import assert from 'assert'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { allTemplates } from '../code/lib/cli/src/repro-templates'; const PORT = process.env.PORT || 6007; const eventTypeExpectations = { build: {}, }; async function run() { const [eventType, templateName] = process.argv.slice(2); if (!eventType || !templateName) { throw new Error( `Need eventType and templateName; call with ./event-log-checker ` ); } const expectation = eventTypeExpectations[eventType as keyof typeof eventTypeExpectations]; if (!expectation) throw new Error(`Unexpected eventType '${eventType}'`); const template = allTemplates[templateName as keyof typeof allTemplates]; if (!template) throw new Error(`Unexpected template '${templateName}'`); const events = await (await fetch(`http://localhost:${PORT}/event-log`)).json(); assert.equal(events.length, 2); const [bootEvent, mainEvent] = events; assert.equal(bootEvent.eventType, 'boot'); assert.equal(bootEvent.payload?.eventType, eventType); assert.equal(mainEvent.eventType, eventType); assert.notEqual(mainEvent.eventId, bootEvent.eventId); assert.equal(mainEvent.sessionId, bootEvent.sessionId); const { expected: { renderer, builder, framework }, } = template; assert.equal(mainEvent.metadata.renderer, renderer); assert.equal(mainEvent.metadata.builder, builder); assert.equal(, framework); } export {}; if (require.main === module) { run() .then(() => process.exit(0)) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); process.exit(1); }); }