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2022-09-30 21:56:24 +10:00
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
import { AbortController } from 'node-abort-controller';
2022-08-12 14:20:35 +10:00
import { getJunitXml } from 'junit-xml';
import { outputFile } from 'fs-extra';
import { join, resolve } from 'path';
2022-09-30 21:21:40 +10:00
import { prompt } from 'prompts';
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
import { createOptions, getOptionsOrPrompt, Option, OptionValues } from './utils/options';
import { installRepo } from './tasks/install-repo';
import { bootstrapRepo } from './tasks/bootstrap-repo';
import { publishRepo } from './tasks/publish-repo';
import { runRegistryRepo } from './tasks/run-registry-repo';
2022-08-12 14:23:36 +10:00
import { create } from './tasks/create';
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
import { install } from './tasks/install';
import { sandbox } from './tasks/sandbox';
import { start } from './tasks/start';
2022-08-12 14:23:36 +10:00
import { smokeTest } from './tasks/smoke-test';
2022-08-12 14:26:34 +10:00
import { build } from './tasks/build';
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
import { serve } from './tasks/serve';
2022-08-12 15:06:36 +10:00
import { testRunner } from './tasks/test-runner';
2022-08-12 15:14:16 +10:00
import { chromatic } from './tasks/chromatic';
2022-08-12 15:19:08 +10:00
import { e2eTests } from './tasks/e2e-tests';
import TEMPLATES from '../code/lib/cli/src/repro-templates';
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
import { addons } from './sandbox';
const sandboxDir = resolve(__dirname, '../sandbox');
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
const codeDir = resolve(__dirname, '../code');
2022-08-12 14:20:35 +10:00
const junitDir = resolve(__dirname, '../code/test-results');
export type TemplateKey = keyof typeof TEMPLATES;
export type Template = typeof TEMPLATES[TemplateKey];
export type Path = string;
2022-08-12 15:14:16 +10:00
export type TemplateDetails = {
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
key: TemplateKey;
2022-08-12 15:14:16 +10:00
template: Template;
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
codeDir: Path;
2022-08-12 15:14:16 +10:00
sandboxDir: Path;
builtSandboxDir: Path;
junitFilename: Path;
type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;
export type Task = {
2022-08-12 15:06:36 +10:00
* Which tasks run before this task
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
before?: TaskKey[] | ((options: PassedOptionValues) => TaskKey[]);
* Is this task already "ready", and potentially not required?
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
ready: (details: TemplateDetails) => MaybePromise<boolean>;
* Reset the previous version of the task that ran
* (it may not be necessary if running the task overwrites prior versions)
reset?: (details: TemplateDetails, options: PassedOptionValues) => MaybePromise<void>;
* Run the task
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
run: (
details: TemplateDetails,
options: PassedOptionValues
) => MaybePromise<void | AbortController>;
2022-08-12 15:06:36 +10:00
* Does this task handle its own junit results?
junit?: boolean;
export const tasks = {
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
// These tasks pertain to the whole monorepo, rather than an
// individual template/sandbox
'install-repo': installRepo,
'bootstrap-repo': bootstrapRepo,
'publish-repo': publishRepo,
'run-registry-repo': runRegistryRepo,
// These tasks pertain to a single sandbox in the ../sandboxes dir
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
2022-08-12 14:23:36 +10:00
'smoke-test': smokeTest,
2022-08-12 14:26:34 +10:00
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
2022-08-12 15:06:36 +10:00
'test-runner': testRunner,
2022-08-12 15:14:16 +10:00
2022-08-12 15:19:08 +10:00
'e2e-tests': e2eTests,
type TaskKey = keyof typeof tasks;
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
export const sandboxOptions = createOptions({
template: {
type: 'string',
description: 'What template are you running against?',
values: Object.keys(TEMPLATES) as TemplateKey[],
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
// TODO -- feature flags
sandboxDir: {
type: 'string',
description: 'What is the name of the directory the sandbox runs in?',
promptType: false,
addon: {
type: 'string[]',
description: 'Which extra addons (beyond the CLI defaults) would you like installed?',
values: addons,
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
export const runOptions = createOptions({
link: {
type: 'boolean',
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
description: 'Link the storybook to the local code?',
inverse: true,
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
fromLocalRepro: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Create the template from a local repro (rather than degitting it)?',
dryRun: {
type: 'boolean',
description: "Don't execute commands, just list them (dry run)?",
promptType: false,
debug: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Print all the logs to the console',
promptType: false,
export const taskOptions = createOptions({
task: {
type: 'string',
description: 'What task are you performing (corresponds to CI job)?',
values: Object.keys(tasks) as TaskKey[],
required: true,
reset: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Which task should we reset back to?',
values: [...(Object.keys(tasks) as TaskKey[]), 'never', 'as-needed'] as const,
2022-08-12 14:20:35 +10:00
junit: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Store results in junit format?',
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
type PassedOptionValues = OptionValues<typeof sandboxOptions & typeof runOptions>;
const logger = console;
2022-08-12 15:06:36 +10:00
function getJunitFilename(taskKey: TaskKey) {
return join(junitDir, `${taskKey}.xml`);
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
async function writeJunitXml(
taskKey: TaskKey,
templateKey: TemplateKey,
startTime: Date,
err?: Error
) {
2022-08-12 14:20:35 +10:00
const name = `${taskKey} - ${templateKey}`;
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
const time = ( - +startTime) / 1000;
2022-08-12 14:20:35 +10:00
const testCase = { name, assertions: 1, time, ...(err && { errors: [err] }) };
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
const suite = { name, timestamp: startTime, time, testCases: [testCase] };
2022-08-12 14:20:35 +10:00
const junitXml = getJunitXml({ time, name, suites: [suite] });
2022-08-12 15:06:36 +10:00
const path = getJunitFilename(taskKey);
2022-08-12 14:20:35 +10:00
await outputFile(path, junitXml);
logger.log(`Test results written to ${resolve(path)}`);
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
function getTaskKey(task: Task): TaskKey {
return (Object.entries(tasks) as [TaskKey, Task][]).find(([_, t]) => t === task)[0];
* Get a list of tasks that need to be (possibly) run, in order, to
* be able to run `finalTask`.
function getTaskList(finalTask: Task, optionValues: PassedOptionValues) {
const taskDeps = new Map<Task, Task[]>();
// Which tasks depend on a given task
const tasksThatDepend = new Map<Task, Task[]>();
const addTask = (task: Task, dependent?: Task) => {
if (tasksThatDepend.has(task)) {
if (!dependent) throw new Error('Unexpected task without dependent seen a second time');
tasksThatDepend.set(task, tasksThatDepend.get(task).concat(dependent));
// This is the first time we've seen this task
tasksThatDepend.set(task, dependent ? [dependent] : []);
const beforeTaskNames =
typeof task.before === 'function' ? task.before(optionValues) : task.before || [];
const beforeTasks = => tasks[n]);
taskDeps.set(task, beforeTasks);
beforeTasks.forEach((t) => addTask(t, task));
2022-08-12 15:06:36 +10:00
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
// We need to sort the tasks topologically so we run each task before the tasks that
// depend on it. This is Kahn's algorithm :shrug:
const sortedTasks = [] as Task[];
const tasksWithoutDependencies = [finalTask];
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
while (taskDeps.size !== sortedTasks.length) {
const task = tasksWithoutDependencies.pop();
if (!task) throw new Error('Topological sort failed, is there a cyclic task dependency?');
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
taskDeps.get(task).forEach((depTask) => {
const remainingTasksThatDepend = tasksThatDepend
.filter((t) => !sortedTasks.includes(t));
if (remainingTasksThatDepend.length === 0) tasksWithoutDependencies.push(depTask);
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
return sortedTasks;
2022-09-30 21:56:24 +10:00
type TaskStatus = 'ready' | 'unready' | 'running' | 'complete' | 'failed';
const statusToEmoji: Record<TaskStatus, string> = {
ready: '🟢',
unready: '🟡',
running: '🔄',
complete: '✅',
failed: '❌',
function writeTaskList(taskAndStatus: [Task, TaskStatus][]) {
.map(([task, status]) => `${statusToEmoji[status]} ${getTaskKey(task)}`)
.join(' > ')
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
const controllers: AbortController[] = [];
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
async function runTask(task: Task, details: TemplateDetails, optionValues: PassedOptionValues) {
const startTime = new Date();
2022-08-12 14:20:35 +10:00
try {
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
const controller = await, optionValues);
if (controller) controllers.push(controller);
if (details.junitFilename && !task.junit)
await writeJunitXml(getTaskKey(task), details.key, startTime);
2022-08-12 14:20:35 +10:00
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
return controller;
2022-08-12 14:20:35 +10:00
} catch (err) {
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
if (details.junitFilename && !task.junit)
await writeJunitXml(getTaskKey(task), details.key, startTime, err);
2022-08-12 14:20:35 +10:00
throw err;
async function run() {
const {
task: taskKey,
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
2022-08-12 14:20:35 +10:00
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
} = await getOptionsOrPrompt('yarn task', {
2022-08-12 14:20:35 +10:00
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
const task = tasks[taskKey];
const { template: templateKey } = optionValues;
const template = TEMPLATES[templateKey];
const templateSandboxDir = templateKey && join(sandboxDir, templateKey.replace('/', '-'));
const details = {
key: templateKey,
sandboxDir: templateSandboxDir,
builtSandboxDir: templateKey && join(templateSandboxDir, 'storybook-static'),
junitFilename: junit && getJunitFilename(taskKey),
const sortedTasks = getTaskList(task, optionValues);
const sortedTasksReady = await Promise.all( => t.ready(details)));
const firstUnready = sortedTasks.find((_, index) => !sortedTasksReady[index]);
2022-09-30 21:56:24 +10:00`Task readiness up to ${taskKey}`);
const sortedTasksStatus: [Task, TaskStatus][] =, index) => [
sortedTasksReady[index] ? 'ready' : 'unready',
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
let firstTask: Task;
if (reset === 'as-needed') {
if (!firstUnready) {'All tasks already ready, no task needed');
firstTask = firstUnready;
} else if (reset === 'never') {
if (!firstUnready) throw new Error(`Task ${taskKey} is ready`);
if (firstUnready !== task) throw new Error(`Task ${getTaskKey(firstUnready)} was not ready`);
firstTask = task;
} else if (reset) {
// set to reset back to a specific task
if (sortedTasks.indexOf(tasks[reset]) > sortedTasks.indexOf(firstUnready)) {
throw new Error(
`Task ${getTaskKey(firstUnready)} was not ready, earlier than your request ${reset}.`
firstTask = tasks[reset];
} else if (firstUnready === sortedTasks[0]) {
// We need to do everything, no need to ask
firstTask = firstUnready;
} else {
// We don't know what to do! Let's ask
({ firstTask } = await prompt({
type: 'select',
message: 'Which task would you like to start at?',
name: 'firstTask',
2022-09-30 21:56:24 +10:00
choices: sortedTasks.slice(0, sortedTasks.indexOf(firstUnready) + 1).map((t) => ({
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
title: getTaskKey(t),
value: t,
2022-09-30 22:29:42 +10:00
for (let i = sortedTasks.indexOf(firstTask); i < sortedTasks.length; i += 1) {
2022-09-30 21:56:24 +10:00
sortedTasksStatus[i][1] = 'running';
2022-09-30 22:07:38 +10:00
const taskController = await runTask(sortedTasks[i], details, {
// Always debug the final task so we can see it's output fully
debug: sortedTasks[i] === task ? true : optionValues.debug,
2022-09-30 21:56:24 +10:00
sortedTasksStatus[i][1] = 'complete';
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
// If the task has it's own controller, it is going to remain
// open until the user ctrl-c's which will have the side effect
// of stopping everything.
if (sortedTasks[i] === task && taskController) {
await new Promise(() => {});
// TODO -- is this necessary??
// // If the task has it's own controller, it is going to remain
// // open until the user ctrl-c's which will have the side effect
// // of stopping everything.
// if (taskController) {
// await new Promise(() => {});
// } else {
// controllers.forEach((c) => c.abort());
// }
if (require.main === module) {
2022-08-12 17:26:09 +10:00
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((err) => {
2022-09-27 12:21:21 +10:00
// logger.error(err);
2022-08-12 17:26:09 +10:00