2018-05-15 23:52:57 +02:00
import React from 'react';
2018-12-04 18:47:58 -08:00
import { ThemeProvider } from 'emotion-theming';
2018-09-06 15:16:38 +02:00
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
2018-12-20 12:14:25 +11:00
import { storiesOf, configure, addDecorator, addParameters } from '@storybook/react';
2018-05-15 23:52:57 +02:00
import { themes } from '@storybook/components';
2018-12-10 19:27:12 +01:00
2018-12-06 12:02:21 +01:00
import { INITIAL_VIEWPORTS } from '@storybook/addon-viewport';
2018-12-10 19:27:12 +01:00
import { withCssResources } from '@storybook/addon-cssresources';
import { withA11Y } from '@storybook/addon-a11y';
2018-12-20 12:14:25 +11:00
import { withNotes } from '@storybook/addon-notes';
2018-05-15 23:52:57 +02:00
2017-12-18 17:16:19 +11:00
import 'react-chromatic/storybook-addon';
2018-12-10 19:27:12 +01:00
2018-01-06 22:49:40 +03:00
import addHeadWarning from './head-warning';
2018-02-26 00:00:28 +01:00
import extraViewports from './extra-viewports.json';
2018-01-06 22:49:40 +03:00
2018-10-14 17:39:35 +02:00
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
addHeadWarning('Dotenv development file not loaded');
addHeadWarning('Global storybook env var not loaded');
if (process.env.DISPLAY_WARNING) {
addHeadWarning('Global non-storybook env var loaded');
2018-01-24 00:41:29 +03:00
addHeadWarning('Preview head not loaded', 'preview-head-not-loaded');
addHeadWarning('Dotenv file not loaded', 'dotenv-file-not-loaded');
2017-12-27 10:39:31 +01:00
2018-12-10 19:27:12 +01:00
2018-12-20 12:14:25 +11:00
2017-11-27 13:48:46 +11:00
2018-09-06 15:16:38 +02:00
const Reset = styled.div(({ theme }) => ({
fontFamily: theme.mainTextFace,
color: theme.mainTextColor,
WebkitFontSmoothing: 'antialiased',
fontSize: theme.mainTextSize,
2018-09-12 12:40:58 +02:00
addDecorator((story, { kind }) => (kind === 'Core|Errors' ? story() : <Reset>{story()}</Reset>));
2018-12-04 19:54:10 +01:00
addDecorator((story, { kind }) =>
kind === 'Core|Errors' ? story() : <ThemeProvider theme={themes.normal}>{story()}</ThemeProvider>
2018-08-09 11:50:48 +10:00
2018-05-15 23:52:57 +02:00
2018-12-06 12:02:21 +01:00
2018-12-10 19:27:12 +01:00
a11y: {},
options: {
2018-12-11 01:10:15 +01:00
name: 'Storybook',
2018-12-10 19:27:12 +01:00
hierarchySeparator: /\/|\./,
hierarchyRootSeparator: '|',
// theme: themes.dark,
2018-02-26 00:00:28 +01:00
viewports: {
2018-03-09 00:51:35 +01:00
2018-02-26 00:00:28 +01:00
2018-01-31 14:54:29 +02:00
function importAll(req) {
req.keys().forEach(filename => req(filename));
2018-12-20 12:14:25 +11:00
// TODO -- somehow don't use window for this cross HMR storage
const { previousExports = {} } = window; // eslint-disable-line no-undef
window.previousExports = previousExports; // eslint-disable-line no-undef
// The simplest version of examples would just export this function for users to use
function importAllExamples(context) {
const storyStore = window.__STORYBOOK_CLIENT_API__._storyStore; // eslint-disable-line no-undef, no-underscore-dangle
context.keys().forEach(filename => {
// console.log(`checking ${filename}`);
const fileExports = context(filename);
const { default: component, ...examples } = fileExports;
let componentOptions = component;
if (component.prototype && component.prototype.isReactComponent) {
componentOptions = { component };
const kindName = componentOptions.title || componentOptions.component.displayName;
if (previousExports[filename]) {
// console.log(`found previousExports ${filename}`);
if (previousExports[filename] === fileExports) {
// console.log(`exports have not changed ${filename}`);
// Otherwise clear this kind
// We pass true here to avoid the warning about HMR. It's cool clientApi, we got this
const kind = storiesOf(kindName, true);
(componentOptions.decorators || []).forEach(decorator => {
if (componentOptions.parameters) {
Object.keys(examples).forEach(key => {
const example = examples[key];
const { title = key, parameters } = example;
kind.add(title, example, parameters);
previousExports[filename] = fileExports;
2017-11-27 13:48:46 +11:00
function loadStories() {
let req;
2017-12-20 15:22:08 +11:00
req = require.context('../../lib/ui/src', true, /\.stories\.js$/);
2018-01-31 14:54:29 +02:00
2017-11-27 13:56:00 +11:00
2017-12-20 15:22:08 +11:00
req = require.context('../../lib/components/src', true, /\.stories\.js$/);
2018-01-31 14:54:29 +02:00
2017-12-20 15:22:08 +11:00
req = require.context('./stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/);
2018-01-31 14:54:29 +02:00
2018-12-20 12:14:25 +11:00
req = require.context('./stories', true, /\.examples\.js$/);
2017-11-27 13:48:46 +11:00
configure(loadStories, module);