# Getting started - Ensure you have node version 14 installed (suggestion: v14.18.1). - Ensure if you are using Windows to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). - Run `./bootstrap.sh` to install the dependencies, and get the repo ready to be developed on. - Run `yarn start` inside of the `code` directory to start the development server. # Generating reproductions The monorepo has a script that generates Storybook reproductions based on configurations set in the `code/lib/cli/src/repro-templates.ts` file. This makes it possible to quickly bootstrap examples with and without Storybook, for given configurations (e.g. CRA, Angular, Vue, etc.) To do so: - Check the `code/lib/cli/src/repro-templates.ts` if you want to see what will be generated - Run `./generate-repros.sh` - Check the result in the `repros` directory # Contributing to Storybook For further advice on how to contribute, please refer to our [NEW contributing guide on the Storybook website](https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/contribute/how-to-contribute).