FAQ for Newcomers
Roger Lipsett edited this page 2021-11-13 10:25:45 -05:00

Welcome to virtualtabletop.io (VTT)!

You should start by reading Playing Games. This will give you an overview of how VTT works as a game-playing platform, including information about loading and storing games. If playing games is the only way in which you want to utilize VTT, this should be all you need to read. But in any case we recommend joining our Discord server. There you will be able to ask questions about how VTT works.

If you want to modify an existing game, or do game development, you should start by reading Creating Games. This section will give you an overview of how to create a game, and will point you to the other sections in this Wiki that provide more detailed information. In particular, you will want to use the pages in section 2, Developer Documentation, as a reference, and we encourage you to at least read the introductory section to each of those pages.

Finally, if you want to contribute to VTT development, please read Helping Out.

Enjoy! And don't be shy about asking questions in Discord; you will find a helpful and responsive audience.