module.exports = { toc: [ { title: 'Get Started', prefix: 'get-started', pages: ['introduction', 'install', 'whats-a-story', 'browse-stories', 'setup', 'conclusion'], }, { title: 'Writing Stories', prefix: 'writing-stories', pages: [ 'introduction', 'args', 'parameters', 'decorators', 'naming-components-and-hierarchy', ], }, { title: 'Writing Docs', prefix: 'writing-docs', pages: ['introduction', 'docs-page', 'mdx', 'doc-blocks'], }, { title: 'Essentials', prefix:'essentials', pages:['introduction','controls','actions','viewports','backgrounds','toolbars-and-globals'] }, { title: 'Configure', prefix: 'configure', pages: ['overview', 'integration', 'story-rendering', 'user-interface'], }, { title:'Workflows', prefix:'workflows', pages:[ 'publish-storybook', 'build-pages-with-storybook', 'stories-for-multiple-components', 'testing-with-storybook', 'unit-testing', 'visual-testing', 'interaction-testing', 'snapshot-testing', 'storybook-composition', 'package-composition' ] }, { title: 'API', pathSegment: 'api', type: 'menu', children:[ { pathSegment: 'stories', title: 'Stories', type: 'link', }, { pathSegment: 'csf', title: 'Component Story Format', description:'Learn about the Component Story Format API', type: 'bullet-link', }, { pathSegment: 'mdx', title: 'MDX syntax', description:'Learn how to add MDX to your Storybook', type: 'bullet-link', }, { pathSegment: 'argtypes', title: 'ArgTypes', description:'Learn how to use Argtypes with your Storybook', type: 'bullet-link', }, { pathSegment: 'addons', title: 'Addons', type: 'link', }, { pathSegment: 'addons-api', title: 'Addons API', type: 'link', }, { pathSegment: 'presets', title: 'Presets', type: 'link', }, { pathSegment: 'writing-presets', title: 'Writing your own Storybook Preset', type: 'link', }, { pathSegment: 'new-frameworks', title: 'Frameworks', type: 'link', }, { pathSegment: 'cli-options', title: 'CLI Options', type: 'link', }, { pathSegment: 'frameworks-feature-support', title: 'Feature support for frameworks', type: 'link', }, ], }, ], };