/* eslint-disable jest/no-disabled-tests */ /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; import process from 'process'; import { SbPage } from './util'; const storybookUrl = process.env.STORYBOOK_URL || 'http://localhost:8001'; const templateName = process.env.STORYBOOK_TEMPLATE_NAME || ''; test.describe('addon-docs', () => { test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto(storybookUrl); await new SbPage(page).waitUntilLoaded(); }); test('should provide source snippet', async ({ page }) => { // templateName is e.g. 'Vue-CLI (Default JS)' test.skip( // eslint-disable-next-line jest/valid-title /^(vue3|vue-cli|preact)/i.test(`${templateName}`), `Skipping ${templateName}, which does not support dynamic source snippets` ); const sbPage = new SbPage(page); await sbPage.navigateToStory('addons/docs/docspage/basic', 'docs'); const root = sbPage.previewRoot(); const toggles = root.locator('.docblock-code-toggle'); const toggleCount = await toggles.count(); for (let i = 0; i < toggleCount; i += 1) { const toggle = await toggles.nth(i); await toggle.click({ force: true }); } const codes = root.locator('pre.prismjs'); const codeCount = await codes.count(); for (let i = 0; i < codeCount; i += 1) { const code = await codes.nth(i); const text = await code.innerText(); await expect(text).not.toMatch(/^\(args\) => /); } }); test('should not run autoplay stories without parameter', async ({ page }) => { const sbPage = new SbPage(page); await sbPage.navigateToStory('addons/docs/docspage/autoplay', 'docs'); const root = sbPage.previewRoot(); const autoplayPre = root.locator('#story--addons-docs-docspage-autoplay--autoplay pre'); await expect(autoplayPre).toHaveText('Play has run'); const noAutoplayPre = root.locator('#story--addons-docs-docspage-autoplay--no-autoplay pre'); await expect(noAutoplayPre).toHaveText('Play has not run'); }); test('should order entries correctly', async ({ page }) => { const sbPage = new SbPage(page); await sbPage.navigateToStory('addons/docs/docspage/basic', 'docs'); // The `` block should render the "Basic" story, and the `` block should // render the "Another" story const root = sbPage.previewRoot(); const stories = root.locator('.sbdocs-h3'); await expect(await stories.count()).toBe(1); await expect(stories.first()).toHaveText('Another'); }); });