// This file requires many imports from `../code`, which requires both an install and bootstrap of
// the repo to work properly. So we load it async in the task runner *after* those steps.
import { isFunction } from 'es-toolkit';
// eslint-disable-next-line depend/ban-dependencies
import {
} from 'fs-extra';
import JSON5 from 'json5';
import { createRequire } from 'module';
import { join, relative, resolve, sep } from 'path';
import slash from 'slash';
import dedent from 'ts-dedent';

import { babelParse } from '../../code/core/src/babel/babelParse';
import { detectLanguage } from '../../code/core/src/cli/detect';
import { SupportedLanguage } from '../../code/core/src/cli/project_types';
import { JsPackageManagerFactory, versions as storybookPackages } from '../../code/core/src/common';
import type { ConfigFile } from '../../code/core/src/csf-tools';
import { writeConfig } from '../../code/core/src/csf-tools';
import type { TemplateKey } from '../../code/lib/cli-storybook/src/sandbox-templates';
import type { PassedOptionValues, Task, TemplateDetails } from '../task';
import { executeCLIStep, steps } from '../utils/cli-step';
import { CODE_DIRECTORY, REPROS_DIRECTORY } from '../utils/constants';
import { exec } from '../utils/exec';
import { filterExistsInCodeDir } from '../utils/filterExistsInCodeDir';
import { addPreviewAnnotations, readConfig } from '../utils/main-js';
import { updatePackageScripts } from '../utils/package-json';
import { findFirstPath } from '../utils/paths';
import { workspacePath } from '../utils/workspace';
import {
} from '../utils/yarn';

const logger = console;

export const essentialsAddons = [

export const create: Task['run'] = async ({ key, template, sandboxDir }, { dryRun, debug }) => {
  const parentDir = resolve(sandboxDir, '..');
  await ensureDir(parentDir);

  if ('inDevelopment' in template && template.inDevelopment) {
    const srcDir = join(REPROS_DIRECTORY, key, 'after-storybook');
    if (!existsSync(srcDir)) {
      throw new Error(`Missing repro directory '${srcDir}', did the generate task run?`);
    await copy(srcDir, sandboxDir);
  } else {
    await executeCLIStep(steps.repro, {
      argument: key,
      optionValues: { output: sandboxDir, init: false, debug },
      cwd: parentDir,

export const install: Task['run'] = async ({ sandboxDir, key }, { link, dryRun, debug }) => {
  const cwd = sandboxDir;
  await installYarn2({ cwd, dryRun, debug });

  if (link) {
    await executeCLIStep(steps.link, {
      argument: sandboxDir,
      cwd: CODE_DIRECTORY,
      optionValues: { local: true, start: false },
    await addWorkaroundResolutions({ cwd, dryRun, debug, key });
  } else {
    // We need to add package resolutions to ensure that we only ever install the latest version
    // of any storybook packages as verdaccio is not able to both proxy to npm and publish over
    // the top. In theory this could mask issues where different versions cause problems.
    await addPackageResolutions({ cwd, dryRun, debug });
    await configureYarn2ForVerdaccio({ cwd, dryRun, debug, key });

    // Add vite plugin workarounds for frameworks that need it
    // (to support vite 5 without peer dep errors)
    const sandboxesNeedingWorkarounds: TemplateKey[] = [
    if (sandboxesNeedingWorkarounds.includes(key) || key.includes('vite')) {
      await addWorkaroundResolutions({ cwd, dryRun, debug });

    await exec(
      'yarn install',
      { cwd },
        startMessage: `⬇️ Installing local dependencies`,
        errorMessage: `🚨 Installing local dependencies failed`,

export const init: Task['run'] = async (
  { sandboxDir, template },
  { dryRun, debug, addon: addons, skipTemplateStories }
) => {
  const cwd = sandboxDir;

  let extra = {};
  if (template.expected.renderer === '@storybook/html') {
    extra = { type: 'html' };
  } else if (template.expected.renderer === '@storybook/server') {
    extra = { type: 'server' };
  } else if (template.expected.framework === '@storybook/react-native-web-vite') {
    extra = { type: 'react_native_web' };

  await executeCLIStep(steps.init, {
    optionValues: { debug, yes: true, ...extra },

  logger.info(`🔢 Adding package scripts:`);

  const nodeOptions = [
    ...(process.env.NODE_OPTIONS || '').split(' '),

  const pnp = await pathExists(join(cwd, '.pnp.cjs')).catch(() => {});
  if (pnp && !nodeOptions.find((s) => s.includes('--require'))) {
    nodeOptions.push('--require ./.pnp.cjs');

  const nodeOptionsString = nodeOptions.join(' ');
  const prefix = `NODE_OPTIONS='${nodeOptionsString}' STORYBOOK_TELEMETRY_URL="http://localhost:6007/event-log"`;

  await updatePackageScripts({

  switch (template.expected.framework) {
    case '@storybook/angular':
      await prepareAngularSandbox(cwd, template.name);

  if (!skipTemplateStories) {
    for (const addon of addons) {
      await executeCLIStep(steps.add, {
        argument: addon,
        optionValues: { yes: true },

// Ensure that sandboxes can refer to story files defined in `code/`.
// Most WP-based build systems will not compile files outside of the project root or 'src/` or
// similar. Plus they aren't guaranteed to handle TS files. So we need to patch in esbuild
// loader for such files. NOTE this isn't necessary for Vite, as far as we know.
function addEsbuildLoaderToStories(mainConfig: ConfigFile) {
  // NOTE: the test regexp here will apply whether the path is symlink-preserved or otherwise
  const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
  const esbuildLoaderPath = require.resolve('../../code/node_modules/esbuild-loader');
  const webpackFinalCode = `
  (config) => ({
    module: {
      rules: [
        // Ensure esbuild-loader applies to all files in ./template-stories
          test: [/\\/template-stories\\//],
          exclude: [/\\.mdx$/],
          loader: '${esbuildLoaderPath}',
          options: {
            loader: 'tsx',
            target: 'es2022',
        // Handle MDX files per the addon-docs presets (ish)
          test: /template-stories\\/.*\\.mdx$/,
          exclude: /\\.stories\\.mdx$/,
          use: [
              loader: require.resolve('@storybook/addon-docs/mdx-loader'),
        // Ensure no other loaders from the framework apply
        ...config.module.rules.map(rule => ({
          exclude: [/\\/template-stories\\//].concat(rule.exclude || []),
    // @ts-expect-error (Property 'expression' does not exist on type 'BlockStatement')

  Recompile optimized deps on each startup, so you can change @storybook/* packages and not
  have to clear caches.
  And allow source directories to complement any existing allow patterns
  (".storybook" is already being allowed by builder-vite)
function setSandboxViteFinal(mainConfig: ConfigFile, template: TemplateKey) {
  const temporaryAliasWorkaround = template.includes('nuxt')
    ? `
    // TODO: Remove this once Storybook Nuxt applies this internally
    resolve: {
      alias: {
        vue: 'vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler.js',
    : '';
  const viteFinalCode = `
  (config) => ({
    optimizeDeps: { ...config.optimizeDeps, force: true },
    server: {
      fs: {
        allow: ['stories', 'src', 'template-stories', 'node_modules', ...(config.server?.fs?.allow || [])],
  // @ts-expect-error (Property 'expression' does not exist on type 'BlockStatement')
  mainConfig.setFieldNode(['viteFinal'], babelParse(viteFinalCode).program.body[0].expression);

// Update the stories field to ensure that no TS files
// that are linked from the renderer are picked up in non-TS projects
function updateStoriesField(mainConfig: ConfigFile, isJs: boolean) {
  const stories = mainConfig.getFieldValue(['stories']) as string[];

  // If the project is a JS project, let's make sure any linked in TS stories from the
  // renderer inside src|stories are simply ignored.
  // TODO: We should definitely improve the logic here, as it will break every time the stories field change format in the generated sandboxes.
  const updatedStories = isJs
    ? stories.map((specifier) => specifier.replace('|ts|tsx', ''))
    : stories;

  mainConfig.setFieldValue(['stories'], [...updatedStories]);

// Add a stories field entry for the passed symlink
function addStoriesEntry(mainConfig: ConfigFile, path: string, disableDocs: boolean) {
  const stories = mainConfig.getFieldValue(['stories']) as string[];

  const entry = {
    directory: slash(join('../template-stories', path)),
    titlePrefix: slash(path),
    files: disableDocs
      ? '**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|mjs|ts|tsx)'
      : '**/*.@(mdx|stories.@(js|jsx|mjs|ts|tsx))',

  mainConfig.setFieldValue(['stories'], [...stories, entry]);

// Add refs to older versions of storybook to test out composition
function addRefs(mainConfig: ConfigFile) {
  const refs = mainConfig.getFieldValue(['refs']) as Record<string, string>;

  mainConfig.setFieldValue(['refs'], {
    'storybook@8.0.0': {
      title: 'Storybook 8.0.0',
      url: 'https://635781f3500dd2c49e189caf-gckybvsekn.chromatic.com/',
    'storybook@7.6.18': {
      title: 'Storybook 7.6.18',
      url: 'https://635781f3500dd2c49e189caf-oljwjdrftz.chromatic.com/',
  } as Record<string, any>);

function getStoriesFolderWithVariant(variant?: string, folder = 'stories') {
  return variant ? `${folder}_${variant}` : folder;

// packageDir is eg 'renderers/react', 'addons/actions'
async function linkPackageStories(
  packageDir: string,
  }: { mainConfig: ConfigFile; cwd: string; linkInDir?: string; disableDocs: boolean },
  variant?: string
) {
  const storiesFolderName = variant ? getStoriesFolderWithVariant(variant) : 'stories';
  const source = join(CODE_DIRECTORY, packageDir, 'template', storiesFolderName);
  // By default we link `stories` directories
  //   e.g '../../../code/lib/preview-api/template/stories' to 'template-stories/lib/preview-api'
  // if the directory <code>/lib/preview-api/template/stories exists
  // The files must be linked in the cwd, in order to ensure that any dependencies they
  // reference are resolved in the cwd. In particular 'react' resolved by MDX files.
  const target = linkInDir
    ? resolve(linkInDir, variant ? getStoriesFolderWithVariant(variant, packageDir) : packageDir)
    : resolve(cwd, 'template-stories', packageDir);

  await ensureSymlink(source, target);

  if (!linkInDir) {
    addStoriesEntry(mainConfig, packageDir, disableDocs);

  // Add `previewAnnotation` entries of the form
  //   './template-stories/lib/preview-api/preview.[tj]s'
  // if the file <code>/lib/preview-api/template/stories/preview.[jt]s exists
  await Promise.all(
    ['js', 'ts'].map(async (ext) => {
      const previewFile = `preview.${ext}`;
      const previewPath = join(
      if (await pathExists(previewPath)) {
        let storiesDir = 'template-stories';
        if (linkInDir) {
          storiesDir = (await pathExists(join(cwd, 'src/stories'))) ? 'src/stories' : 'stories';
        addPreviewAnnotations(mainConfig, [
          `./${join(storiesDir, variant ? `${packageDir}_${variant}` : packageDir, previewFile)}`,

const getVitestPluginInfo = (details: TemplateDetails) => {
  let frameworkPluginImport = '';
  let frameworkPluginCall = '';

  const framework = details.template.expected.framework;
  const isNextjs = framework.includes('nextjs');
  const isSveltekit = framework.includes('sveltekit');

  if (isNextjs) {
    frameworkPluginImport =
      "import { storybookNextJsPlugin } from '@storybook/experimental-nextjs-vite/vite-plugin'";
    frameworkPluginCall = 'storybookNextJsPlugin()';

  if (isSveltekit) {
    frameworkPluginImport =
      "import { storybookSveltekitPlugin } from '@storybook/sveltekit/vite-plugin'";
    frameworkPluginCall = 'storybookSveltekitPlugin()';

  if (framework === '@storybook/vue3-vite') {
    frameworkPluginImport = "import { storybookVuePlugin } from '@storybook/vue3-vite/vite-plugin'";
    frameworkPluginCall = 'storybookVuePlugin()';

  return { frameworkPluginImport, frameworkPluginCall };

export async function setupVitest(details: TemplateDetails, options: PassedOptionValues) {
  const { sandboxDir, template } = details;
  const packageJsonPath = join(sandboxDir, 'package.json');
  const packageJson = await readJson(packageJsonPath);

  packageJson.scripts = {
    vitest: 'vitest --reporter=default --reporter=hanging-process --test-timeout=5000',

  // This workaround is needed because Vitest seems to have issues in link mode
  // so the /setup-file and /global-setup files from the vitest addon won't work in portal protocol
  if (options.link) {
    const vitestAddonPath = relative(sandboxDir, join(CODE_DIRECTORY, 'addons', 'test'));
    packageJson.resolutions = {
      '@storybook/experimental-addon-test': `file:${vitestAddonPath}`,

  await writeJson(packageJsonPath, packageJson, { spaces: 2 });

  const isVue = template.expected.renderer === '@storybook/vue3';
  const isNextjs = template.expected.framework.includes('nextjs');
  const { frameworkPluginCall, frameworkPluginImport } = getVitestPluginInfo(details);
  // const isAngular = template.expected.framework === '@storybook/angular';

  const portableStoriesFrameworks = [
    // TODO: add angular once we enable their sandboxes
  const storybookPackage = portableStoriesFrameworks.includes(template.expected.framework)
    ? template.expected.framework
    : template.expected.renderer;
  const viteConfigPath = template.name.includes('JavaScript') ? 'vite.config.js' : 'vite.config.ts';

  await writeFile(
    join(sandboxDir, '.storybook/vitest.setup.ts'),
    dedent`import { beforeAll } from 'vitest'
    import { setProjectAnnotations } from '${storybookPackage}'
    import * as rendererDocsAnnotations from '${template.expected.renderer}/dist/entry-preview-docs.mjs'
    import * as addonA11yAnnotations from '@storybook/addon-a11y/preview'
    import * as addonActionsAnnotations from '@storybook/addon-actions/preview'
    import * as addonTestAnnotations from '@storybook/experimental-addon-test/preview'
    import '../src/stories/components'
    import * as coreAnnotations from '../template-stories/core/preview'
    import * as toolbarAnnotations from '../template-stories/addons/toolbars/preview'
    import * as projectAnnotations from './preview'
    ${isVue ? 'import * as vueAnnotations from "../src/stories/renderers/vue3/preview.js"' : ''}

    const annotations = setProjectAnnotations([
      ${isVue ? 'vueAnnotations,' : ''}


  await writeFile(
    join(sandboxDir, 'vitest.workspace.ts'),
      import { defineWorkspace, defaultExclude } from "vitest/config";
      import { storybookTest } from "@storybook/experimental-addon-test/vitest-plugin";
      import path from 'node:path';
      import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url';

      import viteConfig from './vite.config';


      const dirname =
        typeof __dirname !== 'undefined' ? __dirname : path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));

      export default defineWorkspace([
          ${!isNextjs ? `extends: "${viteConfigPath}",` : ''}
          plugins: [
              configDir: path.join(dirname, '.storybook'),
              storybookScript: "yarn storybook --ci",
              tags: {
                include: ["vitest"],
              ? `optimizeDeps: {
            include: [
              : ''
          resolve: {
            preserveSymlinks: true,
          test: {
            name: "storybook",
            pool: "threads",
            exclude: [
              // TODO: investigate TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'useContext')
              ${template.expected.renderer === '@storybook/svelte' ? '"**/*.stories.svelte",' : ''}
             * TODO: Either fix or acknowledge limitation of:
             * - @storybook/core/preview-api hooks:
             * -- UseState
            // @ts-expect-error this type does not exist but the property does!
            testNamePattern: /^(?!.*(UseState)).*$/,
            browser: {
              enabled: true,
              name: "chromium",
              provider: "playwright",
              headless: true,
            setupFiles: ["./.storybook/vitest.setup.ts"],
            environment: "happy-dom",

export async function addExtraDependencies({
}: {
  cwd: string;
  dryRun: boolean;
  debug: boolean;
  extraDeps?: string[];
}) {
  const extraDevDeps = ['@storybook/test-runner@next'];

  if (debug) {
    logger.log('\uD83C\uDF81 Adding extra dev deps', extraDevDeps);

  if (dryRun) {

  const packageManager = JsPackageManagerFactory.getPackageManager({}, cwd);
  await packageManager.addDependencies({ installAsDevDependencies: true }, extraDevDeps);

  if (extraDeps) {
    const versionedExtraDeps = await packageManager.getVersionedPackages(extraDeps);
    if (debug) {
      logger.log('\uD83C\uDF81 Adding extra deps', versionedExtraDeps);
    await packageManager.addDependencies({ installAsDevDependencies: true }, versionedExtraDeps);
  await packageManager.installDependencies();

export const addStories: Task['run'] = async (
  { sandboxDir, template, key },
  { addon: extraAddons, disableDocs }
) => {
  logger.log('💃 Adding stories');
  const cwd = sandboxDir;
  const storiesPath =
    (await findFirstPath([join('src', 'stories'), 'stories'], { cwd })) || 'stories';

  const mainConfig = await readConfig({ fileName: 'main', cwd });
  const packageManager = JsPackageManagerFactory.getPackageManager({}, sandboxDir);

  // Ensure that we match the right stories in the stories directory
    (await detectLanguage(packageManager as any as Parameters<typeof detectLanguage>[0])) ===

  const isCoreRenderer =
    template.expected.renderer.startsWith('@storybook/') &&
    template.expected.renderer !== '@storybook/server';

  const sandboxSpecificStoriesFolder = key.replaceAll('/', '-');
  const storiesVariantFolder = getStoriesFolderWithVariant(sandboxSpecificStoriesFolder);

  if (isCoreRenderer) {
    // Link in the template/components/index.js from preview-api, the renderer and the addons
    const rendererPath = await workspacePath('renderer', template.expected.renderer);
    await ensureSymlink(
      join(CODE_DIRECTORY, rendererPath, 'template', 'components'),
      resolve(cwd, storiesPath, 'components')
    addPreviewAnnotations(mainConfig, [`.${sep}${join(storiesPath, 'components')}`]);

    // Add stories for the renderer. NOTE: these *do* need to be processed by the framework build system
    await linkPackageStories(rendererPath, {
      linkInDir: resolve(cwd, storiesPath),

    if (
      await pathExists(
        resolve(CODE_DIRECTORY, rendererPath, join('template', storiesVariantFolder))
    ) {
      await linkPackageStories(
          linkInDir: resolve(cwd, storiesPath),

  const isCoreFramework = template.expected.framework.startsWith('@storybook/');

  if (isCoreFramework) {
    const frameworkPath = await workspacePath('frameworks', template.expected.framework);

    // Add stories for the framework if it has one. NOTE: these *do* need to be processed by the framework build system
    if (await pathExists(resolve(CODE_DIRECTORY, frameworkPath, join('template', 'stories')))) {
      await linkPackageStories(frameworkPath, {
        linkInDir: resolve(cwd, storiesPath),

    if (
      await pathExists(
        resolve(CODE_DIRECTORY, frameworkPath, join('template', storiesVariantFolder))
    ) {
      await linkPackageStories(
          linkInDir: resolve(cwd, storiesPath),

  if (isCoreRenderer) {
    // Add stories for lib/preview-api (and addons below). NOTE: these stories will be in the
    // template-stories folder and *not* processed by the framework build config (instead by esbuild-loader)
    await linkPackageStories(await workspacePath('core package', '@storybook/core'), {

    await linkPackageStories(await workspacePath('test package', '@storybook/test'), {

    await linkPackageStories(
      await workspacePath('addon test package', '@storybook/experimental-addon-test'),

  const mainAddons = (mainConfig.getSafeFieldValue(['addons']) || []).reduce(
    (acc: string[], addon: any) => {
      const name = typeof addon === 'string' ? addon : addon.name;
      const match = /@storybook\/addon-(.*)/.exec(name);

      if (!match) {
        return acc;
      const suffix = match[1];
      if (suffix === 'essentials') {
        const essentials = disableDocs
          ? essentialsAddons.filter((a) => a !== 'docs')
          : essentialsAddons;
        return [...acc, ...essentials];
      return [...acc, suffix];

  const addonDirs = await Promise.all(
    [...mainAddons, ...extraAddons]
      // only include addons that are in the monorepo
      .filter((addon: string) =>
        Object.keys(storybookPackages).find((pkg: string) => pkg === `@storybook/addon-${addon}`)
      .map(async (addon) => workspacePath('addon', `@storybook/addon-${addon}`))

  if (isCoreRenderer) {
    const existingStories = await filterExistsInCodeDir(addonDirs, join('template', 'stories'));
    for (const packageDir of existingStories) {
      await linkPackageStories(packageDir, { mainConfig, cwd, disableDocs });

    // Add some extra settings (see above for what these do)
    if (template.expected.builder === '@storybook/builder-webpack5') {

  await writeConfig(mainConfig);

export const extendMain: Task['run'] = async ({ template, sandboxDir, key }, { disableDocs }) => {
  logger.log('📝 Extending main.js');
  const mainConfig = await readConfig({ fileName: 'main', cwd: sandboxDir });

  if (key === 'react-vite/default-ts') {

  const templateConfig: any = isFunction(template.modifications?.mainConfig)
    ? template.modifications?.mainConfig(mainConfig)
    : template.modifications?.mainConfig || {};
  const configToAdd = {
    features: {
      ? {
          addons: template.modifications?.editAddons(mainConfig.getFieldValue(['addons']) || []),
      : {}),
    core: {
      // We don't want to show the "What's new" notifications in the sandbox as it can affect E2E tests
      disableWhatsNewNotifications: true,

  Object.entries(configToAdd).forEach(([field, value]) => mainConfig.setFieldValue([field], value));

  const previewHeadCode = `
    (head) => \`
      ${templateConfig.previewHead || ''}
        /* explicitly set monospace font stack to workaround inconsistent fonts in Chromatic */
        pre, code, kbd, samp {
            "Cascadia Mono",
            "Segoe UI Mono",
            "Roboto Mono",
            "Oxygen Mono",
            "Ubuntu Monospace",
            "Source Code Pro",
            "Fira Mono",
            "Droid Sans Mono",
            "Courier New",
  // @ts-expect-error (Property 'expression' does not exist on type 'BlockStatement')
  mainConfig.setFieldNode(['previewHead'], babelParse(previewHeadCode).program.body[0].expression);

  // Simulate Storybook Lite
  if (disableDocs) {
    const addons = mainConfig.getFieldValue(['addons']);
    const addonsNoDocs = addons.map((addon: any) =>
      addon !== '@storybook/addon-essentials' ? addon : { name: addon, options: { docs: false } }
    mainConfig.setFieldValue(['addons'], addonsNoDocs);

    // remove the docs options so that docs tags are ignored
    mainConfig.setFieldValue(['docs'], {});
    mainConfig.setFieldValue(['typescript'], { reactDocgen: false });

    let updatedStories = mainConfig.getFieldValue(['stories']) as string[];
    updatedStories = updatedStories.filter((specifier) => !specifier.endsWith('.mdx'));
    mainConfig.setFieldValue(['stories'], updatedStories);

  if (template.expected.builder === '@storybook/builder-vite') {
    setSandboxViteFinal(mainConfig, key);
  await writeConfig(mainConfig);

export const extendPreview: Task['run'] = async ({ template, sandboxDir }) => {
  logger.log('📝 Extending preview.js');
  const previewConfig = await readConfig({ cwd: sandboxDir, fileName: 'preview' });

  if (template.expected.builder.includes('vite')) {
    previewConfig.setFieldValue(['tags'], ['vitest', '!a11y-test']);

  await writeConfig(previewConfig);

export async function setImportMap(cwd: string) {
  const packageJson = await readJson(join(cwd, 'package.json'));

  packageJson.imports = {
    '#utils': {
      storybook: './template-stories/core/utils.mock.ts',
      default: './template-stories/core/utils.ts',

  await writeJson(join(cwd, 'package.json'), packageJson, { spaces: 2 });

async function prepareAngularSandbox(cwd: string, templateName: string) {
  const angularJson = await readJson(join(cwd, 'angular.json'));

  Object.keys(angularJson.projects).forEach((projectName: string) => {
     * Sets compodoc option in angular.json projects to false. We have to generate compodoc manually
     * to avoid symlink issues related to the template-stories folder. In a second step a docs:json
     * script is placed into the package.json to generate the Compodoc documentation.json, which
     * respects symlinks
    angularJson.projects[projectName].architect.storybook.options.compodoc = false;
    angularJson.projects[projectName].architect['build-storybook'].options.compodoc = false;
     * Sets preserveSymlinks option in angular.json projects to true. This is necessary to respect
     * symlinks so that Angular doesn't complain about wrong types in @storybook/* packages
    angularJson.projects[projectName].architect.storybook.options.preserveSymlinks = true;
    angularJson.projects[projectName].architect['build-storybook'].options.preserveSymlinks = true;

  await writeJson(join(cwd, 'angular.json'), angularJson, { spaces: 2 });

  const packageJsonPath = join(cwd, 'package.json');
  const packageJson = await readJson(packageJsonPath);

  packageJson.scripts = {
    'docs:json': 'DIR=$PWD; cd ../../scripts; jiti combine-compodoc $DIR',
    storybook: `yarn docs:json && ${packageJson.scripts.storybook}`,
    'build-storybook': `yarn docs:json && ${packageJson.scripts['build-storybook']}`,

  await writeJson(packageJsonPath, packageJson, { spaces: 2 });

  // Set tsConfig compilerOptions

  const tsConfigPath = join(cwd, '.storybook', 'tsconfig.json');
  const tsConfigContent = readFileSync(tsConfigPath, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
  // This does not preserve comments, but that shouldn't be an issue for sandboxes
  const tsConfigJson = JSON5.parse(tsConfigContent);

  tsConfigJson.compilerOptions.noImplicitOverride = false;
  tsConfigJson.compilerOptions.noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature = false;
  tsConfigJson.compilerOptions.jsx = 'react';
  tsConfigJson.compilerOptions.skipLibCheck = true;
  tsConfigJson.compilerOptions.noImplicitAny = false;
  tsConfigJson.compilerOptions.strict = false;
  tsConfigJson.include = [
    // This is necessary since template stories depend on globalThis.components, which Typescript can't look up automatically

  if (templateName === 'Angular CLI (Version 15)') {
    tsConfigJson.compilerOptions.paths = {
      '@angular-devkit/*': ['node_modules/@angular-devkit/*'],

  await writeJson(tsConfigPath, tsConfigJson, { spaces: 2 });