
- Upgraded `vue-loader` in `app/vue` from "13.5.0" to "13.6.0" [#2498](
- Upgraded `file-loader` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "1.1.5" to "1.1.6" [#2498](
- Upgraded `vue-loader` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "13.5.0" to "13.6.0" [#2498](
- Update danger in / from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 [#2511](
# 3.3.0-alpha.4
#### Bug Fixes
- Fix HMR by saving the preview frame URL as the story changes [#2349](
- Fix CLI babel transpilation [#2350](
# 3.3.0-alpha.3
#### Features
- Add angular support: Storybook for Angular [#1474](
- Fix addon Knobs: add array in Object PropTypes [#2227](
- Adds error when storyshots finds no stories [#2079](
- Add addon background to monorepo [#2220](
- Add ability to parse line breaks into <br/> for Docgen descriptions [#2053](
#### Bug Fixes
- Move LinkTo component to a separate `addon-links/react` endpoint [#2239](
- Fix Array Knob deserialization [#2217](
- Return the test in storyshots to respect promises. [#2218](
- Knobs refactor accidentally removed select [#2210](
- Add HMR to other RN app templates [#2213](
- Autoload all `*.stories.js` files in cli templates [#2195](
- Fix info upgrade codemod failing when optional description string is not supplied [#2138](
- Fix `flex-basis` of `DownPanel` content div [#2126](
#### Documentation
- Updated local test documentation [#2224](
- Add state addon to the addons page [#2012](
- Add community addon to add the ability to customize styles in the story preview area [#2007](
- Add Figma addon to community supported section [#2009](
- Update storybook-router description in the addon gallery. [#1991](
#### Maintenance
- FIX `yarn test` & selecting only core [#2219](
- CLI test: always remove `run` directory before exiting [#2201](
- Bot for closing old issues [#2186](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- Update react-native from 0.43.4 to 0.49.3 in app/react-native [#1971](
- React-Native - Docs - Add Issues section for Android Emulator [#2078](
- Upgrade eslint-config-airbnb and make it pass [#2212](
# 3.3.0-alpha.2
#### Features
- Ability for custom storyshots testFunctions to utilise "snapshot per story file" [#1841](
- Viewport Addon [#1753](
- More detailed props table [#1485](
- RN: Add accessibility labels to OnDeviceUI [#1780](
- Have Stories on each level of hierarchy [#1763](
- Viewport Addon [#1740](
- Generate snapshot per story file [#1584](
- addon-links: add `LinkTo` component, and `hrefTo` function [#1829](
#### Bug Fixes
- CLI: Use actions in sample stories for vue + fix them in SFC_VUE template [#1867](
- Improve rendering of 'types' in addon-actions [#1887](
- Circular json can possibly hang [#1881](
- Use HtmlWebpackPlugin to import all assets (importing chunks in order) [#1775](
- Fix preview scrolling [#1782](
- Search box: make found options selectable with click [#1697](
- Fix Docgen in static builds for Info [#1725](
- Return empty array when Array knob is empty [#1811](
#### Documentation
- Make dependencies more deterministic [#1703](
- Synced changes from new-docs to [#1911](
- Fix incorrect yarn command in docs [#1758](
#### Maintenance
- Drop "Install latest yarn version" step on CI [#1910](
- CLI: A more human-friendly message for undetected project types [#1825](
- CLI: handle promise rejections [#1826](
- Add tests for CLI [#1767](
- Yarn workspaces [#1810](
- Knobs: allow arrays in object knob proptypes [#1701](
- Deprecate confusing option names [#1692](
- A CLI for running specific tests suites, like bootstrap CLI [#1752](
- Remove check for sender on channel. [#1407](
- Exit with code 1 if `start-storybook --smoke-test` fails [#1851](
- Refactor CLI [#1840](
- Refactor knobs - no longer include all runtimes [#1832](
- Added addon-knobs to crna and vanilla react native. [#1636](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- Add config for [#1770](
# 3.3.0-alpha.0
#### Features
- Viewport addon: simulate device sizes in preview window [#1753](
- CLI: Add codemod for deprecated addon-links and addon-actions from app [#1368](
- Info addon: More detailed props table [#1485](
- React native: Add accessibility labels to OnDeviceUI [#1780](
- Stories panel: Stories on each hierarchy level [#1763](
- Storyshots: Generate snapshot per story file [#1584](
- CLI: Add support for Vue projects using Nuxt [#1794](
#### Bug Fixes
- Import chunks/assets in correct order using HtmlWebpackPlugin [#1775](
- Fix preview scrolling [#1782](
- Height aligned 2 buttons in manager's header [#1769](
- Search box: make found options selectable with click [#1697](
- Info addon: Fix Docgen in static builds [#1725](
- Knobs: allow arrays in object knob proptypes [#1701](
#### Documentation
- Improve linkTo documentation [#1793](
- Add carbon to examples page [#1764](
- Minor grammar fixes and clarification to Vue documentation [#1756](
- Fix incorrect yarn command in docs [#1758](
- Add storybook-chrome-screenshot to addon gallery [#1761](
- Fixing typo on VueJS withNotes Example [#1787](
#### Maintenance
- Deprecate confusing option names [#1692](
- A CLI for running specific tests suites, like bootstrap CLI [#1752](
- Remove check for sender on channel. [#1407](
- Use yarn instead of NPM [#1703](
- Add config for [#1770](
- Added addon-knobs to crna and vanilla react native. [#1636](
- Fixed Jest warnings [#1744](
- Smoke test master [#1801](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade root dependencies and sync with packages [#1802](
- Update jest to the latest version 🚀 [#1799](
- Update eslint-plugin-jest to the latest version 🚀 [#1795](
- Update lerna to the latest version 🚀 [#1768](
# 3.2.19
#### Bug Fixes
- fix compatibility with @babel/core v7 [#2494](
#### Maintenance
- FIX the failing netlify builds [#2527](
#### Documentation
- UPDATE readme with new slackin link [#2536](
#### Dependency Upgrades
55 Updates
- UPDATE "react-split-pane": "^0.1.74", to FIX an breaking issue [#2528](
- Upgraded `cross-env` in `/` from "5.1.1" to "5.1.3" [#2540](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `/` from "1.13.3" to "1.14.3" [#2540](
- Upgraded `glamorous` in `lib/components` from "4.11.0" to "4.11.2" [#2540](
- Upgraded `glamorous` in `addons/jest` from "4.11.0" to "4.11.2" [#2540](
- Upgraded `@types/node` in `addons/knobs` from "8.5.1" to "8.5.2" [#2540](
- Upgraded `vue` in `addons/knobs` from "2.5.12" to "2.5.13" [#2540](
- Upgraded `common-tags` in `app/react` from "1.5.1" to "1.6.0" [#2540](
- Upgraded `glamorous` in `app/react` from "4.11.0" to "4.11.2" [#2540](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/react` from "1.13.3" to "1.14.3" [#2540](
- Upgraded `common-tags` in `app/vue` from "1.5.1" to "1.6.0" [#2540](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/vue` from "1.13.3" to "1.14.3" [#2540](
- Upgraded `vue` in `app/vue` from "2.5.12" to "2.5.13" [#2540](
- Upgraded `vue-loader` in `app/vue` from "13.6.0" to "13.6.1" [#2540](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `app/vue` from "2.5.12" to "2.5.13" [#2540](
- Upgraded `vue` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.12" to "2.5.13" [#2540](
- Upgraded `cross-env` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "5.1.1" to "5.1.3" [#2540](
- Upgraded `vue-loader` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "13.6.0" to "13.6.1" [#2540](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.12" to "2.5.13" [#2540](
- Upgraded `glamorous` in `examples/cra-kitchen-sink` from "4.11.0" to "4.11.2" [#2540](
- Upgraded `gatsby-remark-autolink-headers` in `/docs` from "1.4.10" to "1.4.11" [#2541](
- Upgraded `gatsby-transformer-remark` in `/docs` from "1.7.25" to "1.7.26" [#2541](
- Upgraded `gatsby` in `/docs` from "1.9.148" to "1.9.149" [#2541](
- Update gatsby in /docs from 1.9.146 to 1.9.147 [#2535](
- Upgraded `gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files` in `/docs` from "1.5.24" to "1.5.25" [#2529](
- Upgraded `gatsby` in `/docs` from "1.9.144" to "1.9.146" [#2529](
- Update gatsby in /docs from 1.9.143 to 1.9.144 [#2524](
- Update gatsby in /docs from 1.9.142 to 1.9.143 [#2521](
- Upgraded `enzyme-adapter-react-16` in `/` from "1.1.0" to "1.1.1" [#2520](
- Upgraded `jest-image-snapshot` in `/` from "2.2.0" to "2.2.1" [#2520](
- Upgraded `axe-core` in `addons/a11y` from "2.5.0" to "2.6.0" [#2520](
- Upgraded `moment` in `addons/knobs` from "2.20.0" to "2.20.1" [#2520](
- Upgraded `vue` in `addons/knobs` from "2.5.11" to "2.5.12" [#2520](
- Upgraded `vue` in `app/vue` from "2.5.11" to "2.5.12" [#2520](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `app/vue` from "2.5.11" to "2.5.12" [#2520](
- Upgraded `moment` in `addons/comments` from "2.20.0" to "2.20.1" [#2520](
- Upgraded `vue` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.11" to "2.5.12" [#2520](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.11" to "2.5.12" [#2520](
- Upgraded `@storybook/addon-actions` in `/docs` from "3.2.17" to "3.2.18" [#2519](
- Upgraded `@storybook/addon-links` in `/docs` from "3.2.17" to "3.2.18" [#2519](
- Upgraded `@storybook/addons` in `/docs` from "3.2.17" to "3.2.18" [#2519](
- Upgraded `@storybook/react` in `/docs` from "3.2.17" to "3.2.18" [#2519](
- Upgraded `gatsby` in `/docs` from "1.9.141" to "1.9.142" [#2519](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `/` from "1.13.2" to "1.13.3" [#2498](
- Upgraded `graphql` in `addons/graphql` from "0.11.7" to "0.12.0" [#2498](
- Upgraded `@types/react` in `addons/knobs` from "16.0.30" to "16.0.31" [#2498](
- Upgraded `file-loader` in `app/react-native` from "1.1.5" to "1.1.6" [#2498](
- Upgraded `file-loader` in `app/react` from "1.1.5" to "1.1.6" [#2498](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/react` from "1.13.2" to "1.13.3" [#2498](
- Upgraded `file-loader` in `app/vue` from "1.1.5" to "1.1.6" [#2498](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/vue` from "1.13.2" to "1.13.3" [#2498](
- Upgraded `vue-loader` in `app/vue` from "13.5.0" to "13.6.0" [#2498](
- Upgraded `file-loader` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "1.1.5" to "1.1.6" [#2498](
- Upgraded `vue-loader` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "13.5.0" to "13.6.0" [#2498](
- Update danger in / from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 [#2511](
# 3.2.18
#### Bug Fixes
- Number knob: apply default min/max/step values only in range mode [#2437](
- [addon-actions] Check result of getPropertyDescriptor for IE11 [#2428](
- Edited template of search box result item to fix overflow text in row [#2419](
- Fix missing supported extension check in case when asset is a string [#2468](
#### Documentation
- Fix react-native-vanilla to actually run storybook and document how to run it [#2274](
- Add another state addon to the gallery [#2391](
- Create [#2426](
- fix Button dependency & typo in composant name in documentation [#2465](
- add vue storybook boilerplate [#2421](
- fix: update links to webpack docs [#2512](
#### Maintenance
- Do not remove debugger-statements during development [#2493](
- FIX react-native-test in CI [#2444](
#### Dependency Upgrades
139 Updates
- Update gatsby in /docs from 1.9.139 to 1.9.141 [#2510](
- Update gatsby in /docs from 1.9.138 to 1.9.139 [#2499](
- Upgraded `eslint-plugin-prettier` in `/` from "2.3.1" to "2.4.0" [#2500](
- Upgraded `graphql` in `addons/graphql` from "0.11.7" to "0.12.3" [#2500](
- Upgraded `moment` in `addons/knobs` from "2.19.4" to "2.20.0" [#2500](
- Upgraded `ws` in `app/react-native` from "3.3.2" to "3.3.3" [#2500](
- Upgraded `moment` in `addons/comments` from "2.19.4" to "2.20.0" [#2500](
- Update gatsby in /docs from 1.9.135 to 1.9.138 [#2497](
- Upgraded `eslint-plugin-jest` in `/` from "21.4.3" to "21.5.0" [#2496](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `/` from "1.12.7" to "1.13.2" [#2496](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/react` from "1.12.7" to "1.13.2" [#2496](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/vue` from "1.12.7" to "1.13.2" [#2496](
- Update gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files in /docs from 1.5.23 to 1.5.24 [#2495](
- Update gatsby in /docs from 1.9.134 to 1.9.135 [#2491](
- Update danger in / from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5 [#2489](
- Upgraded `gatsby-plugin-sharp` in `/docs` from "1.6.23" to "1.6.24" [#2490](
- Upgraded `gatsby-remark-images` in `/docs` from "1.5.35" to "1.5.36" [#2490](
- Upgraded `eslint-plugin-jest` in `/` from "21.4.2" to "21.4.3" [#2488](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `/` from "1.12.6" to "1.12.7" [#2488](
- Upgraded `symlink-dir` in `/` from "1.1.0" to "1.1.1" [#2488](
- Upgraded `@types/node` in `addons/knobs` from "8.0.58" to "8.5.1" [#2488](
- Upgraded `@types/react` in `addons/knobs` from "16.0.29" to "16.0.30" [#2488](
- Upgraded `style-loader` in `addons/knobs` from "0.19.0" to "0.19.1" [#2488](
- Upgraded `vue` in `addons/knobs` from "2.5.10" to "2.5.11" [#2488](
- Upgraded `autoprefixer` in `app/react-native` from "7.2.2" to "7.2.3" [#2488](
- Upgraded `style-loader` in `app/react-native` from "0.18.2" to "0.19.1" [#2488](
- Upgraded `autoprefixer` in `app/react` from "7.2.2" to "7.2.3" [#2488](
- Upgraded `style-loader` in `app/react` from "0.18.2" to "0.19.1" [#2488](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/react` from "1.12.6" to "1.12.7" [#2488](
- Upgraded `autoprefixer` in `app/vue` from "7.2.2" to "7.2.3" [#2488](
- Upgraded `style-loader` in `app/vue` from "0.18.2" to "0.19.1" [#2488](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/vue` from "1.12.6" to "1.12.7" [#2488](
- Upgraded `vue` in `app/vue` from "2.5.10" to "2.5.11" [#2488](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `app/vue` from "2.5.10" to "2.5.11" [#2488](
- Upgraded `vue` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.10" to "2.5.11" [#2488](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.10" to "2.5.11" [#2488](
- Upgraded `gatsby-link` in `/docs` from "1.6.31" to "1.6.32" [#2486](
- Upgraded `gatsby-transformer-remark` in `/docs` from "1.7.24" to "1.7.25" [#2486](
- Upgraded `gatsby` in `/docs` from "1.9.131" to "1.9.134" [#2486](
- Upgraded `gatsby-remark-images` in `/docs` from "1.5.34" to "1.5.35" [#2476](
- Upgraded `gatsby-source-filesystem` in `/docs` from "1.5.10" to "1.5.11" [#2476](
- Upgraded `gatsby` in `/docs` from "1.9.130" to "1.9.131" [#2476](
- Upgraded `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y` in `/` from "6.0.2" to "6.0.3" [#2477](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `/` from "1.12.5" to "1.12.6" [#2477](
- Upgraded `vue` in `addons/knobs` from "2.5.9" to "2.5.10" [#2477](
- Upgraded `react-modal` in `lib/ui` from "3.1.7" to "3.1.8" [#2477](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/react` from "1.12.5" to "1.12.6" [#2477](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/vue` from "1.12.5" to "1.12.6" [#2477](
- Upgraded `vue` in `app/vue` from "2.5.9" to "2.5.10" [#2477](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `app/vue` from "2.5.9" to "2.5.10" [#2477](
- Upgraded `vue` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.9" to "2.5.10" [#2477](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.9" to "2.5.10" [#2477](
- Upgraded `danger` in `/` from "2.1.3" to "2.1.4" [#2473](
- Upgraded `eslint` in `/` from "4.13.0" to "4.13.1" [#2473](
- Upgraded `prettier` in `/` from "1.9.1" to "1.9.2" [#2473](
- Upgraded `@types/node` in `addons/knobs` from "8.0.57" to "8.0.58" [#2473](
- Upgraded `@types/react` in `addons/knobs` from "16.0.28" to "16.0.29" [#2473](
- Upgraded `core-js` in `app/react` from "2.5.2" to "2.5.3" [#2473](
- Upgraded `core-js` in `app/vue` from "2.5.2" to "2.5.3" [#2473](
- Upgraded `moment` in `addons/knobs` from "2.19.3" to "2.19.4" [#2462](
- Upgraded `moment` in `addons/comments` from "2.19.3" to "2.19.4" [#2462](
- Upgraded `react-inspector` in `addons/actions` from "2.2.1" to "2.2.2" [#2457](
- Upgraded `react-inspector` in `lib/ui` from "2.2.1" to "2.2.2" [#2457](
- Upgraded `gatsby-link` in `/docs` from "1.6.30" to "1.6.31" [#2458](
- Upgraded `gatsby-plugin-sharp` in `/docs` from "1.6.22" to "1.6.23" [#2458](
- Upgraded `gatsby-remark-autolink-headers` in `/docs` from "1.4.9" to "1.4.10" [#2458](
- Upgraded `gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files` in `/docs` from "1.5.22" to "1.5.23" [#2458](
- Upgraded `gatsby-remark-images` in `/docs` from "1.5.33" to "1.5.34" [#2458](
- Upgraded `gatsby-remark-smartypants` in `/docs` from "1.4.9" to "1.4.10" [#2458](
- Upgraded `gatsby-source-filesystem` in `/docs` from "1.5.9" to "1.5.10" [#2458](
- Upgraded `gatsby-transformer-remark` in `/docs` from "1.7.23" to "1.7.24" [#2458](
- Upgraded `gatsby` in `/docs` from "1.9.128" to "1.9.130" [#2458](
- Update react-stack-grid in /docs from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 [#2453](
- Upgraded `eslint` in `/` from "4.12.1" to "4.13.0" [#2454](
- Upgraded `core-js` in `app/react` from "2.5.1" to "2.5.2" [#2454](
- Upgraded `core-js` in `app/vue` from "2.5.1" to "2.5.2" [#2454](
- Upgraded `@types/node` in `addons/knobs` from "8.0.56" to "8.0.57" [#2448](
- Upgraded `@types/react` in `addons/knobs` from "16.0.27" to "16.0.28" [#2448](
- Upgraded `autoprefixer` in `app/react-native` from "7.2.1" to "7.2.2" [#2448](
- Upgraded `autoprefixer` in `app/react` from "7.2.1" to "7.2.2" [#2448](
- Upgraded `autoprefixer` in `app/vue` from "7.2.1" to "7.2.2" [#2448](
- Upgraded `danger` in `/` from "2.1.2" to "2.1.3" [#2447](
- Upgraded `jscodeshift` in `lib/codemod` from "0.3.32" to "0.4.0" [#2447](
- Upgraded `jscodeshift` in `lib/cli` from "0.3.32" to "0.4.0" [#2447](
- Upgraded `webpack-dev-server` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.9.6" to "2.9.7" [#2447](
- Upgraded `danger` in `/` from "2.0.3" to "2.1.2" [#2442](
- Upgraded `eslint-plugin-jest` in `/` from "21.4.1" to "21.4.2" [#2442](
- Upgraded `github-release-from-changelog` in `/` from "1.2.1" to "1.3.0" [#2442](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `/` from "1.12.4" to "1.12.5" [#2442](
- Upgraded `prettier` in `/` from "1.9.0" to "1.9.1" [#2442](
- Upgraded `@types/node` in `addons/knobs` from "8.0.54" to "8.0.55" [#2442](
- Upgraded `react-native` in `app/react-native` from "0.50.4" to "0.51.0" [#2442](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/react` from "1.12.4" to "1.12.5" [#2442](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/vue` from "1.12.4" to "1.12.5" [#2442](
- Upgraded `@types/node` in `addons/knobs` from "8.0.54" to "8.0.56" [#2443](
- Upgraded `webpack-dev-server` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.9.5" to "2.9.6" [#2443](
- Update fs-extra in / from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 [#2433](
- Upgraded `eslint-plugin-jest` in `/` from "21.4.0" to "21.4.1" [#2430](
- Upgraded `prettier` in `/` from "1.8.2" to "1.9.0" [#2430](
- Upgraded `babel-eslint` in `/` from "8.0.2" to "8.0.3" [#2429](
- Upgraded `commander` in `/` from "2.12.1" to "2.12.2" [#2429](
- Upgraded `eslint` in `/` from "4.12.0" to "4.12.1" [#2429](
- Upgraded `eslint-plugin-jest` in `/` from "21.3.2" to "21.4.0" [#2429](
- Upgraded `inquirer` in `/` from "4.0.0" to "4.0.1" [#2429](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `/` from "1.12.1" to "1.12.4" [#2429](
- Upgraded `moment` in `addons/knobs` from "2.19.2" to "2.19.3" [#2429](
- Upgraded `react-datetime` in `addons/knobs` from "2.11.0" to "2.11.1" [#2429](
- Upgraded `@types/node` in `addons/knobs` from "8.0.53" to "8.0.54" [#2429](
- Upgraded `@types/react` in `addons/knobs` from "16.0.25" to "16.0.27" [#2429](
- Upgraded `typescript` in `addons/knobs` from "2.6.1" to "2.6.2" [#2429](
- Upgraded `vue` in `addons/knobs` from "2.5.8" to "2.5.9" [#2429](
- Upgraded `commander` in `lib/cli` from "2.12.1" to "2.12.2" [#2429](
- Upgraded `react-modal` in `lib/ui` from "3.1.4" to "3.1.7" [#2429](
- Upgraded `autoprefixer` in `app/react-native` from "7.1.6" to "7.2.1" [#2429](
- Upgraded `commander` in `app/react-native` from "2.12.1" to "2.12.2" [#2429](
- Upgraded `webpack` in `app/react-native` from "3.8.1" to "3.10.0" [#2429](
- Upgraded `airbnb-js-shims` in `app/react` from "1.3.0" to "1.4.0" [#2429](
- Upgraded `autoprefixer` in `app/react` from "7.1.6" to "7.2.1" [#2429](
- Upgraded `commander` in `app/react` from "2.12.1" to "2.12.2" [#2429](
- Upgraded `webpack` in `app/react` from "3.8.1" to "3.10.0" [#2429](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/react` from "1.12.1" to "1.12.4" [#2429](
- Upgraded `airbnb-js-shims` in `app/vue` from "1.3.0" to "1.4.0" [#2429](
- Upgraded `autoprefixer` in `app/vue` from "7.1.6" to "7.2.1" [#2429](
- Upgraded `commander` in `app/vue` from "2.12.1" to "2.12.2" [#2429](
- Upgraded `webpack` in `app/vue` from "3.8.1" to "3.10.0" [#2429](
- Upgraded `nodemon` in `app/vue` from "1.12.1" to "1.12.4" [#2429](
- Upgraded `vue` in `app/vue` from "2.5.8" to "2.5.9" [#2429](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `app/vue` from "2.5.8" to "2.5.9" [#2429](
- Upgraded `marked` in `addons/comments` from "0.3.6" to "0.3.7" [#2429](
- Upgraded `moment` in `addons/comments` from "2.19.2" to "2.19.3" [#2429](
- Upgraded `vue` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.8" to "2.5.9" [#2429](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.8" to "2.5.9" [#2429](
- Upgraded `webpack` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "3.8.1" to "3.10.0" [#2429](
- Upgraded `webpack-dev-server` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.9.4" to "2.9.5" [#2429](
- Upgraded `@storybook/addon-actions` in `/docs` from "3.2.16" to "3.2.17" [#2427](
- Upgraded `@storybook/addon-links` in `/docs` from "3.2.16" to "3.2.17" [#2427](
- Upgraded `@storybook/addons` in `/docs` from "3.2.16" to "3.2.17" [#2427](
- Upgraded `@storybook/react` in `/docs` from "3.2.16" to "3.2.17" [#2427](
- React 16.2 [#2393](
# 3.2.17
#### Features
- Add dotenv support for storybook in vue and react [#2345](
- Add addon jest [#2295](
- Addon-knobs: add number config options [#2371](
- Addon-info: Expose style for customization [#2370](
#### Bug Fixes
- Fix addon-actions in legacy Android browser [#2365](
- Remove superfluous vertical scrollbar in fullscreen [#2394](
- Made jest test file extension name optional [#2373](
- Render navigation and addons panels even when they are hidden [#2336](
- Fix wrong "withTests" examples + add documentation [#2398](
#### Maintenance
- Issue #2196 - Set console.warn and console.error to throw in tests [#2297](
- Optimize CI workflow [#2331](
- Ignore shelljs in bithound [#2322](
- Fix netlify vue instance [#2386](
- Keep examples' deps up to date [#2353](
- Separate netlify instances [#2340](
- Issue 2196 fix unittest warnings [#2343](
#### Documentation
- Document return type of `date` knob (see #1489) [#2332](
#### Dependency Upgrades
72 PRs
- Update gatsby in /docs from 1.9.127 to 1.9.128 [#2420](
- Update marked in /docs from 0.3.6 to 0.3.7 [#2416](
- Upgraded `gatsby` in `docs` from "1.9.126" to "1.9.127" [#2406](
- Upgraded `gatsby-transformer-remark` in `docs` from "1.7.22" to "1.7.23" [#2406](
- Upgraded `gatsby` in `docs` from "1.9.125" to "1.9.126" [#2399](
- Upgraded `gatsby-link` in `docs` from "1.6.29" to "1.6.30" [#2399](
- Upgraded `gatsby` in `docs` from "1.9.119" to "1.9.125" [#2392](
- Upgraded `gatsby-link` in `docs` from "1.6.28" to "1.6.29" [#2392](
- Upgraded `gatsby-plugin-sharp` in `docs` from "1.6.21" to "1.6.22" [#2392](
- Upgraded `gatsby-remark-autolink-headers` in `docs` from "1.4.8" to "1.4.9" [#2392](
- Upgraded `gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files` in `docs` from "1.5.21" to "1.5.22" [#2392](
- Upgraded `gatsby-remark-images` in `docs` from "1.5.32" to "1.5.33" [#2392](
- Upgraded `gatsby-remark-smartypants` in `docs` from "1.4.8" to "1.4.9" [#2392](
- Upgraded `gatsby-source-filesystem` in `docs` from "1.5.8" to "1.5.9" [#2392](
- Upgraded `gatsby-transformer-remark` in `docs` from "1.7.21" to "1.7.22" [#2392](
- Upgraded `webpack-dev-middleware` in `app/react-native` from "1.12.1" to "1.12.2" [#2385](
- Upgraded `webpack-hot-middleware` in `app/react-native` from "2.20.0" to "2.21.0" [#2385](
- Upgraded `webpack-dev-middleware` in `app/react` from "1.12.1" to "1.12.2" [#2385](
- Upgraded `webpack-hot-middleware` in `app/react` from "2.20.0" to "2.21.0" [#2385](
- Upgraded `webpack-dev-middleware` in `app/vue` from "1.12.1" to "1.12.2" [#2385](
- Upgraded `webpack-hot-middleware` in `app/vue` from "2.20.0" to "2.21.0" [#2385](
- Upgraded `danger` in `/` from "2.0.1" to "2.0.3" [#2380](
- Upgraded `eslint` in `/` from "4.11.0" to "4.12.0" [#2380](
- Upgraded `eslint-config-prettier` in `/` from "2.8.0" to "2.9.0" [#2380](
- Upgraded `react-modal` in `lib/ui` from "3.1.3" to "3.1.4" [#2364](
- Upgraded `postcss-loader` in `app/react-native` from "2.0.8" to "2.0.9" [#2364](
- Upgraded `react-native` in `app/react-native` from "0.50.3" to "0.50.4" [#2364](
- Upgraded `common-tags` in `app/react` from "1.4.0" to "1.5.1" [#2364](
- Upgraded `postcss-loader` in `app/react` from "2.0.8" to "2.0.9" [#2364](
- Upgraded `common-tags` in `app/vue` from "1.4.0" to "1.5.1" [#2364](
- Upgraded `postcss-loader` in `app/vue` from "2.0.8" to "2.0.9" [#2364](
- Upgraded `commander` in `/` from "2.11.0" to "2.12.1" [#2359](
- Upgraded `commander` in `lib/cli` from "2.11.0" to "2.12.1" [#2359](
- Upgraded `react-modal` in `lib/ui` from "3.1.2" to "3.1.3" [#2359](
- Upgraded `commander` in `app/react-native` from "2.11.0" to "2.12.1" [#2359](
- Upgraded `webpack-dev-middleware` in `app/react-native` from "1.12.0" to "1.12.1" [#2359](
- Upgraded `commander` in `app/react` from "2.11.0" to "2.12.1" [#2359](
- Upgraded `webpack-dev-middleware` in `app/react` from "1.12.0" to "1.12.1" [#2359](
- Upgraded `commander` in `app/vue` from "2.11.0" to "2.12.1" [#2359](
- Upgraded `webpack-dev-middleware` in `app/vue` from "1.12.0" to "1.12.1" [#2359](
- Update gatsby in docs from 1.9.118 to 1.9.119 [#2354](
- Upgraded `vue` in `addons/knobs` from "2.5.6" to "2.5.8" [#2344](
- Upgraded `ws` in `app/react-native` from "3.3.1" to "3.3.2" [#2344](
- Upgraded `vue` in `app/vue` from "2.5.6" to "2.5.8" [#2344](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `app/vue` from "2.5.6" to "2.5.8" [#2344](
- Upgraded `vue` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.6" to "2.5.8" [#2344](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.6" to "2.5.8" [#2344](
- Upgraded `eslint-config-prettier` in `/` from "2.7.0" to "2.8.0" [#2342](
- Upgraded `eslint-plugin-react` in `/` from "7.4.0" to "7.5.0" [#2342](
- Upgraded `vue` in `addons/knobs` from "2.5.5" to "2.5.6" [#2342](
- Upgraded `vue` in `app/vue` from "2.5.5" to "2.5.6" [#2342](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `app/vue` from "2.5.5" to "2.5.6" [#2342](
- Upgraded `vue` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.5" to "2.5.6" [#2342](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.5" to "2.5.6" [#2342](
- Update gatsby in docs from 1.9.117 to 1.9.118 [#2341](
- Upgraded `gatsby` in `docs` from "1.9.114" to "1.9.117" [#2338](
- Upgraded `gh-pages` in `docs` from "1.0.0" to "1.1.0" [#2338](
- Update gh-pages in / from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 [#2339](
- Upgraded `@types/react` in `addons/knobs` from "16.0.23" to "16.0.25" [#2334](
- Upgraded `vue` in `addons/knobs` from "2.5.3" to "2.5.5" [#2334](
- Upgraded `vue-hot-reload-api` in `app/vue` from "2.2.3" to "2.2.4" [#2334](
- Upgraded `vue` in `app/vue` from "2.5.3" to "2.5.5" [#2334](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `app/vue` from "2.5.3" to "2.5.5" [#2334](
- Upgraded `vue` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.3" to "2.5.5" [#2334](
- Upgraded `vue-hot-reload-api` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.2.3" to "2.2.4" [#2334](
- Upgraded `vue-template-compiler` in `examples/vue-kitchen-sink` from "2.5.3" to "2.5.5" [#2334](
- Update gatsby in docs from 1.9.112 to 1.9.114 [#2333](
- Upgraded `@storybook/addon-actions` in `docs` from "3.2.15" to "3.2.16" [#2327](
- Upgraded `@storybook/addon-links` in `docs` from "3.2.15" to "3.2.16" [#2327](
- Upgraded `@storybook/addons` in `docs` from "3.2.15" to "3.2.16" [#2327](
- Upgraded `@storybook/react` in `docs` from "3.2.15" to "3.2.16" [#2327](
- Update @types/node in addons/knobs from 8.0.52 to 8.0.53 [#2326](
# 3.2.16
#### Features
- Add addon-a11y to monorepo [#2292](
#### Bug Fixes
- Addon actions: replace eval with function name assignment [#2321](
- FIX propwarning on basebutton && ADD style prop on basebutton [#2305](
- React-native: fix drawer width [#2300](
#### Maintenance
- Add Previews of deployed examples via Netlify [#2304](
#### Dependency Upgrades
30 upgrades
- Update 5 dependencies from npm [#2312](
- Upgraded gatsby-link in `docs` from `1.6.27` to `1.6.28` [#2311](
- Upgraded gatsby-plugin-sharp in `docs` from `1.6.20` to `1.6.21` [#2311](
- Upgraded gatsby-remark-images in `docs` from `1.5.31` to `1.5.32` [#2311](
- Upgraded gatsby in `docs` from `1.9.108` to `1.9.112` [#2308](
- Upgraded gatsby-link in `docs` from `1.6.26` to `1.6.27` [#2308](
- Upgraded gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files in `docs` from `1.5.20` to `1.5.21` [#2308](
- Upgraded gatsby-transformer-remark in `docs` from `1.7.20` to `1.7.21` [#2308](
- Upgraded react-textarea-autosize in `addons/events` from `5.2.0` to `5.2.1` [#2309](
- Upgraded react-datetime in `addons/knobs` from `2.10.3` to `2.11.0` [#2309](
- Upgraded react-textarea-autosize in `addons/knobs` from `5.2.0` to `5.2.1` [#2309](
- Upgraded react-textarea-autosize in `addons/comments` from `5.2.0` to `5.2.1` [#2309](
- Upgraded moment in `addons/knobs` from `2.19.1` to `2.19.2` [#2293](
- Upgraded moment in `addons/comments` from `2.19.1` to `2.19.2` [#2293](
- Upgraded gatsby in `docs` from `1.9.100` to `1.9.108` [#2294](
- Upgraded gatsby-link in `docs` from `1.6.24` to `1.6.26` [#2294](
- Upgraded gatsby-plugin-sharp in `docs` from `1.6.19` to `1.6.20` [#2294](
- Upgraded gatsby-remark-autolink-headers in `docs` from `1.4.7` to `1.4.8` [#2294](
- Upgraded gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files in `docs` from `1.5.16` to `1.5.20` [#2294](
- Upgraded gatsby-remark-images in `docs` from `1.5.30` to `1.5.31` [#2294](
- Upgraded gatsby-source-filesystem in `docs` from `1.5.7` to `1.5.8` [#2294](
- Upgraded gatsby-transformer-remark in `docs` from `1.7.19` to `1.7.20` [#2294](
- Update lint-staged to 5.0.0 [#2291](
- Upgraded eslint in `/` from `4.10.0` to `4.11.0` [#2290](
- Upgraded puppeteer in `/` from `0.12.0` to `0.13.0` [#2290](
- Update 6 dependencies from npm [#2286](
- Update React to 16.1.0 [#2285](
- Update 4 dependencies from npm [#2284](
- use @storybook published deprecated dependencies [#2314](
- Update inquirer to 4.0.0 [#2298](
# 3.2.15
#### Features
- Optimizing for iphone x [#2260](
- Fix accessibility warnings [#2270](
#### Bug Fixes
- Fix propTypes in addon-background [#2279](
- Addon-info: allow duplicate displayNames [#2269](
- Fix browser navigation [#2261](
#### Maintenance
- Fixes to build scripts for Windows. [#2051](
- Update dependencies.yml to include batch updates for docs dependencies [#2252](
#### Dependency Upgrades
11 PRs
- Update 4 dependencies from npm [#2267](
- Update 8 dependencies from npm [#2262](
- Update 3 dependencies from npm [#2257](
- Update babel-eslint in / from 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 [#2253](
- 3 packages updated by [#2251](
- Update devDependencies [#2232](
- Update react-textarea-autosize to 5.1.0 [#2233](
- Update insert-css to 2.0.0 [#2234](
- Update file-loader to 1.1.5 [#2236](
- Update read-pkg-up to 3.0.0 [#2237](
- Update react-modal to 3.1.0 [#2238](
# 3.2.14
#### Features
- React-native: Add platform option for haul bundler [#2129](
#### Bug Fixes
- Fixed addon-info not importing docgen descriptions [#2133](
- Handle full screen scrolling on iOS [#2040](
- Fixed infinite render loop [#2100](
- Fix hmr in react-native template [#2194](
- Fix prop type in react-native [#2185](
- Avoid logging an object on compilation errors [#2199](
#### Documentation
- CRA Example Cleanup - Info [#2143](
#### Maintenance
- IMPROVE integration tests so they all output a diff image when multiple fail [#2197](
- ADD integration artefacts store step to circle.yml [#2182](
- ADD integration test [#2119](
- Updating to new favicon [#2113](
- Bot for closing old issues [#2186](
#### Dependency Upgrades
12 PRs
- 7 packages updated by [#2200](
- Update jest-image-snapshot to 2.1.0 [#2184](
- 2 packages updated by [#2175](
- 3 packages updated by [#2137](
- 2 packages updated by [#2131](
- 4 packages updated by [#2124](
- 2 packages updated by [#2116](
- 5 packages updated by [#2111](
- 4 packages updated by [#2109](
- Add index.js file for RN 0.49 [#2176](
- Enable issue creation for [#2141](
- Major updates in devDependencies [#2178](
# 3.2.13
#### Features
- Knobs addon: new knob type `button` [#2004](
- Vue: Support JSX for Vue Components [#1993](
- Vue CLI: support Nuxt.js projects [#2056](
#### Bug Fixes
- UI: ix sidebar header wrapping [#1962](
- Vue: Make Vue a peer dependency [#2041](
#### Documentation
- Update empty addons channel bug description [#1977](
- Fix example for addons/info [#1960](
#### Maintenance
- Dirty-check repo state on CI to ensure lockfiles being up-to-date [#1980](
- Enable batch mode for [#2093](
- Fixed lifecycle twice executing (closes #1742) [#1983](
- Disable npm publish on all non-master branches [#1963](
- Fix lerna.json to ignore vue-kitchen-sink correctly [#1944](
#### Dependency Upgrades
66 PRs
- 2 packages updated by [#2097](
- 2 packages updated by [#2094](
- Update deps [#2090](
- Update enzyme-adapter-react-16 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in / [#2068](
- Update deps [#2077](
- Update webpack-hot-middleware from 2.19.1 to 2.20.0 in app/react [#2060](
- Update webpack-hot-middleware from 2.19.1 to 2.20.0 in app/react-native [#2059](
- Update @types/react from 16.0.10 to 16.0.11 in addons/knobs [#2058](
- Update vue versions [#2032](
- Update eslint from 4.8.0 to 4.9.0 in / [#2054](
- Update webpack-dev-server from 2.9.1 to 2.9.2 in examples/vue-kitchen-sink [#2055](
- Update postcss-loader from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8 in app/react [#2045](
- Update codecov from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 in / [#2042](
- Update webpack from 3.6.0 to 3.7.1 in app/react-native [#2027](
- Update moment from 2.19.0 to 2.19.1 in addons/knobs [#2026](
- Update express from 4.16.1 to 4.16.2 in app/vue [#2018](
- Update postcss-loader from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 in app/react [#2017](
- Update express from 4.16.1 to 4.16.2 in app/react [#2016](
- Update postcss-loader from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 in app/react-native [#2015](
- Update express from 4.16.1 to 4.16.2 in app/react-native [#2014](
- Update moment from 2.18.1 to 2.19.0 in addons/knobs [#2013](
- Update autoprefixer from 7.1.4 to 7.1.5 in app/vue [#2003](
- Update update-notifier from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 in lib/cli [#1999](
- Update autoprefixer from 7.1.4 to 7.1.5 in app/react [#2002](
- Update autoprefixer from 7.1.4 to 7.1.5 in app/react-native [#2000](
- Update @types/react from 16.0.9 to 16.0.10 in addons/knobs [#1998](
- Update jest-enzyme from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 in / [#1997](
- Update storybook-router description in the addon gallery. [#1991](
- Update lerna from 2.3.1 to 2.4.0 in / [#1985](
- Update react-modal from 2.3.3 to 2.4.1 in app/vue [#1989](
- Update react-modal from 2.3.3 to 2.4.1 in app/react [#1988](
- Update react-modal from 2.3.3 to 2.4.1 in lib/ui [#1987](
- Update react-icons from 2.2.5 to 2.2.7 in lib/ui [#1986](
- Remove markdown autofixing on precommit hook [#1964](
- Update vue-hot-reload-api from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 in app/vue [#1976](
- Update url-loader from 0.5.9 to 0.6.2 in app/vue [#1975](
- Update react-modal from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3 in app/vue [#1974](
- Update url-loader from 0.5.9 to 0.6.2 in app/react [#1973](
- Update react-modal from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3 in app/react [#1972](
- Update url-loader from 0.5.9 to 0.6.2 in app/react-native [#1970](
- Update react-modal from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3 in lib/ui [#1969](
- Update @types/react from 16.0.8 to 16.0.9 in addons/knobs [#1968](
- Update graphql from 0.11.6 to 0.11.7 in addons/graphql [#1967](
- Update @storybook/addon-links from 3.2.10 to 3.2.12 [#1949](
- Update style-loader from 0.18.2 to 0.19.0 in addons/knobs [#1958](
- Update @types/react from 16.0.7 to 16.0.8 in addons/knobs [#1957](
- Update prettier from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4 in / [#1955](
- Update react-motion from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2 [#1953](
- Update lerna from 2.2.0 to 2.3.1 in / [#1954](
- Update @storybook/addons from 3.2.10 to 3.2.12 [#1950](
- Update enzyme from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 in / [#1948](
- Update enzyme-adapter-react-16 from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 in / [#1951](
- Update @storybook/addon-actions from 3.2.11 to 3.2.12 [#1947](
# 3.2.12
#### Bug Fixes
- addon-info: wrap prop values in braces [#1915](
- Add polyfills to fix addon-actions in IE11 [#1917](
- Gracefully handle fatal webpack errors. [#1918](
- Fix polyfills loading order [#1905](
#### Documentation
- Improve documentation for react-native : clarify where left pane is [#1901](
#### Maintenance
- Use yarn workspaces on master [#1916](
- Run `eslint --fix` on master [#1909](
- Remove open collective notice from storybook install [#1940](
- Run bootstrap before linting on CI [#1934](
#### Dependency Upgrades
14 PRs
- Update raf from 3.3.2 to 3.4.0 in / [#1939](
- Update graphql from 0.7.2 to 0.11.6 in addons/graphql [#1930](
- Update react-typography from 0.15.10 to 0.16.5 [#1927](
- Update react-render-html from 0.1.6 to 0.5.2 in addons/comments [#1933](
- Update react-datetime from 2.10.2 to 2.10.3 in addons/knobs [#1931](
- Update typography from 0.15.12 to 0.16.6 [#1929](
- Update graphiql from 0.7.8 to 0.11.5 in addons/graphql [#1928](
- Update prettier from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3 in / [#1926](
- Update react-stack-grid from 0.2.2 to 0.5.0 [#1925](
- Update react-motion from 0.1.0 to 0.5.1 [#1924](
- Update eslint from 4.7.2 to 4.8.0 in / [#1923](
- Update chroma-js from 0.7.2 to 0.7.8 [#1922](
- Use for dependencies management [#1920](
- UPGRADE react & friends && UPGRADE other dependencies [#1908](
# 3.2.11
#### Features
- Add two new RN packager configuration options [#1865](
#### Bug Fixes
- Addon-info - Fix immutable props issues with React 16 [#1894](
- Update react-inspector to fix #1831 [#1888](
#### Documentation
- Updated release process documentation [#1882](
# 3.2.10
#### Features
- Added codemod for deprecated addon-links and addon-actions from app [#1368](
- React native: Added option for custom packager port [#1837](
- CLI: add support for Vue projects using Nuxt [#1794](
#### Bug Fixes
- Avoid error "storyshots is intended only to be used with storybook" [#1441](
- Log correct url when using --https [#1871](
- Fix broken links in the deprecation warning for RN and Vue apps [#1827](
- Height aligned 2 buttons in manager's header [#1769](
- Add missing regenerator and runtime babel transform pkgs to package.json [#1848](
#### Documentation
- Update README: mention that addon-links needs to be registered manually [#1835](
- Improve linkTo documentation [#1793](
- Minor grammar fixes and clarification to Vue documentation [#1756](
- Add missing NPM script section to Vue guide [#1824](
- Add storybook-chrome-screenshot to addon gallery [#1761](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- Update babel-eslint to the latest version 🚀 [#1836](
- UPGRADE root dependencies and SYNC with packages [#1802](
- Update jest to the latest version 🚀 [#1799](
- Update eslint-plugin-jest to the latest version 🚀 [#1795](
- Update lerna to the latest version 🚀 [#1768](
#### Maintenance
- Smoke test master [#1801](
- Fixed Jest warnings [#1744](
# 3.2.9
#### Bug Fixes
- Fix getstorybook CLI for React Native projects [#1741](
#### Documentation
- Improve `addon-info` README options documentation [#1732](
#### Maintenance
- ADD a CLI for bootstrapping [#1216](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- Update lerna to the latest version 🚀 [#1727](
# 3.2.8
#### Bug Fixes
- Fix storyshots with new babel config [#1721](
- Fix CLI generators export [#1722](
#### Documentation
- Add caveat about knobs date defaultValue [#1719](
# 3.2.7
#### Bug Fixes
- Fix storyshots by moving cacheDirectory to webpack config [#1713](
- Revert "Improved error checking in global addDecorator" [#1716](
- Stricter linting rules for imports [#1676](
- Addon Info: Remove broken prop type sort (keep defined order) [#1711](
#### Maintenance
- Enable eslint for vue-related stuff [#1715](
- CLI: ensure explicit dependency on `prop-types` for RN [#1714](
# 3.2.6
#### Features
- Improve search and highlighting [#1693](
- Add centered decorator for vue [#1595](
- Add react-docgen propTypes to info addon [#1562](
#### Bug Fixes
- Fix stories panel resizing bug [#1689](
- Check for React presence when detecting `WEBPACK_REACT` type [#1646](
- Fix Create React App detection [#1645](
- Add dependencies on plugins used by getstorybook CLI [#1652](
- Fix preview window loading non js,css files [#1554](
#### Documentation
- Improve the warning given when using channel before it's defined [#1515](
- Remove imports from README that are not necessary with latest API [#1700](
- Add reminders to PR template [#1683](
- Docgen Flow Type Example [#1684](
#### Maintenance
- Make lint-staged work properly [#1675](
- Move baseFonts and RoutedLink to `@storybook/components` [#1659](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- Switch to babel preset env + async/await/generator support [#1668](
- Upgrade react-native-compat to avoid PropTypes warnings [#1673](
- Change React.PropTypes to prop-types [#1674]( [#1710](
# 3.2.5
#### Features
- Add codemod for deprecated addon-info API [#1582](
#### Bug Fixes
- Fixed addon-knobs for RN [#1635](
- Make links navigate in the parent window [#1650](
- Dont render leftpanel stories tree if stories are empty [#1664](
- Remove double styling for inline stories [#1651](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade react-modal to v2.2.4 [#1666](
# 3.2.4
#### Features
- Hierarchy expansion on search [#1598](
- Add sidebarAnimations config prop [#1601](
- Add hrefs to left menu links [#1523](
- Enable many components of same type in addon-info prop tables [#1607](
- Always collapse an expanded kind in tree view without changing selected story [#1590](
- Option to select an addon panel [#1641](
#### Documentation
- Document how to use info addon as decorator [#1592](
- Add Android simulator instructions for React Native [#1591](
#### Maintenance
- Tree view visual adjustments [#1599](
- Add z-index to shortcuts popup overlay [#1617](
- Use ReactModal for search box [#1548](
- Limit react versions to >=15 [#1613](
# 3.2.3
#### Features
- Use the React Native packager's host by default [#1568](
- Make onDeviceUI default for RN getstorybook [#1571](
#### Documentation
- Add short description to addon-options readme [#1566](
# 3.2.2
#### Bug Fixes
- Fixed build-storybook for vue [#1564](
# 3.2.1
#### Bug Fixes
- Check if hierarchySeparator presents in the options object [#1561](
- React Native &lt;0.43 support [#1555](
#### Documentation
- Fix typo with Vue README referring to react [#1556](
- Add state-setting FAQ [#1559](
# 3.2.0
Storybook 3.2 is filled with new features to help make your components shine! Headline features:
- Vue support [#1267](
- Story Hierarchy [#1329](
- React Native On Device UI [#1413](
Plus many more features, documentation improvements, and bugfixes below!
#### Features
- Vue support [#1267](
- Add support for vue in addon-notes [#1278](
- CLI support for Vue [#1287](
- Story Hierarchy [#1329](
- Story Hierarchy UI improvements [#1387]( [#1356](
- Story Hierarchy - keyboard accessibility [#1427](
- React Native - On Device UI [#1413](
- Show first story on RN OnDeviceUI startup [#1510](
- Added collapsible RN OnDeviceUI navigation [#1544](
- Add warning when module is missing in storiesOf [#1525](
- Provide styling hook for Addon Info story body [#1308](
- Implement filtering on story-level [#1432](
- Refactoring of `addon-info` [#1452](
- ADD storybook logo for inside terminal for future CLI or easteregg [#1499](
- Improved error checking in global addDecorator [#1481](
#### Bug Fixes
- Fix react native example and bootstrapping [#1514](
- Fix a 'funny' hmr issue in cra-kitchen-sink [#1508](
- When timestamps are enabled, it actually checks them before applying changes [#1405](
- Fix issue when extending webpack config [#1468](
- Fix addon notes [#1448](
- Story Hierarchy - initial state bug fix [#1401](
- Remove blue outline when node is focused [#1497](
#### Documentation
- Add hierarchySeparator to README [#1445](
- Document null addons channel in FAQ [#1507](
#### Maintenance
- Revert knobs API to previous API. [#1527](
- FIX hoist-internals: remove existing folder/link before linking [#1516](
- Update global hook for Vue Devtools [#1376](
- SWITCH to circleci over travisCI && CHANGE lerna bootstrap procedure: [#1486](
- Update cra-kitchen-sink package versions for 3.2-alpha [#1434](
- Updating 3.2 alpha release with patches [#1419](
- Remove typescript typings for @storybook/addon-notes [#1344](
- Remove typescript typings for @storybook/addon-options [#1343](
- Remove typescript typings for @storybook/addon-knobs [#1339](
- Remove typescript typings for @storybook/addon-links [#1342](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- Updated babel-plugin-react-docgen version [#1526](
- UPDATE everything (including eslint 4) [#1517](
- Update remark-preset-lint-recommended to the latest version 🚀 [#1512](
- Update remark-cli to the latest version 🚀 [#1498](
- Remove upper bound on react-native peerDependency [#1424](
- Bump `react-split-pane` version [#1495](
# 3.1.9
#### Features
- React fiber support [#1443](
#### Documentation
- Refine docs about loading stories dynamically for react-native [#1420](
#### Bug Fixes
- Verify that name is a string in addons/actions [#1415](
- Knobs: fix label alignment [#1471](
- Fix display of large components [#1237](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- Dependency updates [#1439](
- chore(package): update husky to version 0.14.3 [#1437](
- Update danger to the latest version 🚀 [#1393](
- Update lerna to the latest version 🚀 [#1423](
- Pin gatsby version and upgrade gh-pages [#1462](
# 3.1.8
#### Documentation
- Updated addon knob readme. [#1406](
- Add a FAQ entry for shared config with next [#1390](
- Documented webpack customization example for typescript [#1386](
#### Maintenance
- Removed empty array, since webpack 2 doesn't support them anymore. [#1381](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- Support webpack 3.0.0 [#1410](
- Update react inspector to fix #1385 [#1408](
# 3.1.7
#### Bug Fixes
- Exit storybook build non-zero on stats errors (e.g. errors in the transpilation pipeline) [#1372](
- Fixed regression: CSS entries were not picked up for storybook pages (e.g. when using exract-text-webpack-plugin) [#1363](
#### Documentation
- Document Storybook release process [#1348](
# 3.1.6
#### Bug Fixes
- Remove the `cacheDirectory` option from babel config [#1350](
- websockets (ws) removed `socket.upgradeReq`, so use `req` instead [#1337](
- Ensure we add the correct version of `react-dom` [#1349](
- Addon Info: Fix invalid prop `node.type` supplied to 'Props' [#1351](
- Addon Info: Omit empty inline info header [#1306](
- Addon Actions: Use uuid for action IDs instead of Math.random (fixes #1109) [#1347](
#### Documentation
- Fix welcome instructions to reflect current `getstorybook` [#1358](
- Addon Info: Update README with configuration instructions [#1326](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- Update lint-staged to the latest version 🚀 [#1315](
# 3.1.5
#### Features
- Added flow support to getstorybook upgrade [#1289](
- Added support for the `haul` react-native packager [#1294](
#### Bug Fixes
- Fixed addon knobs proptypes deserialization [#1290](
#### Documentation
- Added search to docs [#1256](
- snapshot testing inverse regex example documentation [#1317](
#### Maintenance
- Refactored storybook component library [#1266](
- Created CRA kitchen sink addons example [#1288](
- Use a pack -> install technique to recreate local packages [#1332](
- Import demo components from @storybook/react [#1303](
# 3.1.4
#### Features
- IMPROVE design of addon-events [#1249](
- Add a `shallowSnapshot` option for storyshots `test` functions [#1232](
#### Bug Fixes
- Fix app entry bug in RN gestorybook [#1280](
- fix(addons/info): Cannot read property 'props' of undefined [#1258](
#### Documentation
- Add versions plugin to docs [#1269](
# 3.1.3
#### Bug Fixes
- Fix `storybook-build` manager-head.html bug [#1248](
# 3.1.2
Minor features including a new "events" addon, as well as the usual bugfixes, cleanup, etc.
#### Features
- Add small design update to addon info package [#1213](
- Add display configuration options to info addon [#1157](
- Add support for multiple webpack chunks in iframe [#1083](
- Add events addon [#1130](
- Allow including files just before manager.bundle.js [#1134](
#### Bug Fixes
- Fixed knobs addon editing bug [#1233](
- Fix bug in addons/graphql in reIndentQuery [#1207](
- Marksy initialized with mtrcConf intead of marksyConf [#1205](
#### Documentation
- Document stories not showing up on storybook UI until device connects [#1221](
- Fixed references to [#1211](
- Updated repository URL to address broken npm images [#1197](
#### Maintenance
- Added a vanilla React Native example app. [#1202](
- Move typings for @storybook/react to @types package [#1199](
- Set ESlint rules more strict 🚑 [#911](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- Update babel docgen plugin to generate docs for React.createClass and createReactClass [#1206](
- Update `marksy` dependecy due broken 1.1.0 version [#1204](
# 3.0.1
Minor bug fixes and documentation updates post 3.0.0 release.
#### Bug Fixes
- Added error message for `addon-options` [#1194](
- Fix(react-native) add missing `ws` dependency [#1174](
- Fix terminal colors by reset console colors explicitly [#1184](
- Fix addon panel layout styling [#1170](
- ADD https import & remove tracking code remains [#1176](
- Fix incorrect babel config file reading [#1156](
- Fixed withKnobs definition. [#1164](
#### Documentation
- Fixed typo in react-native browser instructions [#1189](
- Add instruction for npm install with -D for development dependency [#1168](
- Fix broken link for [addons] in README [#1167](
- Refreshed logo in docs [#1149](
- fix addon broken links in documentation [#1165](
- start-storybook cli - expand commands descriptions [#1161](
- Fix typo in codemod readme [#1158](
#### Dependency Upgrades
- Replaced deprecated `markdown-to-react-components` with `marksy` [#1188](
# 3.0.0
Storybook 3.0 is our first fully community-driven release! Notable changes:
- Moved from `@kadira` to `@storybooks` org across [github](, [npm](, [docs](
- Upgraded to Webpack2! [#637](
- Switched to monorepo and overhauled package structure. [#749]( [#1031](
- Added configuration options to storybooks snapshot testing. [#1090](
- Added `create-react-native-app` support. [#1117](
- Added HTTPS support. [#735](
#### Features
- Added help text to the react-native preview panel [#1142](
- Added create-react-native-app support [#1117](
- Fixed knobs-addon performance issues [#1039](
- Added `snapshotWithOptions` to configure storyshots rendering options [#1090](
- Added custom `test` function for storyshots [#1035](
- Added typescript definition to addon notes [#989](
- Added HTTPS option for dev server [#735](
#### Bug Fixes
- Use strict equality in action logger [#1144](
- FIX addon info and addon storyshots incompatibility [#1129](
- FIX postcss options missing in default webpack config && UPDATE dependencies [#1087](
- Fix CLI had a package version from storybook hardcoded - now queries npm registry [#1079](
- Fix semi broken \_\_docgenInfo integration in addon info [#1030](
- Fix: build-storybook no longer supports relative paths [#1058](
- Fix for types `number` for addon knobs [#1001](
- Fix webpack overriding && Add an example with local file dependencies [#965](
#### Documentation
- Add storybook-addon-intl to addon gallery [#1143](
- 3.0.0 release notes && release notes automation [#1047](
- 3.0.0 migration assistance : codemod, update installation and usage instructions [#1093](
- Add ReactSVGPanZoom to examples list [#1139](
- Show webpack 2 config example in docs: rules not loaders [#1137](
- Merge docs repo into this repo: add /docs [#1131](
- Change brand name from “React Storybook” to “Storybook” [#1044](
- Updated issue triage guidelines [#1024](
#### Maintenance
- Add typings for links add-on [#1154](
- Add react-dom to the devDependency list for React Native projects [#1102](
- Upgrade React Native to webpack 2 config [#1097](
- Add unit tests for addon storyshots [#971](
- Deprecate builtin addons (links and actions) - no longer included by default [#1038](
- change NPM organisation from kadira to storybook in code [#996](
- CHANGE folder structure && CHANGE package-names [#1031](
- Add deprecation warnings when addons are required via main package [#1025](
- Remove text transform uppercase for knob labels [#991](
#### Dependency Upgrades
11 PRs
- Update lerna to the latest version 🚀 [#1101](
- CHANGE to prop-types package for notes & test-cra [#1082](
- update dependencies in cra-storybook [#1080](
- Switch back to non-fork of react-inspector [#1026](
- Dependency updates: webpack, babel, react [#1008](
- Update jest to the latest version 🚀 [#998](
- Update lerna to the latest version 🚀 [#969](
- CHANGE to use react-split-view 0.1.63 over the fork [#956](
- Update lerna to the latest version 🚀 [#915](
- Use jest for unittesting - standardize unit testing epic [#904](
- Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴 [#768](
#### Other
33 PRs
- Added an upgrade mode to getstorybook [#1146](
- Update link to Storyshots addon [#1074](
- Added error message for missing or invalid storyName [#747](
- Opened an Open Collective Account <> [#1065](
- Add propTablesExclude option [#924](
- addon-info: make the info overlay be fixed [#914](
- Handle null elements in getData [#926](
- add description field from \_\_docgenInfo for prop table for info plugin [#929](
- \#959 add a max-height and center element with alignItems: center [#961](
- Switch to the only prepublish script [#903](
- PR review policy [#923](
- Add typescript definitions for getStorybook() [#753](
- Restore deep link for addon docs [#919](
- Fix default storybook webpack config [#922](
- Render the first story for a kind if no story selected. [#918](
- Update docs for monorepo [#913](
- Monorepo readme and contributing [#907](
- Add story kind regex [#906](
- Add examples [#897](
- Add missing repos [#882](
- Switch to monorepo [#749](
- extend devMiddlewareOptions with config.devServer [#723](
- Added meta IE=edge [#715](
- Replace String.includes with String.indexOf: cross-browsing support [#712](
- Issue Triage instructions [#748](
- Simple pull request template [#741](
- Make return type of StoryDecorator nullable [#680](
- Warn if story with a given name already exists [#670](
- Fix spelling mistake - "element form the story" to "element from the story" [#702](
- Remove broken react-button example [#699](
- Fixed spelling error. [#720](
- Cleaner error handling for storiesOf [#672](
- Update links to point to new organization [#721](
# v2.35.3
Allow customConfig to override devtool. [PR668](
# v2.35.2
Fixes issue [#601]( where it throws error when introduce a propType with a hypen. Add a [fix]( to [`babel-plugin-react-docgen`]( to fix this issue.
This release comes with the updated `babel-plugin-react-docgen`.
# v2.35.1
- Revert [PR653]( where it's causing HMR to not working properly.
# v2.35.0
- Using file-loader to load all the extensions [PR653](
- Update css-loader dependency [PR648](
- Check if stories are loaded from Jest [PR644](
# v2.34.0
Open the express router for developers (middleware.js file). [PR435](
# v2.33.1
Update Typescript definition file for global addDecorator. [PR634](
# v2.33.0
Completely avoid re-rendering the preview iframe. [PR631](
# v2.32.2
Update postmsg channel module version [PR627](
# v2.32.1
Add support for react_perf comes with React 15.4.0. [PR623](
# v2.32.0
Incorrect publish (error when running `npm publish`)
# v2.31.0
Add the react-storybook version to the build output. [PR621](
# v2.30.1
Update the postmsg channel module to fix issue [#555]( with [PR611](
# v2.30.0
Update to the new Storybook UI which doesn't use Redux.
# v2.29.7
Update @kadira/storybook-ui to the latest.
# v2.29.6
Fix a typo in the story syntax error messages. [PR610](
# v2.29.5
Check if regex and regex.test is available before calling it. [PR608](
# v2.29.3
Update webpack-hot-middleware to version 2.13.2 to fix the issue [#543](
# v2.29.3
Fix a regression caused by v2.29.2.
There was a text called undefined listed always on the top of the preview.
# v2.29.2
Add various fixes.
- Use webpack chunkhash to enable long-term caching. [PR597](
- Fixed json loader testing for when test is multiple. [PR598](
- Fix usage of custom favicon [PR592](
- Update postcss-loader to v1.1.0 [PR599](
- fix for `` is not available in a static build [PR600](
# v2.29.1
Update babel-plugin-react-docgen to v1.4.1 to fix HOC [issue](
# v2.29.0
Update babel-plugin-react-docgen to 1.4.0.
This will fix some of the compilation issues such as #580.
# v2.28.1
Remove preview decorator support. [PR583](
# v2.28.0
Add preview decorator support. [PR582](
This will help us bring storybook designer with some great power.
# v2.27.0
Add a few usability improvements to Storybook.
- Display storybook version. [PR559](
- Make the storybooks cacheable. [PR578](
- Change the devtool to eval and remove the use of source maps. [PR577](
- Update `babel-preset-react-app` to the latest. [PR576](
- Ship `json-loader` by default. [PR575](
# v2.26.0
Get some new features from CRA.
- Add jsx as a resolve extension [PR563](
- Allow to use postcss for CSS @imports [PR564](
- Use process.env as a proper object [PR565](
# v2.25.1
Add a potential fix to [558]( by updating babel-plugin-react-docgen to the latest(v1.3.2).
# v2.25.0
Add react docgen info into React classes with the react-docgen babel plugin. [PR557](
With this:
- We could get docgen info with any React component class using `ClassName.__docgenInfo`.
- From the global collection: `STORYBOOK_REACT_CLASSES`
Additionally, added `yarn.lock`.
# v2.24.1
Do not show git command output. [PR554](
# v2.24.0
- Export git repository info to support custom tool integrations [PR536](
# v2.23.0
- Remove the experimental database addon from react-storybook [PR535](
# v2.22.0
Add some nice development experiment based on suggestion from Dan Abramov.
- Set a color to the Storybook URL in the console. [PR533](
- Add better error message when there's no React element in the story. [PR534](
# v2.21.0
- Get the latest features from CRA including NODE_PATH support, public folder support and some other minor changes. [#468](
- Also bumped `@kadira/storybook-channel-postmsg` to `^1.0.3`
# v2.20.1
- Fix story kind order bug [PR499](
- Prefix config environment variables [PR503](
# v2.20.0
- Use postMessage channel [PR498](
- Support dynamic panel titles [PR497](
# v2.19.0
- Support layout options [PR494](
- Update Typescript definitions [PR491]( and [PR493](
# v2.18.1
- Stop uglifyjs from mangling names [PR483](
# v2.18.0
- Remove `STORYBOOK_` prefix from config env [PR481](
# v2.17.0
- Add support for StoryShots. [PR479](
- Fix some typos: [PR477]( & [PR478](
# v2.16.1
- Fix the 404 error for `addon-db.json` file [PR472](
- Serve/Bundle the storybook favicon [PR473](
# v2.16.0
- Move the babel config loading logic into a seperate file. [PR469](
- Update airbnd eslint rules to the latest.
# v2.15.1
Add a fix to webpack custom resolve.alias not working. [PR465](
# v2.15.0
- Use @kadira/storybook-addons as a resolve.alias. So, we can support addons for NPM2 too. [PR462](
# v2.14.0
- Watch missing NPM modules and force webpack rebuild. [PR446](
- Fix issue on error message hanging after even it solved. [PR447](
- Allow to reload if HMR goes crazy. [PR448](
- Add support to get custom env variables. [PR450](
# v2.13.1
- Fix 404 error when db file does not exist [PR449](
# v2.13.0
- Fix [#443]( where the static version of Storybook doesn't like Safari.
- Update postcss-loader to 0.13.0.
# v2.12.1
- Parse static directory provided by env as a list. [PR436](
# v2.12.0
- Do not include addon register file on preview. [PR426](
- Update css-loader to version 0.25.0. [PR427](
- Get the head.html values for every page request. [PR432](
# v2.11.0
- Remove babel-polyfill since we don't use it.
- Update versions with the help from greenkeeper. [PR421](
# v2.10.0
- Adding airbnb-js-shims again. [PR419](
# v2.9.1
- Use the config directory to store the addon database file [PR418](
# v2.9.0
- Copy the addon-db.json file when building static storybooks [PR417](
# v2.8.0
- Update @kadira/storybook to get the clean query params feature. See [storybook-ui-PR37](
# v2.7.0
- Add addon database feature [PR415](
# v2.6.1
- Bring back HMR dev logs. [PR412](
# v2.6.0
- Allow start/build params from env variables. [PR413](
# v2.5.2
- Remove the use of babel-runtime/core-js modules. [PR410](
# v2.5.1
- Update @kadira/storybook-ui to v3.3.2
# v2.5.0
- We are no longer shipping extra polyfills anymore. [PR402](
# v2.4.2
- Allow file-loader URLs to work on subpaths. [PR401](
# v2.4.1
- Bump @kadira/storybook ui to v3.3.1 to fix some UI related issues.
# v2.4.0
- Simplify the option to stop tracking. [PR399](
- Use JSON5 instead of CJSON to parse .babelrc. [PR398](
- Add webpack2 support by changing the use of OccurenceOrderPlugin. [PR397](
- Use @kadira/storybook-ui 2.3.0, which has new APIs to set URL for addons.
# v2.3.0
- Implement anonymous usage tracking. [PR384](
# v2.2.3
- Add a hash to media file's filename. Otherwise, it'll cause issues when there are multiple images with the same filename but in different directories. [PR380](
# v2.2.2
- Remove unused extract-text-webpack-plugin. This will add webpack2 support. [PR369](
# v2.2.1
- Use @kadira/storybook-channel modules. [#PR359](
- Update @kadira/storybook-ui to the latest.
# v2.2.0
This release bring some webpack config related optimizations and the NPM2 support. Here are the notable changes:
- Use es6-shim directly into webpack config. [PR355](
- Use the default babel-config based on CRA's config. [PR354](
- Add NPM2 support. [PR356](
- Add autofixer defaults. [PR357](
# v2.1.1
Remove default webpack config for all config types. [PR348](
Now we only use the Create React App based config if there's no custom webpack config.
This will fix issues like [#347](
# v2.1.0
Add support for the addon API. See [PR346](
Here after we are using most of the features including actions,links as plugins.
So, this introduced a huge area to add customizations to Storybook.
Unfortunately, as of this version, there are no docs for this feature. But, you can have a look at these addons:
- actions addon (powers the action logger): [addon-actions](
- links addon (powers the linkTo feature): [addon-links](
Have a look at [here]( to how to configure addons.
# v2.0.0
This is the starting of the next major version of Storybook. This version is almost compatible with `v1.x.x` but defaults have been changes as discussed below. That's why we are starting out a new version.
- Update defaults to match create-react-app. [PR342]( Here are the notable changes:
- Add postcss based CSS loader.
- Add file-loader for images and common types.
- Add url-loader for shorter media files.
- Do not pre-build manager(storybook UI) bundle.
- Continue support for babel's stage-0 preset and add es2016 preset.
- Update @kadira/storybook-ui to v2.6.1 to remove some React warnings.
# v1.41.0
- Fix nodejs require errors [#337](
- Add getStorybook method to client API [#332](
# v1.40.0
- Fix duplicate decorator bug [#335](
# v1.39.1
- Update babel packages [#325](
- Hide HMR info logs [#331](
# v1.39.0
- Update @kadira/storybook-ui to get features from [v2.5.0]( and [v2.6.0](
# v1.38.3
- Add names for action and linkTo functions [#321](
# v1.38.2
- Fix error in prepublish script [#319](
# v1.38.1
- Improve Windows support by writing prepublish script using shelljs [#308](
# v1.38.0
- v1.37.0 was a nightmare since it contains the npm-shrinkwrap.json. Fixed by removing it. See: [#306]( and [#305](
# v1.37.0
- Update @kadira/storybook-ui to 2.4.0
# v1.36.0
- Support watchOptions configuration. See: [PR287](
# v1.35.2
- Add missing font-face to the ErrorDisplay's heading.
# v1.35.1
- Fix issue related to bad error handling. See issue [#275](
# v1.35.0
- Add fuzzy search powered search box and Redux DevTools support via [@kadira/storybook-ui@2.3.0](
# v1.34.1
- Don't always override NODE_ENV in build-storybook. [PR272](
# v1.34.0
- Use storybook-ui v2.2.0 which puts shortcut state into the URL.
# v1.33.0
- Introduce an [extension API]( for Storybook. See: [PR258](
# v1.32.1
- Extend @kadira/storybook-ui provider from it's base Provider.
# v1.32.0
- Use @kadira/storybook-ui as the manager UI with the implemented provider for React. See `client/manager` for more info.
# v1.31.0
- Pass a `context` argument to stories [PR250](
# v1.30.0
- Fuzzy search kinds [PR247](
# v1.29.5
- Update dependency version to fix filter crash [PR246](
# v1.29.4
- Protect index.html/iframe.html from being overwritten [PR243](
# v1.29.3
- Update @kadira/storybook-core version [PR241](
- Add es6-shim by default [PR238](
# v1.29.2
- Use url.resolve instead of path.join [PR240](
# v1.29.1
- Copy missed file on static build [PR236](
# v1.29.0
- Multiple static dirs (comma separated) [PR229](
# v1.28.5
- Support ECMAScript stage-0 [PR228]( to fix [Issue #227](
# v1.28.4
- Support custom webpack public path for dev-server and static build started by [PR226](
# v1.28.3
- Revert [PR226](
# v1.28.2
- Support custom webpack publicPath [PR226](
# v1.28.1
- Add charset meta tags to HTML heads [PR216](
# v1.28.0
- Moved storybook serving code into a middleware to support more advanced use cases.
- Refactored dev server to use storybook middleware [PR211](
# v1.27.0
- Move modules to storybook-core repo. [PR196](
- Add stack-source-map again only for Chrome to get better error stacks.
- Add ability to control the hostname. See [PR195]( and [PR198](
# v1.26.0
- Ensure asset directory exists in the static-builder.
# v1.25.0
- Fix several publishing related issues. See: [#188](
- Fix babel extends issue. See: [PR185](
- Fix issue with removing a preset from users babelrc.
- Fixes: [#183](
- [PR184](
- Make left panel scrollable with keeping the filterbox always. See: [PR182](
- Add `qs` as a direct dependency as it's used in preview.
# v1.24.0
- Add a potential fix for the double scrollbar issue. See: [179](
- Add scrolling support to the left panel. Fixes [#177](
- Remove NODE_ENV=production flag. Fixes [#158](
# v1.23.0
- Add shortcuts to jump to previous and next stories. See [PR176](
- Fix loader concatenation bug specially when custom config doesn't have a loaders section. [PR173](
# v1.22.1
- Add a potential fix for [#167](
- basically, this moved back babel-packages required by webpack.
# v1.22.0
- Improve the static builder time.
# v1.21.0
- Add configType argument to custom config function. See: [PR169](
- Add the unicode version of the Keyboard Shortcut Icon. See: [PR170](
# v1.20.0
- Allow to configure webpack as the user wants. See [PR160](
- Add typescript typings support for the core API. See [PR157](
- Implement Mantra architecture and some new features including permalinks, full screen support. See: [PR165](
- Remove some typo in docs. See: [PR154](
- Move UI testing libraries to devDependencies. See: [PR153](
# v1.19.0
- Add airbnb-js-shims to client-side JS. See: [PR147](
- Remove self-closing div tag, which is invalid HTML. See: [PR148](
- Search for a .babelrc in the storybook config directory first, then the project root. See: [PR149](
# v1.18.0
- Link Storybook menu to the repo. See: [PR137](
- Implement keyboard shortcuts and fuzzy search. See: [PR141](
# v1.17.2
- Fix an error which only occurs on Firefox. See: [PR144](
# v1.17.1
- Fix a regression introduce by `v1.17.0`. See: [PR133](
# v1.17.0
- Check all the arguments passed to action for events. See: [PR132](
# v1.16.1
- Fix action logs highlighting issue, which comes as a regression of [PR126](
# v1.16.0
- Prevent re-rendering the preview iframe when there is an action.
- Related issue: [#116](
- Related PR: [PR126](
# v1.15.0
- Improve action logger UI and increase max log count to 10. See [PR123](
# v1.14.0
- Add syntax highlights to the logger. See: [PR118](
# v1.13.0
- Add some UI test cases. See [PR103](
- Implement `.addDecorator()` API. See [PR115](
- Add code folding support. See [PR111](
# v1.12.0
- Add support for webpack module preLoaders. See: [PR107](
# v1.11.0
- Add support for React DevTools. See: [PR104](
# v1.10.2
Fix various issues related to static bundling.
- Add custom head generation to static build as well.
- Use relative urls so, static sites can be host with paths (GH Pages)
- Identify SyntheticEvent using feature detection. UglifyJS mangal class names, so we can't use classnames to detect a SyntheticEvent in the static build.
# v1.10.1
- Don't serve index.html in static directory as a site index. See [PR100](
- Use cjson for parsing .babelrc files (support comments). See [PR98](
- Remove the dist directory before running babel to avoid older code. See [PR101](
# v1.10.0
- Add custom head support inside the iframe. See [PR77](
- Unmount components before rendering into DOM node. Fix: [#81](
- Add a static file builder. See [PR88](
- Fix search box's lineHeight to work with all the browsers. See: [PR94](
- Add the search box. See: [PR91](
# v1.9.0
Add some minor improvements.
- Avoid deprecated warning in Chrome Canary. See: [PR85](
- Fix the React Warning about CSS property. See: [PR84](
- Transition on latest logged action. See: [PR80](
# v1.8.0
- Add story linking functionality.
- [Documentation](
- Original feature request: [#50](
- Implementation: [PR86](
# v1.7.0
- Add support to React v15.0.0.
# v1.6.0
- Make scrollable layout. See: [PR](
- Add npm3 requirement to the `package.json`.
- Add `react` and `react-dom` to devDependencies.
# v1.5.0
- Add support for most of the custom webpack configuration. See [PR64](
# v1.4.0
- Add CLI option to specify the config dir. See [PR52](
# v1.3.0
- Load the `.babelrc` manually. Fixed: [#41](
- Add a better contributing guide. See [](
- Add a development utility `npm run dev` which watches "src" directory and run `npm run prepublish`.
# v1.2.0
- Add a button to clear logs in the ActionLogger. This is requested in [PR21](
- Remove navigation list order hijacking. See [commit](
- Fix a typo in .gitignore. See [PR31](
- Add support for JSX. See [PR18](
# v1.1.0
- v1.0.0 was a mistake and it contains very old code. That's why we had to do a 1.1.0 release.
# v1.0.0
- Yeah!