/* eslint-disable no-console */ const path = require('path'); const shell = require('shelljs'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const log = require('npmlog'); const readPkgUp = require('read-pkg-up'); const { babelify } = require('./utils/compile-babel'); const { tscfy } = require('./utils/compile-tsc'); async function removeDist() { await fs.remove('dist'); } const ignore = [ '__mocks__', '__snapshots__', '__testfixtures__', '__tests__', '/tests/', /.+\.test\..+/, ]; async function cleanup() { // remove files after babel --copy-files output // --copy-files option doesn't work with --ignore // https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/6226 if (await fs.pathExists(path.join(process.cwd(), 'dist'))) { const isInStorybookCLIPackage = process.cwd().includes(path.join('lib', 'cli')); const filesToRemove = shell.find('dist').filter((filePath) => { // Do not remove folder // And do not clean anything for: // - @storybook/cli/dist/(esm|cjs)/generators/**/template* // - @storybook/cli/dist/(esm|cjs)/frameworks/* // because these are the template files that will be copied to init SB on users' projects if ( fs.lstatSync(filePath).isDirectory() || (isInStorybookCLIPackage && /\/(esm|cjs)\/(generators\/.+\/template|frameworks).*/.test(filePath)) ) { return false; } // Remove all copied TS files (but not the .d.ts) if (/\.tsx?$/.test(filePath) && !/\.d\.ts$/.test(filePath)) { return true; } return ignore.reduce((acc, pattern) => { return acc || !!filePath.match(pattern); }, false); }); if (filesToRemove.length) { shell.rm('-f', ...filesToRemove); } } } function logError(type, packageJson, errorLogs) { log.error(`FAILED (${type}) : ${errorLogs}`); log.error( `FAILED to compile ${type}: ${chalk.bold(`${packageJson.name}@${packageJson.version}`)}` ); } const hasFlag = (flags, name) => !!flags.find((s) => s.startsWith(`--${name}`)); const modules = true; async function prepare({ cwd, flags }) { const { packageJson } = await readPkgUp(cwd); const message = chalk.gray(`Built: ${chalk.bold(`${packageJson.name}@${packageJson.version}`)}`); console.time(message); const reset = hasFlag(flags, 'reset'); const watch = hasFlag(flags, 'watch'); const optimized = hasFlag(flags, 'optimized'); if (reset) { await removeDist(); } await Promise.all([ babelify({ modules, watch, errorCallback: (errorLogs) => logError('js', packageJson, errorLogs), }), tscfy({ optimized, watch, errorCallback: (errorLogs) => logError('ts', packageJson, errorLogs), }), ]); await cleanup(); console.timeEnd(message); } const flags = process.argv.slice(2); const cwd = process.cwd(); prepare({ cwd, flags });