96LawDawg edited this page 2024-01-26 11:52:54 -06:00

Tutorials are intended to explain a particular concept or group of concepts in the programming system.

Tutorial files are available in the main library. Click on the filter at the top of the screen that defaults to Games and instead select Tutorials. Alternatively, go to https://virtualtabletop.io/Tutorials#tutorials and see all the tutorials available in one room already loaded. If you click on this link, it will automatically display all the available tutorials when you click on the Game Shelf because the link has #tutorials at the end of the URL. Without that at the end, the Game Shelf would default to opening games and not tutorials. This room may be used by multiple people at the same time, so please be considerate if changing to a different tutorial while someone else is in the room. Also, please do not add any games or tutorials to the Game Shelf in that room. Finally, the list of all tutorials is given in chronological form in the Public Library Change Log.

You can read the descriptions, play around with them, and look at the widget definitions in edit mode. If you have an improvement, have a question, or want to develop your own tutorial, check out the #tutorial channel on Discord.

If you want to contribute to the tutorials, be sure to read the Public Library Guidelines.

Copyright notice

All tutorials used on virtualtabletop.io have the approval of their developers to release the tutorial to the Public Domain under CC0. The graduate icon in the library images is from https://fontawesome.com and is available under CC BY 4.0.