Helping out
96LawDawg edited this page 2025-01-23 09:54:44 -06:00

Probably more than anything else, right now we need help with the edit mode user interface. If you want to help, let us know in the #general channel in Discord.

If you can program in JavaScript and want to help write code to address issues posted on GitHub, go ahead and start coding. We need people who want to focus on client-side issues and server-side issues, although most are client-side.

Even if you don't know JavaScript, you can help by joining GitHub and reviewing and commenting on issues (highlighting bugs or requested features) and pull requests (used to make changes to the code).

Report any bugs you find. It's best to do that by creating an issue in GitHub, but even if you haven't joined GitHub, you can report in any appropriate channel in Discord.

Please take a look at GitHub and Pull Requests for some basic information on how we use GitHub, including a link to a video on how to create a Pull Request.

We need people to help write tutorials. If you had to figure something out on your own and you did, then turn that into a tutorial. Contact us on the #tutorials channel in Discord for advice and support.

We also need people to edit the wikis. There are many things we would like to cross-reference, but just haven't had the time yet. Let us know on the #wiki channel if you want to help.

We are always looking to expand our public library. Build a game that meets those criteria and submit it. We also have a "Dev Game Night" (night being relative to where you are since our users are located all around the globe) where we play public library games and try to make them better. Join in on one of those (see the #dev-game-night channel in Discord).

Finally, this platform is entirely user-supported. If you are interested in helping, Please consider donating using PayPal to donate@virtualtabletop.io or at through Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/virtualtabletop. 😀