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synced 2025-03-29 05:04:31 +08:00
202 lines
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202 lines
6.4 KiB
const mdxToJsx = require('@mdx-js/mdx/mdx-hast-to-jsx');
const parser = require('@babel/parser');
const generate = require('@babel/generator').default;
const camelCase = require('lodash/camelCase');
// Generate the MDX as is, but append named exports for every
// story in the contents
const STORY_REGEX = /^<Story[\s>]/;
const PREVIEW_REGEX = /^<Preview[\s>]/;
const META_REGEX = /^<Meta[\s>]/;
const RESERVED = /^(?:do|if|in|for|let|new|try|var|case|else|enum|eval|false|null|this|true|void|with|await|break|catch|class|const|super|throw|while|yield|delete|export|import|public|return|static|switch|typeof|default|extends|finally|package|private|continue|debugger|function|arguments|interface|protected|implements|instanceof)$/;
function getAttr(elt, what) {
const attr = elt.attributes.find(n => n.name.name === what);
return attr && attr.value;
function getStoryFn(name, counter) {
if (name) {
const storyFn = camelCase(name.replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/g, '-'));
if (storyFn.length > 1 && !RESERVED.exec(storyFn)) {
return storyFn;
return `story${counter}`;
function genStoryExport(ast, counter) {
let storyName = getAttr(ast.openingElement, 'name');
let storyId = getAttr(ast.openingElement, 'id');
storyName = storyName && storyName.value;
storyId = storyId && storyId.value;
if (!storyId && !storyName) {
throw new Error('Expected a story name or ID attribute');
// We don't generate exports for story references or the smart "current story"
if (storyId || !storyName) {
return null;
// console.log('genStoryExport', JSON.stringify(ast, null, 2));
const statements = [];
const storyFn = getStoryFn(storyName, counter);
let body = ast.children.find(n => n.type !== 'JSXText');
let storyCode = null;
if (!body) {
// plain text node
const { code } = generate(ast.children[0], {});
storyCode = `'${code}'`;
} else {
if (body.type === 'JSXExpressionContainer') {
// FIXME: handle fragments
body = body.expression;
const { code } = generate(body, {});
storyCode = code;
`export const ${storyFn} = () => (
if (storyName !== storyFn) {
statements.push(`${storyFn}.title = '${storyName}';`);
let parameters = getAttr(ast.openingElement, 'parameters');
parameters = parameters && parameters.expression;
const source = `\`${storyCode.replace(/`/g, '\\`')}\``;
if (parameters) {
const { code: params } = generate(parameters, {});
// FIXME: hack in the story's source as a parameter
statements.push(`${storyFn}.parameters = { mdxSource: ${source}, ...${params} };`);
} else {
statements.push(`${storyFn}.parameters = { mdxSource: ${source} };`);
// console.log(statements);
return [statements.join('\n')];
function genPreviewExports(ast, counter) {
// console.log('genPreviewExports', JSON.stringify(ast, null, 2));
let localCounter = counter;
const previewExports = [];
for (let i = 0; i < ast.children.length; i += 1) {
const child = ast.children[i];
if (child.type === 'JSXElement' && child.openingElement.name.name === 'Story') {
const storyExport = genStoryExport(child, localCounter);
if (storyExport) {
localCounter += 1;
return previewExports;
function genMetaExport(ast) {
let title = getAttr(ast.openingElement, 'title');
let parameters = getAttr(ast.openingElement, 'parameters');
let decorators = getAttr(ast.openingElement, 'decorators');
title = title && `title: '${title.value}',`;
if (parameters && parameters.expression) {
const { code: params } = generate(parameters.expression, {});
parameters = `parameters: ${params},`;
if (decorators && decorators.expression) {
const { code: decos } = generate(decorators.expression, {});
decorators = `decorators: ${decos},`;
return `const componentMeta = { ${title || ''} ${parameters || ''} ${decorators || ''} };`;
function getExports(node, counter) {
const { value, type } = node;
if (type === 'jsx') {
if (STORY_REGEX.exec(value)) {
// Single story
const ast = parser.parseExpression(value, { plugins: ['jsx'] });
const storyExport = genStoryExport(ast, counter);
return storyExport && { stories: [storyExport] };
if (PREVIEW_REGEX.exec(value)) {
// Preview, possibly containing multiple stories
const ast = parser.parseExpression(value, { plugins: ['jsx'] });
return { stories: genPreviewExports(ast, counter) };
if (META_REGEX.exec(value)) {
// Preview, possibly containing multiple stories
const ast = parser.parseExpression(value, { plugins: ['jsx'] });
return { meta: genMetaExport(ast) };
return null;
// insert `mdxKind` into the context so that we can know what "kind" we're rendering into
// when we render <Story name="xxx">...</Story>, since this MDX can be attached to any `selectedKind`!
const wrapperJs = `
const mdxKind = componentMeta.title || componentMeta.displayName;
const WrappedMDXContent = ({ context }) => <DocsContainer context={{...context, mdxKind}} content={MDXContent} />;
componentMeta.parameters = componentMeta.parameters || {};
componentMeta.parameters.docs = WrappedMDXContent;
function extractExports(node, options) {
// we're overriding default export
const defaultJsx = mdxToJsx.toJSX(node, {}, { ...options, skipExport: true });
const storyExports = [];
let metaExport = null;
let counter = 0;
node.children.forEach(n => {
const exports = getExports(n, counter);
if (exports) {
const { stories, meta } = exports;
if (stories) {
stories.forEach(story => {
counter += 1;
if (meta) {
if (metaExport) {
throw new Error('Meta can only be declared once');
metaExport = meta;
if (!metaExport) {
metaExport = 'const componentMeta = { };';
const fullJsx = [
'import { DocsContainer } from "@storybook/addon-docs/blocks";',
'export default componentMeta;',
return fullJsx;
function createCompiler(mdxOptions) {
return function compiler(options = {}) {
this.Compiler = tree => extractExports(tree, options, mdxOptions);
module.exports = createCompiler;