import { readdir } from 'fs/promises'; import { pathExists } from 'fs-extra'; import { resolve } from 'path'; import TEMPLATES from '../code/lib/cli/src/repro-templates'; const sandboxDir = resolve(__dirname, '../sandbox'); export type Cadence = 'ci' | 'daily' | 'weekly'; export type Template = { cadence?: readonly Cadence[]; skipScripts?: string[]; // there are other fields but we don't use them here }; export type TemplateKey = string; export type Templates = Record; async function getDirectories(source: string) { return (await readdir(source, { withFileTypes: true })) .filter((entry) => entry.isDirectory()) .map((entry) =>; } export async function getTemplate( cadence: Cadence, scriptName: string, { index, total }: { index: number; total: number } ) { let potentialTemplateKeys: TemplateKey[] = []; if (await pathExists(sandboxDir)) { const sandboxes = await getDirectories(sandboxDir); potentialTemplateKeys = sandboxes .map((dirName) => { return Object.keys(TEMPLATES).find( (templateKey) => templateKey.replace('/', '-') === dirName ); }) .filter(Boolean); } if (potentialTemplateKeys.length === 0) { const allTemplates = Object.entries(TEMPLATES as Templates); const cadenceTemplates = allTemplates.filter(([, template]) => template.cadence.includes(cadence) ); const jobTemplates = cadenceTemplates.filter(([, t]) => !t.skipScripts?.includes(scriptName)); potentialTemplateKeys =[k]) => k); } if (potentialTemplateKeys.length !== total) { throw new Error(`Circle parallelism set incorrectly. Parallelism is set to ${total}, but there are ${ potentialTemplateKeys.length } templates to run: ${potentialTemplateKeys.join(', ')} `); } return potentialTemplateKeys[index]; } async function run() { const [, , cadence, scriptName] = process.argv; if (!cadence) throw new Error('Need to supply cadence to get template script'); const { CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX = 0, CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL = 1 } = process.env; console.log( await getTemplate(cadence as Cadence, scriptName, { index: +CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX, total: +CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL, }) ); } if (require.main === module) { run().catch((err) => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); }); }