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synced 2025-03-18 05:02:24 +08:00
Doc: If you need reproducible dependencies, which is usually the case with the continuous integration systems, you should pass --frozen-lockfile flag. > yarn install --frozen-lockfile > Don’t generate a yarn.lock lockfile and fail if an update is needed.
614 lines
16 KiB
614 lines
16 KiB
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.*
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.buildFeatures.PullRequests
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.buildFeatures.commitStatusPublisher
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.buildFeatures.pullRequests
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.buildFeatures.swabra
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.buildSteps.ScriptBuildStep
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.buildSteps.script
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.failureConditions.BuildFailureOnMetric
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.failureConditions.failOnMetricChange
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.projectFeatures.buildReportTab
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.projectFeatures.githubConnection
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.triggers.VcsTrigger
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.triggers.vcs
The settings script is an entry point for defining a TeamCity
project hierarchy. The script should contain a single call to the
project() function with a Project instance or an init function as
an argument.
VcsRoots, BuildTypes, Templates, and subprojects can be
registered inside the project using the vcsRoot(), buildType(),
template(), and subProject() methods respectively.
To debug settings scripts in command-line, run the
mvnDebug org.jetbrains.teamcity:teamcity-configs-maven-plugin:generate
command and attach your debugger to the port 8000.
To debug in IntelliJ Idea, open the 'Maven Projects' tool window (View
-> Tool Windows -> Maven Projects), find the generate task node
(Plugins -> teamcity-configs -> teamcity-configs:generate), the
'Debug' option is available in the context menu for the task.
version = "2019.2"
project {
defaultTemplate = Common
buildTypesOrderIds = arrayListOf(
features {
githubConnection {
id = "PROJECT_EXT_6"
displayName = "GitHub.com"
clientId = "800d730c725f771d6d2a"
clientSecret = "credentialsJSON:d1a5af15-1200-46c6-b0f1-f35bd466d909"
buildReportTab {
id = "PROJECT_EXT_8"
title = "Official"
startPage = "built-storybooks.tar.gz!official-storybook/index.html"
object Common: Template({
name = "Common"
vcs {
checkoutMode = CheckoutMode.ON_AGENT
checkoutDir = "storybook/%teamcity.build.branch%"
features {
commitStatusPublisher {
id = "Commit status publisher"
publisher = github {
githubUrl = "https://api.github.com"
authType = personalToken {
token = "credentialsJSON:5273320e-14be-4317-951e-a54c4dcca35d"
param("github_oauth_user", "Hypnosphi")
swabra {
id = "swabra"
verbose = true
paths = """
pullRequests {
id = "Pull requests"
provider = github {
authType = vcsRoot()
filterAuthorRole = PullRequests.GitHubRoleFilter.EVERYBODY
object Build : BuildType({
name = "Build"
steps {
script {
scriptContent = """
set -e -x
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
yarn bootstrap --core
dockerImage = "node:10"
dockerImagePlatform = ScriptBuildStep.ImagePlatform.Linux
artifactRules = """
+:**/dist/** => dist.tar.gz
+:**/dll/** => dist.tar.gz
-:**/node_modules/** => dist.tar.gz
object ExamplesProject : Project({
name = "Examples"
object ExamplesTemplate : Template({
name = "Examples Template"
dependencies {
dependency(Build) {
snapshot {
onDependencyFailure = FailureAction.CANCEL
artifacts {
artifactRules = "dist.tar.gz!** => ."
steps {
script {
scriptContent = """
set -e -x
yarn install
rm -rf built-storybooks
mkdir -p built-storybooks
yarn build-storybooks
dockerImage = "buildkite/puppeteer"
dockerImagePlatform = ScriptBuildStep.ImagePlatform.Linux
artifactRules = "built-storybooks => built-storybooks.tar.gz"
params {
param("env.CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL", "5")
object Examples1 : BuildType({
name = "Examples 1"
templates = listOf(ExamplesTemplate)
params {
param("env.CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX", "0")
disableSettings("Commit status publisher")
object Examples2 : BuildType({
name = "Examples 2"
templates = listOf(ExamplesTemplate)
params {
param("env.CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX", "1")
disableSettings("Commit status publisher")
object Examples3 : BuildType({
name = "Examples 3"
templates = listOf(ExamplesTemplate)
params {
param("env.CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX", "2")
disableSettings("Commit status publisher")
object Examples4 : BuildType({
name = "Examples 4"
templates = listOf(ExamplesTemplate)
params {
param("env.CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX", "3")
disableSettings("Commit status publisher")
object Examples5 : BuildType({
name = "Examples 5"
templates = listOf(ExamplesTemplate)
params {
param("env.CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX", "4")
disableSettings("Commit status publisher")
object AggregateExamples : BuildType({
name = "Aggregate Examples"
dependencies {
dependency(Examples1) {
snapshot {
onDependencyFailure = FailureAction.CANCEL
artifacts {
artifactRules = "built-storybooks.tar.gz!** => built-storybooks"
dependency(Examples2) {
snapshot {
onDependencyFailure = FailureAction.CANCEL
artifacts {
artifactRules = "built-storybooks.tar.gz!** => built-storybooks"
dependency(Examples3) {
snapshot {
onDependencyFailure = FailureAction.CANCEL
artifacts {
artifactRules = "built-storybooks.tar.gz!** => built-storybooks"
dependency(Examples4) {
snapshot {
onDependencyFailure = FailureAction.CANCEL
artifacts {
artifactRules = "built-storybooks.tar.gz!** => built-storybooks"
dependency(Examples5) {
snapshot {
onDependencyFailure = FailureAction.CANCEL
artifacts {
artifactRules = "built-storybooks.tar.gz!** => built-storybooks"
artifactRules = "built-storybooks => built-storybooks.tar.gz"
object E2E : BuildType({
name = "E2E"
dependencies {
dependency(AggregateExamples) {
snapshot {
onDependencyFailure = FailureAction.CANCEL
artifacts {
artifactRules = "built-storybooks.tar.gz!** => built-storybooks"
steps {
script {
scriptContent = """
set -e -x
yarn install
yarn cypress install
yarn serve-storybooks &
yarn await-serve-storybooks
yarn cypress run --reporter teamcity || :
yarn ts-node --transpile-only cypress/report-teamcity-metadata.ts || :
dockerImage = "cypress/base:10.18.1"
dockerImagePlatform = ScriptBuildStep.ImagePlatform.Linux
artifactRules = """
cypress/screenshots => screenshots.tar.gz
cypress/videos => videos.tar.gz
failureConditions {
failOnMetricChange {
metric = BuildFailureOnMetric.MetricType.TEST_COUNT
units = BuildFailureOnMetric.MetricUnit.DEFAULT_UNIT
comparison = BuildFailureOnMetric.MetricComparison.LESS
compareTo = value()
object SmokeTests : BuildType({
name = "Smoke Tests"
dependencies {
dependency(Build) {
snapshot {
onDependencyFailure = FailureAction.CANCEL
artifacts {
artifactRules = "dist.tar.gz!** => ."
steps {
script {
scriptContent = """
set -e -x
yarn install
cd examples/cra-kitchen-sink
yarn storybook --smoke-test --quiet
cd ../cra-ts-kitchen-sink
yarn storybook --smoke-test --quiet
cd ../vue-kitchen-sink
yarn storybook --smoke-test --quiet
cd ../svelte-kitchen-sink
yarn storybook --smoke-test --quiet
cd ../angular-cli
yarn storybook --smoke-test --quiet
cd ../ember-cli
yarn storybook --smoke-test --quiet
cd ../marko-cli
yarn storybook --smoke-test --quiet
cd ../official-storybook
yarn storybook --smoke-test --quiet
cd ../mithril-kitchen-sink
yarn storybook --smoke-test --quiet
cd ../riot-kitchen-sink
yarn storybook --smoke-test --quiet
cd ../preact-kitchen-sink
yarn storybook --smoke-test --quiet
cd ../cra-react15
yarn storybook --smoke-test --quiet
dockerImage = "node:10"
dockerImagePlatform = ScriptBuildStep.ImagePlatform.Linux
object Frontpage : BuildType({
name = "Frontpage"
type = Type.DEPLOYMENT
steps {
script {
scriptContent = """
set -e -x
yarn bootstrap --install
node ./scripts/build-frontpage.js
dockerImage = "node:10"
dockerImagePlatform = ScriptBuildStep.ImagePlatform.Linux
triggers {
vcs {
quietPeriodMode = VcsTrigger.QuietPeriodMode.USE_DEFAULT
triggerRules = "-:.teamcity/**"
branchFilter = "+:master"
object Docs : BuildType({
name = "Docs"
type = Type.DEPLOYMENT
steps {
script {
workingDir = "docs"
scriptContent = """
set -e -x
yarn install
yarn build
dockerImage = "node:10"
dockerImagePlatform = ScriptBuildStep.ImagePlatform.Linux
triggers {
vcs {
quietPeriodMode = VcsTrigger.QuietPeriodMode.USE_DEFAULT
triggerRules = "-:.teamcity/**"
branchFilter = """
object Lint : BuildType({
name = "Lint"
dependencies {
dependency(Build) {
snapshot {
onDependencyFailure = FailureAction.CANCEL
artifacts {
artifactRules = "dist.tar.gz!** => ."
steps {
script {
scriptContent = """
set -e -x
yarn install
# TODO remove after merging
mkdir temp-eslint-teamcity
cd temp-eslint-teamcity
yarn init -y
yarn add -D eslint-teamcity
cd ..
yarn lint:js --format ./temp-eslint-teamcity/node_modules/eslint-teamcity/index.js .
yarn lint:md .
dockerImage = "node:10"
dockerImagePlatform = ScriptBuildStep.ImagePlatform.Linux
failureConditions {
failOnMetricChange {
metric = BuildFailureOnMetric.MetricType.INSPECTION_ERROR_COUNT
threshold = 0
units = BuildFailureOnMetric.MetricUnit.DEFAULT_UNIT
comparison = BuildFailureOnMetric.MetricComparison.MORE
compareTo = value()
object Test : BuildType({
name = "Test"
dependencies {
dependency(Build) {
snapshot {
onDependencyFailure = FailureAction.CANCEL
artifacts {
artifactRules = "dist.tar.gz!** => ."
steps {
script {
scriptContent = """
set -e -x
yarn install
# TODO remove after merging
mkdir temp-jest-teamcity
cd temp-jest-teamcity
yarn init -y
yarn add -D jest-teamcity
cd ..
yarn jest --coverage -w 2 --reporters=${'$'}PWD/temp-jest-teamcity/node_modules/jest-teamcity
dockerImage = "node:10"
dockerImagePlatform = ScriptBuildStep.ImagePlatform.Linux
artifactRules = "coverage => coverage.tar.gz"
object Coverage : BuildType({
name = "Coverage"
dependencies {
dependency(Test) {
snapshot {
onDependencyFailure = FailureAction.CANCEL
artifacts {
artifactRules = "coverage.tar.gz!** => coverage"
steps {
script {
scriptContent = """
set -e -x
yarn install
yarn coverage
dockerImage = "node:10"
dockerImagePlatform = ScriptBuildStep.ImagePlatform.Linux
object TestWorkflow : BuildType({
name = "Test Workflow"
type = Type.COMPOSITE
maxRunningBuilds = 2
dependencies {
snapshot(E2E) {}
snapshot(SmokeTests) {}
snapshot(Lint) {}
snapshot(Coverage) {}
triggers {
vcs {
quietPeriodMode = VcsTrigger.QuietPeriodMode.USE_DEFAULT
triggerRules = "-:.teamcity/**"
branchFilter = """