import '@testing-library/jest-dom'; // setup file import registerRequireContextHook from '@storybook/babel-plugin-require-context-hook/register'; registerRequireContextHook(); jest.mock('util-deprecate', () => (fn: any) => fn); // mock calls for cleaner test execution = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {}); global.console.debug = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {}); // mock local storage calls const localStorageMock = { getItem: jest.fn().mockName('getItem'), setItem: jest.fn().mockName('setItem'), clear: jest.fn().mockName('clear'), }; Object.defineProperty(global, 'localStorage', { value: localStorageMock, writable: true }); /* Fail tests on PropType warnings This allows us to throw an error in tests environments when there are prop-type warnings. This should keep the tests free of warnings going forward. */ const ignoreList = [ (error: any) => error.message.includes('":nth-child" is potentially unsafe'), (error: any) => error.message.includes('":first-child" is potentially unsafe'), (error: any) => error.message.match(/Browserslist: .* is outdated. Please run:/), (error: any) => error.message.includes('Failed prop type') && error.stack.includes('storyshots'), (error: any) => error.message.includes('react-async-component-lifecycle-hooks') && error.stack.includes('addons/knobs/src/components/__tests__/Options.js'), // Storyshots blows up if your project includes a (non stories.) mdx file. (error: any) => error.message.match(/Unexpected error while loading .*(? { const error = new Error(`${type}${message}`); if (!ignoreList.reduce((acc, item) => acc || item(error), false)) { throw error; } }; const throwWarning = (message: any) => throwMessage('warn: ', message); const throwError = (message: any) => throwMessage('error: ', message); global.console.error = throwError; global.console.warn = throwWarning;