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/* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax, no-await-in-loop */
import path from 'path';
2022-08-08 18:29:08 +02:00
import {
2022-08-08 18:29:08 +02:00
} from 'fs-extra';
import prompts from 'prompts';
2022-08-12 15:06:36 +10:00
import type { AbortController } from 'node-abort-controller';
import command from 'execa';
import { createOptions, getOptionsOrPrompt, OptionValues } from './utils/options';
import { executeCLIStep } from './utils/cli-step';
import { installYarn2, configureYarn2ForVerdaccio, addPackageResolutions } from './utils/yarn';
import { exec } from './utils/exec';
import { getInterpretedFile } from '../code/lib/core-common';
2022-08-01 10:41:52 +10:00
import { ConfigFile, readConfig, writeConfig } from '../code/lib/csf-tools';
import { babelParse } from '../code/lib/csf-tools/src/babelParse';
import TEMPLATES from '../code/lib/cli/src/repro-templates';
import { detectLanguage } from '../code/lib/cli/src/detect';
import { SupportedLanguage } from '../code/lib/cli/src/project_types';
2022-08-12 15:06:36 +10:00
import { servePackages } from './utils/serve-packages';
import { filterExistsInCodeDir, codeDir } from './utils/filterExistsInCodeDir';
import { JsPackageManagerFactory } from '../code/lib/cli/src/js-package-manager';
type Template = keyof typeof TEMPLATES;
const templates: Template[] = Object.keys(TEMPLATES) as any;
const addons = ['a11y', 'storysource'];
const defaultAddons = [
2022-09-08 11:37:26 +02:00
2022-08-02 09:15:06 +10:00
const sandboxDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../sandbox');
const reprosDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../repros');
export const options = createOptions({
template: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Which template would you like to use?',
values: templates,
required: true as const,
addon: {
type: 'string[]',
description: 'Which extra addons (beyond the CLI defaults) would you like installed?',
values: addons,
includeStories: {
type: 'boolean',
description: "Include Storybook's own stories?",
promptType: (_, { template }) => template === 'react',
fromLocalRepro: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Create the template from a local repro (rather than degitting it)?',
forceDelete: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Always delete an existing sandbox, even if it has the same configuration?',
promptType: false,
forceReuse: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Always reuse an existing sandbox, even if it has a different configuration?',
promptType: false,
link: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Link the storybook to the local code?',
inverse: true,
publish: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Publish local code to verdaccio and start before installing?',
inverse: true,
promptType: (_, { link }) => !link,
startVerdaccio: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Start Verdaccio before installing?',
inverse: true,
promptType: (_, { publish }) => !publish,
start: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Start the Storybook?',
inverse: true,
build: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Build the Storybook?',
promptType: (_, { start }) => !start,
watch: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Start building used packages in watch mode as well as the Storybook?',
promptType: (_, { start }) => start,
dryRun: {
type: 'boolean',
description: "Don't execute commands, just list them (dry run)?",
promptType: false,
debug: {
2022-08-09 17:03:45 +10:00
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Print all the logs to the console',
promptType: false,
async function getOptions() {
return getOptionsOrPrompt('yarn sandbox', options);
const steps = {
repro: {
command: 'repro-next',
2022-08-02 09:15:06 +10:00
description: 'Bootstrapping Template',
icon: '👷',
hasArgument: true,
options: createOptions({
output: { type: 'string' },
// TODO allow default values for strings
branch: { type: 'string', values: ['next'] },
add: {
command: 'add',
description: 'Adding addon',
icon: '+',
hasArgument: true,
options: createOptions({}),
2022-07-28 21:21:58 +10:00
link: {
command: 'link',
description: 'Linking packages',
icon: '🔗',
hasArgument: true,
options: createOptions({
local: { type: 'boolean' },
start: { type: 'boolean', inverse: true },
2022-07-28 21:21:58 +10:00
build: {
command: 'build',
2022-08-02 09:15:06 +10:00
description: 'Building Storybook',
icon: '🔨',
options: createOptions({}),
dev: {
command: 'dev',
2022-08-02 09:15:06 +10:00
description: 'Starting Storybook',
2022-07-26 16:20:49 +10:00
icon: '🖥 ',
options: createOptions({}),
const logger = console;
2022-08-02 14:32:03 +10:00
async function findFirstPath(paths: string[], { cwd }: { cwd: string }) {
for (const filePath of paths) {
if (await pathExists(path.join(cwd, filePath))) return filePath;
return null;
async function addPackageScripts({
}: {
cwd: string;
scripts: Record<string, string>;
2022-08-02 14:32:03 +10:00
}) {`🔢 Adding package scripts:`);
const packageJsonPath = path.join(cwd, 'package.json');
const packageJson = await readJSON(packageJsonPath);
packageJson.scripts = {
await writeJSON(packageJsonPath, packageJson, { spaces: 2 });
2022-08-02 14:32:03 +10:00
2022-08-02 08:35:07 +10:00
async function readMainConfig({ cwd }: { cwd: string }) {
const configDir = path.join(cwd, '.storybook');
2022-08-08 18:29:08 +02:00
if (!existsSync(configDir)) {
throw new Error(
`Unable to find the Storybook folder in "${configDir}". Are you sure it exists? Or maybe this folder uses a custom Storybook config directory?`
2022-08-02 08:35:07 +10:00
const mainConfigPath = getInterpretedFile(path.resolve(configDir, 'main'));
return readConfig(mainConfigPath);
2022-09-01 12:55:49 +10:00
// Ensure that sandboxes can refer to story files defined in `code/`.
// Most WP-based build systems will not compile files outside of the project root or 'src/` or
// similar. Plus they aren't guaranteed to handle TS files. So we need to patch in esbuild
// loader for such files. NOTE this isn't necessary for Vite, as far as we know.
function addEsbuildLoaderToStories(mainConfig: ConfigFile) {
// NOTE: the test regexp here will apply whether the path is symlink-preserved or otherwise
const loaderPath = require.resolve('../code/node_modules/esbuild-loader');
const webpackFinalCode = `
2022-08-01 22:57:00 +10:00
(config) => ({
module: {
rules: [
// Ensure esbuild-loader applies to all files in ./template-stories
2022-08-01 22:57:00 +10:00
test: [/\\/template-stories\\//],
2022-08-02 08:48:07 +10:00
loader: '${loaderPath}',
2022-08-01 22:57:00 +10:00
options: {
loader: 'tsx',
target: 'es2015',
// Ensure no other loaders from the framework apply => ({
exclude: [/\\/template-stories\\//].concat(rule.exclude || []),
2022-08-01 22:57:00 +10:00
2022-09-01 12:55:49 +10:00
// @ts-expect-error (not sure why TS complains here, it does exist)
2022-09-01 12:55:49 +10:00
// Recompile optimized deps on each startup, so you can change @storybook/* packages and not
// have to clear caches.
function forceViteRebuilds(mainConfig: ConfigFile) {
const viteFinalCode = `
(config) => ({
optimizeDeps: {
force: true,
// @ts-expect-error (not sure why TS complains here, it does exist)
2022-09-01 12:55:49 +10:00
2022-08-01 22:57:00 +10:00
function addPreviewAnnotations(mainConfig: ConfigFile, paths: string[]) {
const config = mainConfig.getFieldValue(['previewAnnotations']) as string[];
mainConfig.setFieldValue(['previewAnnotations'], [...(config || []), ...paths]);
// packageDir is eg 'renderers/react', 'addons/actions'
async function linkPackageStories(
packageDir: string,
{ mainConfig, cwd, linkInDir }: { mainConfig: ConfigFile; cwd: string; linkInDir?: string }
) {
const source = path.join(codeDir, packageDir, 'template', 'stories');
// By default we link `stories` directories
// e.g '../../../code/lib/store/template/stories' to 'template-stories/lib/store'
// if the directory <code>/lib/store/template/stories exists
// The files must be linked in the cwd, in order to ensure that any dependencies they
// reference are resolved in the cwd. In particular 'react' resolved by MDX files.
const target = linkInDir
? path.resolve(linkInDir, packageDir)
: path.resolve(cwd, 'template-stories', packageDir);
await ensureSymlink(source, target);
// Add `previewAnnotation` entries of the form
// './template-stories/lib/store/preview.ts'
// if the file <code>/lib/store/template/stories/preview.ts exists
2022-08-01 22:57:00 +10:00
const previewFile = path.join(codeDir, packageDir, 'template', 'stories', 'preview.ts');
if (await pathExists(previewFile)) {
addPreviewAnnotations(mainConfig, [
`./${path.join('template-stories', packageDir, 'preview.ts')}`,
// Update the stories field to ensure that:
// a) no TS files that are linked from the renderer are picked up in non-TS projects
// b) files in ./template-stories are not matched by the default glob
async function updateStoriesField(mainConfig: ConfigFile, isJs: boolean) {
const stories = mainConfig.getFieldValue(['stories']) as string[];
// If the project is a JS project, let's make sure any linked in TS stories from the
// renderer inside src|stories are simply ignored.
const updatedStories = isJs
? => specifier.replace('js|jsx|ts|tsx', 'js|jsx'))
: stories;
// FIXME: '*.@(mdx|stories.mdx|stories.tsx|stories.ts|stories.jsx|stories.js'
const linkedStories = path.join('..', 'template-stories', '**', '*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx|mdx)');
mainConfig.setFieldValue(['stories'], [...updatedStories, linkedStories]);
type Workspace = { name: string; location: string };
async function getWorkspaces() {
const { stdout } = await command('yarn workspaces list --json', {
cwd: process.cwd(),
shell: true,
return JSON.parse(`[${stdout.split('\n').join(',')}]`) as Workspace[];
function workspacePath(type: string, packageName: string, workspaces: Workspace[]) {
const workspace = workspaces.find((w) => === packageName);
if (!workspace) {
throw new Error(`Unknown ${type} '${packageName}', not in yarn workspace!`);
return workspace.location;
function addExtraDependencies({
}: {
cwd: string;
dryRun: boolean;
debug: boolean;
}) {
const extraDeps = ['@storybook/jest'];
if (debug) console.log('🎁 Adding extra deps', extraDeps);
if (!dryRun) {
const packageManager = JsPackageManagerFactory.getPackageManager(false, cwd);
packageManager.addDependencies({ installAsDevDependencies: true }, extraDeps);
export async function sandbox(optionValues: OptionValues<typeof options>) {
const { template, forceDelete, forceReuse, dryRun, debug, fromLocalRepro } = optionValues;
await ensureDir(sandboxDir);
let publishController: AbortController;
2022-08-02 14:32:03 +10:00
const cwd = path.join(sandboxDir, template.replace('/', '-'));
const exists = await pathExists(cwd);
2022-07-28 19:46:40 +10:00
let shouldDelete = exists && !forceReuse;
if (exists && !forceDelete && !forceReuse) {
if (process.env.CI)
throw new Error(`yarn sandbox needed to prompt for options, this is not possible in CI!`);
2022-07-28 19:46:40 +10:00
const relativePath = path.relative(process.cwd(), cwd);
({ shouldDelete } = await prompts({
type: 'toggle',
2022-07-28 19:46:40 +10:00
message: `${relativePath} already exists, should delete it and create a new one?`,
name: 'shouldDelete',
initial: false,
active: 'yes',
inactive: 'no',
2022-07-28 19:46:40 +10:00
if (exists && shouldDelete && !dryRun) await remove(cwd);
2022-07-28 19:46:40 +10:00
if (!exists || shouldDelete) {
if (fromLocalRepro) {
const srcDir = path.join(reprosDir, template, 'after-storybook');
if (!existsSync(srcDir)) {
throw new Error(dedent`
Missing repro directory '${srcDir}'!
To run sandbox against a local repro, you must have already generated
the repro template in the /repros directory using:
yarn generate-repros-next --template ${template}
const destDir = cwd;
await copy(srcDir, destDir);
} else {
await executeCLIStep(steps.repro, {
argument: template,
optionValues: { output: cwd, branch: 'next' },
cwd: sandboxDir,
2022-08-01 10:41:52 +10:00
const mainConfig = await readMainConfig({ cwd });
const templateConfig = TEMPLATES[template as Template];
const { renderer, builder } = templateConfig.expected;
2022-08-02 14:32:03 +10:00
const storiesPath = await findFirstPath([path.join('src', 'stories'), 'stories'], { cwd });
2022-08-01 10:41:52 +10:00
const workspaces = await getWorkspaces();
// Link in the template/components/index.js from store, the renderer and the addons
const rendererPath = workspacePath('renderer', renderer, workspaces);
2022-08-01 10:41:52 +10:00
await ensureSymlink(
path.join(codeDir, rendererPath, 'template', 'components'),
path.resolve(cwd, storiesPath, 'components')
addPreviewAnnotations(mainConfig, [`.${path.sep}${path.join(storiesPath, 'components')}`]);
// Add stories for the renderer. NOTE: these *do* need to be processed by the framework build system
await linkPackageStories(rendererPath, {
linkInDir: path.resolve(cwd, storiesPath),
// Add stories for lib/store (and addons below). NOTE: these stories will be in the
// template-stories folder and *not* processed by the framework build config (instead by esbuild-loader)
await linkPackageStories(workspacePath('core package', '@storybook/store', workspaces), {
// TODO -- sb add <addon> doesn't actually work properly:
// - installs in `deps` not `devDeps`
// - does a `workspace:^` install (what does that mean?)
// - doesn't add to `main.js`
for (const addon of optionValues.addon) {
const addonName = `@storybook/addon-${addon}`;
await executeCLIStep(steps.add, { argument: addonName, cwd, dryRun, debug });
const addonDirs = [...defaultAddons, ...optionValues.addon].map((addon) =>
workspacePath('addon', `@storybook/addon-${addon}`, workspaces)
const existingStories = await filterExistsInCodeDir(
path.join('template', 'stories')
await Promise.all( (packageDir) => linkPackageStories(packageDir, { mainConfig, cwd }))
// Ensure that we match stories from the template-stories dir
const packageJson = await import(path.join(cwd, 'package.json'));
await updateStoriesField(
detectLanguage(packageJson) === SupportedLanguage.JAVASCRIPT
2022-08-01 10:41:52 +10:00
// Add some extra settings (see above for what these do)
mainConfig.setFieldValue(['core', 'disableTelemetry'], true);
if (builder === '@storybook/builder-webpack5') addEsbuildLoaderToStories(mainConfig);
if (builder === '@storybook/builder-vite') forceViteRebuilds(mainConfig);
2022-08-01 10:41:52 +10:00
await writeConfig(mainConfig);
2022-07-28 21:21:58 +10:00
2022-08-09 17:16:51 +10:00
await installYarn2({ cwd, dryRun, debug });
const { link, publish, startVerdaccio } = optionValues;
2022-07-28 21:21:58 +10:00
if (link) {
await executeCLIStep(, {
argument: cwd,
cwd: codeDir,
optionValues: { local: true, start: false },
} else {
if (publish) {
await exec('yarn local-registry --publish', { cwd: codeDir }, { dryRun, debug });
if (publish || startVerdaccio) {
2022-08-12 15:06:36 +10:00
publishController = await servePackages({ dryRun, debug });
// We need to add package resolutions to ensure that we only ever install the latest version
// of any storybook packages as verdaccio is not able to both proxy to npm and publish over
// the top. In theory this could mask issues where different versions cause problems.
2022-08-09 17:16:51 +10:00
await addPackageResolutions({ cwd, dryRun, debug });
await configureYarn2ForVerdaccio({ cwd, dryRun, debug });
await exec(
'yarn install',
{ cwd },
startMessage: `⬇️ Installing local dependencies`,
errorMessage: `🚨 Installing local dependencies failed`,
2022-07-28 21:21:58 +10:00
// Some addon stories require extra dependencies
addExtraDependencies({ cwd, dryRun, debug });
await addPackageScripts({
scripts: {
'NODE_OPTIONS="--preserve-symlinks --preserve-symlinks-main" storybook dev -p 6006',
'NODE_OPTIONS="--preserve-symlinks --preserve-symlinks-main" storybook build',
const { start, build } = optionValues;
if (start) {
await exec(
'yarn storybook',
{ cwd },
startMessage: `⬆️ Starting Storybook`,
errorMessage: `🚨 Starting Storybook failed`,
debug: true,
} else if (build) {
await executeCLIStep(, { cwd, dryRun, debug });
// TODO serve
// TODO start dev
// Cleanup
2022-08-12 17:17:18 +10:00
async function main() {
const optionValues = await getOptions();
return sandbox(optionValues);
if (require.main === module) {
2022-08-10 11:00:12 +10:00
main().catch((err) => {
logger.error('🚨 An error occurred when executing "sandbox":');