import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions'; import { document } from 'global'; import { array, boolean, button, color, date, select, withKnobs, text, number, } from '@storybook/addon-knobs'; const cachedContainer = document.createElement('p'); export default { title: 'Addons/Knobs', decorators: [withKnobs], }; export const Simple = () => { const name = text('Name', 'John Doe'); const age = number('Age', 44); const content = `I am ${name} and I'm ${age} years old.`; return `
`; }; export const DOM = () => { const name = text('Name', 'John Doe'); const container = document.createElement('p'); container.textContent = name; return container; }; export const Story3 = () => { const name = text('Name', 'John Doe'); const textColor = color('Text color', 'orangered'); cachedContainer.textContent = name; = 'color 0.5s ease-out'; = textColor; return cachedContainer; }; Story3.storyName = 'CSS transitions'; export const Story4 = () => { const name = text('Name', 'Jane'); const stock = number('Stock', 20, { range: true, min: 0, max: 30, step: 5, }); const fruits = { Apple: 'apples', Banana: 'bananas', Cherry: 'cherries', }; const fruit = select('Fruit', fruits, 'apples'); const price = number('Price', 2.25); const colour = color('Border', 'deeppink'); const today = date('Today', new Date('Jan 20 2017 GMT+0')); const items = array('Items', ['Laptop', 'Book', 'Whiskey']); const nice = boolean('Nice', true); const stockMessage = stock ? `I have a stock of ${stock} ${fruit}, costing $${price} each.` : `I'm out of ${fruit}${nice ? ', Sorry!' : '.'}`; const salutation = nice ? 'Nice to meet you!' : 'Leave me alone!'; const dateOptions = { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' }; button('Arbitrary action', action('You clicked it!')); const style = `border: 2px dotted ${colour}; padding: 8px 22px; border-radius: 8px`; return `

My name is ${name},

today is ${new Date(today).toLocaleDateString('en-US', dateOptions)}


Also, I have:


`; }; Story4.storyName = 'All knobs'; export const Story5 = () => text('Rendered string', ''); Story5.storyName = 'XSS safety';