import global from 'global'; import React, { Fragment, useEffect } from 'react'; import isChromatic from 'chromatic/isChromatic'; import { Global, ThemeProvider, themes, createReset, convert, styled, useTheme, } from '@storybook/theming'; import { Symbols } from '@storybook/components'; import addHeadWarning from './head-warning'; const { document } = global; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { if (!process.env.DOTENV_DEVELOPMENT_DISPLAY_WARNING) { addHeadWarning('dotenv-env', 'Dotenv development file not loaded'); } if (!process.env.STORYBOOK_DISPLAY_WARNING) { addHeadWarning('env-glob', 'Global storybook env var not loaded'); } if (process.env.DISPLAY_WARNING) { addHeadWarning('env-extra', 'Global non-storybook env var loaded'); } } addHeadWarning('preview-head-not-loaded', 'Preview head not loaded'); addHeadWarning('dotenv-file-not-loaded', 'Dotenv file not loaded'); const ThemeBlock = styled.div( { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: '50vw', width: '50vw', height: '100vh', bottom: 0, overflow: 'auto', padding: 10, }, ({ theme }) => ({ background:, color: theme.color.defaultText, }), ({ side }) => side === 'left' ? { left: 0, right: '50vw', } : { right: 0, left: '50vw', } ); const ThemeStack = styled.div( { position: 'relative', minHeight: 'calc(50vh - 15px)', }, ({ theme }) => ({ background:, color: theme.color.defaultText, }) ); const PlayFnNotice = styled.div( { position: 'absolute', bottom: '1rem', right: '1rem', border: '1px solid #ccc', borderRadius: '5px', padding: '1rem', fontSize: '12px', '> *': { display: 'block', }, }, ({ theme }) => ({ background:, color: theme.color.defaultText, }) ); const ThemedSetRoot = () => { const theme = useTheme(); useEffect(() => { =; = theme.defaultText; return () => { // }; }); return null; }; export const decorators = [ (StoryFn, { globals, parameters, playFunction }) => { const defaultTheme = isChromatic() && !playFunction ? 'stacked' : 'light'; const theme = globals.theme || parameters.theme || defaultTheme; switch (theme) { case 'side-by-side': { return ( ); } case 'stacked': { return ( ); } default: { return ( {!parameters.theme && isChromatic() && playFunction && ( Detected play function. Rendering in a single theme )} ); } } }, ]; export const parameters = { exportedParameter: 'exportedParameter', actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on.*' }, options: { storySort: (a, b) => a[1].kind === b[1].kind ? 0 : a[1].id.localeCompare(b[1].id, undefined, { numeric: true }), }, docs: { theme: themes.light, }, controls: { presetColors: [ { color: '#ff4785', title: 'Coral' }, { color: '#1EA7FD', title: 'Ocean' }, { color: 'rgb(252, 82, 31)', title: 'Orange' }, { color: 'RGBA(255, 174, 0, 0.5)', title: 'Gold' }, { color: 'hsl(101, 52%, 49%)', title: 'Green' }, { color: 'HSLA(179,65%,53%,0.5)', title: 'Seafoam' }, { color: '#6F2CAC', title: 'Purple' }, { color: '#2A0481', title: 'Ultraviolet' }, { color: 'black' }, { color: '#333', title: 'Darkest' }, { color: '#444', title: 'Darker' }, { color: '#666', title: 'Dark' }, { color: '#999', title: 'Mediumdark' }, { color: '#ddd', title: 'Medium' }, { color: '#EEE', title: 'Mediumlight' }, { color: '#F3F3F3', title: 'Light' }, { color: '#F8F8F8', title: 'Lighter' }, { color: '#FFFFFF', title: 'Lightest' }, '#fe4a49', '#FED766', 'rgba(0, 159, 183, 1)', 'HSLA(240,11%,91%,0.5)', 'slategray', ], }, }; export const globals = { foo: 'fooValue', }; export const globalTypes = { foo: { defaultValue: 'fooDefaultValue' }, bar: { defaultValue: 'barDefaultValue' }, theme: { name: 'Theme', description: 'Global theme for components', toolbar: { icon: 'circlehollow', title: 'Theme', items: [ { value: 'light', icon: 'circlehollow', title: 'light' }, { value: 'dark', icon: 'circle', title: 'dark' }, { value: 'side-by-side', icon: 'sidebar', title: 'side by side' }, { value: 'stacked', icon: 'bottombar', title: 'stacked' }, ], }, }, locale: { name: 'Locale', description: 'Internationalization locale', toolbar: { icon: 'globe', shortcuts: { next: { label: 'Go to next language', keys: ['L'], }, previous: { label: 'Go to previous language', keys: ['K'], }, reset: { label: 'Reset language', keys: ['meta', 'shift', 'L'], }, }, items: [ { title: 'Reset locale', type: 'reset' }, { value: 'en', right: '🇺🇸', title: 'English' }, { value: 'es', right: '🇪🇸', title: 'Español' }, { value: 'zh', right: '🇨🇳', title: '中文' }, { value: 'kr', right: '🇰🇷', title: '한국어' }, ], }, }, }; export const loaders = [async () => ({ globalValue: 1 })]; export const argTypes = { color: { control: 'color' } }; export const args = { color: 'red' };