Thanks for your interest in improving Storybook! We are a community-driven project and welcome contributions of all kinds: from discussion to documentation to bugfixes to feature improvements.
Please review this document to help to streamline the process and save everyone's precious time.
If you follow that process, you can then link to the github repository in the issue. See for an example.
**NOTE**: If your issue involves a webpack config, create-react-app will prevent you from modifying the *app's* webpack config, however you can still modify storybook's to mirror your app's version of storybook. Alternatively, use `npm run eject` in the CRA app to get a modifiable webpack config.
* Try to fix some [bugs](
* Work on [enhancements]( and new [features](
**As a PR submitter**, you should reference the issue if there is one, include a short description of what you contributed and, if it is a code change, instructions for how to manually test out the change. This is informally enforced by our [PR template]( If your PR is reviewed as only needing trivial changes (e.g. small typos etc), and you have commit access, then you can merge the PR after making those changes.
**As a PR reviewer**, you should read through the changes and comment on any potential problems. If you see something cool, a kind word never hurts either! Additionally, you should follow the testing instructions and manually test the changes. If the instructions are missing, unclear, or overly complex, feel free to request better instructions from the submitter. Unless the PR is tagged with the `do not merge` label, if you approve the review and there is no other required discussion or changes, you should also go ahead and merge the PR.
Issues that are tagged `question / support` or `needs reproduction` are great places to help. If you can answer a question, it will help the asker as well as anyone searching. If an issue needs reproduction, you may be able to guide the reporter toward one, or even reproduce it yourself using [this technique](
Once you've helped out on a few issues, if you'd like triage access, you can help label issues, and respond to reporters. New issues should be labelled as one of `bug`, `new feature`, `question / support` or `discussion`.
If an issue is a `bug`, and it doesn't have a clear reproduction that you have personally confirmed, label it `needs reproduction` and ask the author to try and create a reproduction, or have a go yourself.
- Unreproducible issues should be closed if it's not possible to reproduce them (if the reporter drops offline, it is reasonable to wait 2 weeks before closing).
-`question / support`s should be closed when the question has been answered. If the questioner drops offline, a reasonable period to wait is two weeks.