GitHub and Pull Requests
ArnoldSmith86 edited this page 2023-01-30 13:29:16 +01:00

The VirtualTabletop library is structured as a main module, at https://github.com/ArnoldSmith86/virtualtabletop, that also contains all of the public library games.

You should feel free (in fact, you are encouraged) to open an issue for anything you feel is working incorrectly or could be improved.

To fix existing issues, you can either branch directly from https://github.com/ArnoldSmith86/virtualtabletop (if given permission by the repository owner), or create your own fork and use that for development. Our convention is that a pull request (PR) may be merged 24 hours after one approval is received. However, in practice, for anything that is even slightly difficult, we encourage waiting until there has been both a testing review and a code review (though again only one formal approval is required.)

When a PR is created, a test room is automatically created at https: //test.virtualtabletop.io/PR-(PR number)/pr-test. You can create additional rooms in that URL as usual to perform more testing. Once the PR is merged, the rooms in that test area are available as https://virtualtabletop.io/PR(NUMBER)-(ROOM-NAME).

Note that you can do VirtualTabletop development using (for example) Docker or GitPod. See Docker for more information on the use of Docker. There is also a video at https://test.virtualtabletop.io/static/pr.webm, which you are strongly encouraged to watch (about 17 minutes) that describes the use of GitPod for VirtualTabletop in some detail, demonstrates creating a simple PR, and demonstrates the use of the browser's debugger.