#!/usr/bin/env node /* eslint-disable global-require */ const { spawn } = require('child_process'); const { promisify } = require('util'); const { readdir: readdirRaw, readFile: readFileRaw, statSync, cop } = require('fs'); const { join } = require('path'); const readdir = promisify(readdirRaw); const readFile = promisify(readFileRaw); const p = l => join(__dirname, '..', ...l); const logger = console; const exec = async (command, args = [], options = {}) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const child = spawn(command, args, { ...options, stdio: 'inherit' }); child.on('close', code => { if (code) { reject(); } else { resolve(); } }); }); const hasBuildScript = async l => { const text = await readFile(l, 'utf8'); const json = JSON.parse(text); return !!json.scripts['build-storybook']; }; const handleExamples = async files => { const deployables = files.filter(f => { const packageJsonLocation = p(['examples', f, 'package.json']); const stats = statSync(packageJsonLocation); return stats.isFile() && hasBuildScript(packageJsonLocation); }); await deployables.reduce(async (acc, d) => { await acc; logger.log(''); logger.log( `-----------------${Array(d.length) .fill('-') .join('')}` ); logger.log(`▶️ building: ${d}`); logger.log( `-----------------${Array(d.length) .fill('-') .join('')}` ); const out = p(['built-storybooks', d]); const cwd = p(['examples', d]); await exec(`yarn`, [`build-storybook`, `--output-dir=${out}`, '--quiet'], { cwd }); logger.log('-------'); logger.log('✅ done'); logger.log('-------'); }, Promise.resolve()); const copy = require('recursive-copy'); const target = 'official-storybook'; const copyables = deployables.filter(f => f !== target); await copyables.reduce(async (acc, d) => { await acc; logger.log(`💿 copy ${d} to built-storybooks`); const to = p(['built-storybooks', target, 'built-storybooks', d]); const from = p(['built-storybooks', d]); await copy(from, to, { overwrite: true, }); }, Promise.resolve()); }; const run = async () => { await exec('yarn', ['bootstrap', '--core']); const examples = await readdir(p(['examples'])); await handleExamples(examples); }; run();