import { resolve } from 'node:path'; import { defineConfig, defineWorkspace } from 'vitest/config'; export default defineWorkspace([ '.storybook/vitest.config.ts', 'addons/*/vitest.config.ts', 'frameworks/*/vitest.config.ts', 'lib/*/vitest.config.ts', 'core/vitest.config.ts', 'deprecated/*/vitest.config.ts', 'builders/*/vitest.config.ts', 'presets/*/vitest.config.ts', 'renderers/*/vitest.config.ts', ]); /** * CircleCI reports the wrong number of threads to Node.js, so we need to set it manually. Unit * tests are running with the xlarge resource class, which has 8 vCPUs. * * @see * @see * @see * @see .circleci/config.yml#L214 */ const threadCount = process.env.CI ? 7 : undefined; export const vitestCommonConfig = defineConfig({ test: { pool: 'threads', poolOptions: { threads: { minThreads: threadCount, maxThreads: threadCount, }, }, passWithNoTests: true, clearMocks: true, setupFiles: [resolve(__dirname, './vitest-setup.ts')], globals: true, testTimeout: 10000, environment: 'node', }, });