import { spawn } from 'child_process'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import { readdir as readdirRaw, readFileSync, existsSync } from 'fs'; import { join } from 'path'; import program from 'commander'; import prompts from 'prompts'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import { getDeployables } from './utils/list-examples'; import { filterDataForCurrentCircleCINode } from './utils/concurrency'; program .option( '--skip ', 'Skip an example, accepts multiple values like "--skip vue-kitchen-sink official-storybook"', (value, previous) => previous.concat([value]), [] ) .option('--all', `run e2e tests for every example`, false); program.parse(process.argv); const { all: shouldRunAllExamples, args: exampleArgs, skip: examplesToSkip } = program; const readdir = promisify(readdirRaw); const p = (l) => join(__dirname, '..', ...l); const logger = console; const exec = async (command, args = [], options = {}) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const child = spawn(command, args, { ...options, stdio: 'inherit', shell: true }); child .on('close', (code) => { if (code) { reject(); } else { resolve(); } }) .on('error', (e) => { logger.error(e); reject(); }); }); // TODO think if this filter is what we want for smoke tests const hasBuildScript = (l) => { const text = readFileSync(l, 'utf8'); const json = JSON.parse(text); return !!json.scripts['build-storybook']; }; const handleExamples = async (deployables) => { await deployables.reduce(async (acc, d) => { await acc; logger.log(''); logger.log(`-----------------${Array(d.length).fill('-').join('')}`); logger.log(`▶️ smoke-testing: ${d}`); logger.log(`-----------------${Array(d.length).fill('-').join('')}`); const cwd = p(['examples', d]); // ensure web-components example works, because it's outside the yarn workspace if (existsSync(join(cwd, 'yarn.lock'))) { await exec(`yarn`, [`install`], { cwd }); } await exec(`yarn`, ['storybook', '--smoke-test', '--quiet'], { cwd }); logger.log('-------'); logger.log(`✅ ${d} passed`); logger.log('-------'); }, Promise.resolve()); }; const run = async () => { const allExamples = await readdir(p(['examples'])); // if a specific example is passed, use it. Else use all let examplesToBuild = exampleArgs.length > 0 ? exampleArgs : allExamples.filter((example) => !example.includes('README')); if (examplesToSkip.length > 0) { logger.log(`⏭ Will skip the following examples: ${chalk.yellow(examplesToSkip.join(', '))}`); examplesToBuild = examplesToBuild.filter((example) => !examplesToSkip.includes(example)); } if (!shouldRunAllExamples && exampleArgs.length === 0) { const { selectedExamples } = await prompts([ { type: 'autocompleteMultiselect', message: 'Select the examples to smoke-test', name: 'selectedExamples', min: 1, hint: 'You can also run directly with example name like `yarn smoketest-storybooks official-example`, or `yarn smoketest-storybooks --all` for all examples!', choices: => { return { value: exampleName, title: exampleName, selected: false, }; }), }, ]); examplesToBuild = selectedExamples; } const list = getDeployables(examplesToBuild, hasBuildScript); const deployables = filterDataForCurrentCircleCINode(list); if (deployables.length) { logger.log(`🏗 Will smoke test: ${chalk.cyan(deployables.join(', '))}`); await handleExamples(deployables); } }; run().catch((e) => { logger.error(e); process.exit(1); });