2021-08-09 19:19:01 +01:00

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<!--- YourComponent.stories.mdx -->
import { Meta, Story, Canvas } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
import { YourComponent } from './your-component';
<Meta title="Example of how to use argTypes and functions" />
<!---👇 A function to apply some computations -->
export const someFunction = (valuePropertyA, valuePropertyB) => {
<!--- Makes some computations and returns something -->
export const Template = ({propertyA,propertyB,})=>{
<!---👇 Assigns the function result to a variable -->
const someFunctionResult = someFunction(propertyA, propertyB);
return <YourComponent someProperty={someFunctionResult} {} />;
name="A complex case with a function"
propertyA: {
options: [
'Item One',
'Item Two',
'Item Three'
propertyB: {
options: [
'Another Item One',
'Another Item Two',
'Another Item Three'
propertyA: 'Item One',
propertyB: 'Another Item One',