import { getOptionsOrPrompt } from './utils/options'; const frameworks = ['react']; const addons = ['a11y', 'storysource']; getOptionsOrPrompt('yarn example', { framework: { name: 'Which framework would you like to use?', values: frameworks, required: true, }, addon: { name: 'Which extra addons (beyond the CLI defaults) would you like installed?', values: addons, multiple: true, }, includeStories: { name: "Include Storybook's own stories (only applies if a react-based framework is used)?", }, create: { name: 'Create the example from scratch (rather than degitting it)?', }, verdaccio: { name: 'Use verdaccio rather than yarn linking stories?', }, start: { name: 'Start the example app?', inverse: true, }, build: { name: 'Build the example app?', }, watch: { name: 'Start building used packages in watch mode as well as the example app?', }, }).then((r) => console.log(r));