Norbert de Langen 6dbbb344e2
2017-11-19 22:06:15 +01:00
2017-11-19 00:33:35 +01:00
2017-11-18 21:14:38 +01:00
2017-11-19 22:06:15 +01:00
2017-11-11 15:48:05 +01:00
2017-11-11 15:48:05 +01:00

Storybook addon Jest

Brings Jest results in storybook.

Storybook Jest Addon Demo

Checkout the above Live Storybook.

Getting started


npm install --save-dev @storybook/addon-jest


yarn add --dev @storybook/addon-jest

Jest Configuration

When running Jest, be sure to save the results in a json file:


"scripts": {
  "test": "jest --json --outputFile=.jest-test-results.json"

Add it the result file to .gitignore:


Generating the test results

You should run jest before you start storybook and have the json file generated prior. During development you will likely start jest in watch-mode and so the json file will be re-generated every time code or tests change.

npm run test:generate-output -- --watch

This change will then be HMR (hot module reloaded) using webpack and displayed by this addon.

If you want to pre-run jest automaticly during development or a static build, you may need to consider that if your tests fail, the script receives a non-0 exit code and will exit. You could create a prebuild:storybook npm script, which will never fail by appending || true:

"scripts": {
  "test:generate-output": "jest --json --outputFile=.jest-test-results.json || true",
  "test": "jest",
  "prebuild:storybook": "npm run test:generate-output",
  "build:storybook": "build-storybook -c .storybook -o build/",
  "predeploy": "npm run build:storybook",
  "deploy": "gh-pages -d build/",


Register addon at .storybook/addons.js

import '@storybook/addon-jest/register';


Assuming that you have created a test files MyComponent.test.js and MyOtherComponent.test.js

In your story.js

import jestTestResults from '../.jest-test-results.json';
import withTests from '@storybook/addon-jest';

storiesOf('MyComponent', module)
  .addDecorator(withTests(jestTestResults, { filesExt: '.test.js' })('MyComponent', 'MyOtherComponent'));

Or in order to avoid importing .jest-test-results.json in each story, you can create a simple file withTests.js:

import jestTestResults from '../.jest-test-results.json';
import withTests from '@storybook/addon-jest';

export default withTests(jestTestResults, {
  filesExt: '.test.js',

Then in your story:

// import your file
import withTests from '.withTests';

storiesOf('MyComponent', module)
  .addDecorator(withTests('MyComponent', 'MyOtherComponent'));


The panel comes with a basic design. If you want to make it look a bit nicer, you add github markdown style by importing it in .storybook/addons.js

import '@storybook/addon-jest/register';
import '@storybook/addon-jest/styles';


  • Add coverage
  • Display nested test better (describe)
  • Display the date of the test
  • Add unit tests
  • Add linting
  • Split


Every ideas and contributions are welcomed.


MIT © 2017-present Renaud Tertrais