import { join, relative } from 'node:path'; // eslint-disable-next-line depend/ban-dependencies import fg from 'fast-glob'; import type { KnipConfig } from 'knip'; import { match } from 'minimatch'; // Files we want to exclude from analysis should be negated project patterns, not `ignores` // docs: const project = [ 'src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', '!**/__search-files-tests__/**', '!**/__testfixtures__/**', '!**/__mocks-ng-workspace__/**', '!**/__mockdata__/**', ]; // Adding an explicit MDX "compiler", as the dependency knip looks for isn't listed (@mdx-js/mdx or astro) // Alternatively, we could ignore a few false positives // docs: const importMatcher = /import[^'"]+['"]([^'"]+)['"]/g; const fencedCodeBlockMatcher = /```[\s\S]*?```/g; const mdx = (text: string) => [...text.replace(fencedCodeBlockMatcher, '').matchAll(importMatcher)].join('\n'); const baseConfig = { ignoreWorkspaces: ['renderers/svelte'], // ignored: Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: No "exports" main defined in code/node_modules/@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte/package.json // storybook itself configured (only) in root storybook: { entry: ['**/*.@(mdx|stories.@(mdx|js|jsx|mjs|ts|tsx))'] }, workspaces: { '.': { project, }, 'addons/*': { project, }, 'builders/*': { project, }, core: { entry: ['src/index.ts', 'src/cli/bin/index.ts', 'src/*/{globals*,index,runtime}.ts'], project, }, 'frameworks/*': { entry: [ // these extra entries we only need for frameworks/angular and frameworks/ember it seems 'src/index.ts', 'src/builders/{build,start}-storybook/index.ts', 'src/**/docs/{index,config}.{js,ts}', ], project, }, 'lib/*': { project, }, 'presets/*': { project, }, 'renderers/*': { project, }, }, compilers: { mdx, }, } satisfies KnipConfig; // Adds package.json#bundler.entries etc. to each workspace config `entry: []` export const addBundlerEntries = async (config: KnipConfig) => { const baseDir = join(__dirname, '../code'); const rootManifest = await import(join(baseDir, 'package.json')); const workspaceDirs = await fg(rootManifest.workspaces.packages, { cwd: baseDir, onlyDirectories: true, }); const workspaceDirectories = => relative(baseDir, join(baseDir, dir))); for (const wsDir of workspaceDirectories) { for (const configKey of Object.keys(baseConfig.workspaces)) { if (match([wsDir], configKey)) { const manifest = await import(join(baseDir, wsDir, 'package.json')); const configEntries = (config.workspaces[configKey].entry as string[]) ?? []; const bundler = manifest?.bundler; for (const value of Object.values(bundler ?? {})) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { configEntries.push( => (typeof entry === 'string' ? entry : entry.file)) ); } } config.workspaces[configKey].entry = Array.from(new Set(configEntries)); } } } return config; }; export default addBundlerEntries(baseConfig);