2022-10-05 15:49:58 +11:00
// This file requires many imports from `../code`, which requires both an install and bootstrap of
// the repo to work properly. So we load it async in the task runner *after* those steps.
2023-01-12 11:42:31 +01:00
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax, no-await-in-loop, no-param-reassign */
import {
} from 'fs-extra';
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
import { join, resolve, sep } from 'path';
2023-01-22 13:50:43 +01:00
import slash from 'slash';
2023-01-11 09:26:11 +01:00
import type { Task } from '../task';
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
import { executeCLIStep, steps } from '../utils/cli-step';
import { installYarn2, configureYarn2ForVerdaccio, addPackageResolutions } from '../utils/yarn';
import { exec } from '../utils/exec';
2022-11-07 17:20:42 +11:00
import type { ConfigFile } from '../../code/lib/csf-tools';
import { writeConfig } from '../../code/lib/csf-tools';
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
import { filterExistsInCodeDir } from '../utils/filterExistsInCodeDir';
import { findFirstPath } from '../utils/paths';
import { detectLanguage } from '../../code/lib/cli/src/detect';
import { SupportedLanguage } from '../../code/lib/cli/src/project_types';
2022-10-10 22:35:41 +11:00
import { updatePackageScripts } from '../utils/package-json';
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
import { addPreviewAnnotations, readMainConfig } from '../utils/main-js';
import { JsPackageManagerFactory } from '../../code/lib/cli/src/js-package-manager';
import { workspacePath } from '../utils/workspace';
import { babelParse } from '../../code/lib/csf-tools/src/babelParse';
const reprosDir = resolve(__dirname, '../../repros');
const codeDir = resolve(__dirname, '../../code');
const logger = console;
2022-10-10 21:43:06 +11:00
export const essentialsAddons = [
2023-02-15 12:16:18 +08:00
export const create: Task['run'] = async ({ key, template, sandboxDir }, { dryRun, debug }) => {
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
const parentDir = resolve(sandboxDir, '..');
await ensureDir(parentDir);
2022-11-15 20:09:08 +11:00
if ('inDevelopment' in template && template.inDevelopment) {
2023-01-10 18:55:16 +01:00
const srcDir = join(reprosDir, key, 'after-storybook');
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
if (!existsSync(srcDir)) {
2022-11-15 20:09:08 +11:00
throw new Error(`Missing repro directory '${srcDir}', did the generate task run?`);
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
await copy(srcDir, sandboxDir);
} else {
await executeCLIStep(steps.repro, {
argument: key,
2022-12-06 09:40:48 +01:00
optionValues: { output: sandboxDir, branch: 'next', init: false, debug },
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
cwd: parentDir,
2023-02-15 12:16:18 +08:00
export const install: Task['run'] = async (
{ sandboxDir, template },
{ link, dryRun, debug, addon: addons, skipTemplateStories }
) => {
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
const cwd = sandboxDir;
await installYarn2({ cwd, dryRun, debug });
if (link) {
await executeCLIStep(steps.link, {
argument: sandboxDir,
cwd: codeDir,
optionValues: { local: true, start: false },
} else {
// We need to add package resolutions to ensure that we only ever install the latest version
// of any storybook packages as verdaccio is not able to both proxy to npm and publish over
// the top. In theory this could mask issues where different versions cause problems.
await addPackageResolutions({ cwd, dryRun, debug });
await configureYarn2ForVerdaccio({ cwd, dryRun, debug });
await exec(
'yarn install',
{ cwd },
2022-12-06 09:47:39 +01:00
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
startMessage: `⬇️ Installing local dependencies`,
errorMessage: `🚨 Installing local dependencies failed`,
2022-12-06 15:17:28 +01:00
const extra = template.expected.renderer === '@storybook/html' ? { type: 'html' } : {};
2022-12-06 14:34:17 +01:00
await executeCLIStep(steps.init, {
2022-12-06 15:17:28 +01:00
optionValues: { debug, yes: true, ...extra },
2022-12-06 14:34:17 +01:00
2022-12-06 09:40:48 +01:00
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
logger.info(`🔢 Adding package scripts:`);
2022-10-10 22:35:41 +11:00
await updatePackageScripts({
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
2022-11-24 14:56:16 +11:00
'NODE_OPTIONS="--preserve-symlinks --preserve-symlinks-main" STORYBOOK_TELEMETRY_URL="http://localhost:6007/event-log"',
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
2023-01-12 11:42:31 +01:00
switch (template.expected.framework) {
case '@storybook/angular':
await prepareAngularSandbox(cwd);
2023-02-15 12:16:18 +08:00
if (!skipTemplateStories) {
for (const addon of addons) {
const addonName = `@storybook/addon-${addon}`;
await executeCLIStep(steps.add, { argument: addonName, cwd, dryRun, debug });
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
// Ensure that sandboxes can refer to story files defined in `code/`.
// Most WP-based build systems will not compile files outside of the project root or 'src/` or
// similar. Plus they aren't guaranteed to handle TS files. So we need to patch in esbuild
// loader for such files. NOTE this isn't necessary for Vite, as far as we know.
function addEsbuildLoaderToStories(mainConfig: ConfigFile) {
// NOTE: the test regexp here will apply whether the path is symlink-preserved or otherwise
2022-10-10 17:15:43 +11:00
const esbuildLoaderPath = require.resolve('../../code/node_modules/esbuild-loader');
const storiesMdxLoaderPath = require.resolve(
2022-10-15 14:59:51 +08:00
2022-10-10 17:15:43 +11:00
2022-10-10 16:56:47 +11:00
const babelLoaderPath = require.resolve('babel-loader');
const jsxPluginPath = require.resolve('@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx');
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
const webpackFinalCode = `
(config) => ({
module: {
2022-12-08 16:35:47 +01:00
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
rules: [
// Ensure esbuild-loader applies to all files in ./template-stories
test: [/\\/template-stories\\//],
2022-10-10 16:56:47 +11:00
exclude: [/\\.mdx$/],
loader: '${esbuildLoaderPath}',
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
options: {
loader: 'tsx',
target: 'es2015',
2022-10-10 16:56:47 +11:00
// Handle MDX files per the addon-docs presets (ish)
test: [/\\/template-stories\\//],
include: [/\\.stories\\.mdx$/],
use: [
loader: '${babelLoaderPath}',
options: {
babelrc: false,
configFile: false,
plugins: ['${jsxPluginPath}'],
loader: '${storiesMdxLoaderPath}',
options: {
skipCsf: false,
test: [/\\/template-stories\\//],
include: [/\\.mdx$/],
exclude: [/\\.stories\\.mdx$/],
use: [
loader: '${babelLoaderPath}',
options: {
babelrc: false,
configFile: false,
plugins: ['${jsxPluginPath}'],
loader: '${storiesMdxLoaderPath}',
options: {
skipCsf: true,
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
// Ensure no other loaders from the framework apply
...config.module.rules.map(rule => ({
exclude: [/\\/template-stories\\//].concat(rule.exclude || []),
// @ts-expect-error (not sure why TS complains here, it does exist)
2022-10-13 20:30:04 +02:00
Recompile optimized deps on each startup, so you can change @storybook/* packages and not
have to clear caches.
And allow source directories to complement any existing allow patterns
(".storybook" is already being allowed by builder-vite)
function setSandboxViteFinal(mainConfig: ConfigFile) {
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
const viteFinalCode = `
(config) => ({
2022-10-13 20:30:04 +02:00
optimizeDeps: { ...config.optimizeDeps, force: true },
server: {
fs: {
2023-02-09 13:36:11 +11:00
allow: ['stories', 'src', 'template-stories', 'node_modules', ...(config.server?.fs?.allow || [])],
2022-10-13 20:30:04 +02:00
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
// @ts-expect-error (not sure why TS complains here, it does exist)
2022-11-04 16:16:11 +11:00
// Update the stories field to ensure that no TS files
// that are linked from the renderer are picked up in non-TS projects
function updateStoriesField(mainConfig: ConfigFile, isJs: boolean) {
const stories = mainConfig.getFieldValue(['stories']) as string[];
// If the project is a JS project, let's make sure any linked in TS stories from the
// renderer inside src|stories are simply ignored.
const updatedStories = isJs
? stories.map((specifier) => specifier.replace('js|jsx|ts|tsx', 'js|jsx'))
: stories;
mainConfig.setFieldValue(['stories'], [...updatedStories]);
// Add a stories field entry for the passed symlink
function addStoriesEntry(mainConfig: ConfigFile, path: string) {
const stories = mainConfig.getFieldValue(['stories']) as string[];
const entry = {
2023-01-22 13:50:43 +01:00
directory: slash(join('../template-stories', path)),
titlePrefix: slash(path),
2022-11-07 11:48:29 +11:00
files: '**/*.@(mdx|stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx))',
2022-11-04 16:16:11 +11:00
2022-11-14 23:58:48 +08:00
2022-11-04 16:16:11 +11:00
mainConfig.setFieldValue(['stories'], [...stories, entry]);
2022-11-30 13:30:24 +01:00
function addVariantToFolder(variant?: string, folder = 'stories') {
return variant ? `${folder}_${variant}` : folder;
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
// packageDir is eg 'renderers/react', 'addons/actions'
async function linkPackageStories(
packageDir: string,
2022-11-30 13:30:24 +01:00
{ mainConfig, cwd, linkInDir }: { mainConfig: ConfigFile; cwd: string; linkInDir?: string },
frameworkVariant?: string
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
) {
2022-11-30 13:30:24 +01:00
const storiesFolderName = frameworkVariant ? addVariantToFolder(frameworkVariant) : 'stories';
const source = join(codeDir, packageDir, 'template', storiesFolderName);
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
// By default we link `stories` directories
// e.g '../../../code/lib/store/template/stories' to 'template-stories/lib/store'
// if the directory <code>/lib/store/template/stories exists
// The files must be linked in the cwd, in order to ensure that any dependencies they
// reference are resolved in the cwd. In particular 'react' resolved by MDX files.
const target = linkInDir
2022-11-30 13:30:24 +01:00
? resolve(
frameworkVariant ? addVariantToFolder(frameworkVariant, packageDir) : packageDir
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
: resolve(cwd, 'template-stories', packageDir);
2022-11-30 13:30:24 +01:00
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
await ensureSymlink(source, target);
2023-01-20 09:42:30 +01:00
if (!linkInDir) {
addStoriesEntry(mainConfig, packageDir);
2022-11-04 16:16:11 +11:00
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
// Add `previewAnnotation` entries of the form
2022-10-10 13:05:51 +11:00
// './template-stories/lib/store/preview.[tj]s'
// if the file <code>/lib/store/template/stories/preview.[jt]s exists
await Promise.all(
['js', 'ts'].map(async (ext) => {
const previewFile = `preview.${ext}`;
2022-11-30 13:30:24 +01:00
const previewPath = join(codeDir, packageDir, 'template', storiesFolderName, previewFile);
2022-10-10 13:05:51 +11:00
if (await pathExists(previewPath)) {
2022-10-10 20:25:39 +08:00
let storiesDir = 'template-stories';
if (linkInDir) {
2022-11-30 13:30:24 +01:00
storiesDir = (await pathExists(join(cwd, `src/${storiesFolderName}`)))
? `src/${storiesFolderName}`
: storiesFolderName;
2022-10-10 20:25:39 +08:00
addPreviewAnnotations(mainConfig, [`./${join(storiesDir, packageDir, previewFile)}`]);
2022-10-10 13:05:51 +11:00
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
function addExtraDependencies({
}: {
cwd: string;
dryRun: boolean;
debug: boolean;
}) {
2022-10-10 21:43:06 +11:00
// web-components doesn't install '@storybook/testing-library' by default
2022-10-17 10:23:56 +11:00
const extraDeps = [
2022-10-22 17:34:09 +08:00
2022-10-17 10:23:56 +11:00
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
if (debug) logger.log('🎁 Adding extra deps', extraDeps);
if (!dryRun) {
2022-10-10 19:34:52 -04:00
const packageManager = JsPackageManagerFactory.getPackageManager({}, cwd);
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
packageManager.addDependencies({ installAsDevDependencies: true }, extraDeps);
export const addStories: Task['run'] = async (
2023-01-10 18:55:16 +01:00
{ sandboxDir, template, key },
2022-10-10 21:43:06 +11:00
{ addon: extraAddons, dryRun, debug }
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
) => {
const cwd = sandboxDir;
const storiesPath = await findFirstPath([join('src', 'stories'), 'stories'], { cwd });
const mainConfig = await readMainConfig({ cwd });
2022-11-04 16:16:11 +11:00
// Ensure that we match the right stories in the stories directory
const packageJson = await import(join(cwd, 'package.json'));
2022-11-14 23:58:48 +08:00
updateStoriesField(mainConfig, detectLanguage(packageJson) === SupportedLanguage.JAVASCRIPT);
2022-11-04 16:16:11 +11:00
2023-01-18 08:31:12 -05:00
const isCoreRenderer = template.expected.renderer.startsWith('@storybook/');
if (isCoreRenderer) {
// Link in the template/components/index.js from store, the renderer and the addons
const rendererPath = await workspacePath('renderer', template.expected.renderer);
await ensureSymlink(
join(codeDir, rendererPath, 'template', 'components'),
resolve(cwd, storiesPath, 'components')
addPreviewAnnotations(mainConfig, [`.${sep}${join(storiesPath, 'components')}`]);
2022-11-30 13:30:24 +01:00
2023-01-18 08:31:12 -05:00
// Add stories for the renderer. NOTE: these *do* need to be processed by the framework build system
await linkPackageStories(rendererPath, {
2022-10-19 19:20:47 +02:00
linkInDir: resolve(cwd, storiesPath),
2023-01-18 08:31:12 -05:00
const isCoreFramework = template.expected.framework.startsWith('@storybook/');
2022-11-30 13:30:24 +01:00
2023-01-18 08:31:12 -05:00
if (isCoreFramework) {
const frameworkPath = await workspacePath('frameworks', template.expected.framework);
// Add stories for the framework if it has one. NOTE: these *do* need to be processed by the framework build system
if (await pathExists(resolve(codeDir, frameworkPath, join('template', 'stories')))) {
await linkPackageStories(frameworkPath, {
2022-11-30 13:30:24 +01:00
linkInDir: resolve(cwd, storiesPath),
2023-01-18 08:31:12 -05:00
const frameworkVariant = key.split('/')[1];
const storiesVariantFolder = addVariantToFolder(frameworkVariant);
if (await pathExists(resolve(codeDir, frameworkPath, join('template', storiesVariantFolder)))) {
await linkPackageStories(
linkInDir: resolve(cwd, storiesPath),
2022-11-30 13:30:24 +01:00
2023-01-20 09:42:30 +01:00
if (isCoreRenderer) {
// Add stories for lib/store (and addons below). NOTE: these stories will be in the
// template-stories folder and *not* processed by the framework build config (instead by esbuild-loader)
await linkPackageStories(await workspacePath('core package', '@storybook/store'), {
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
2022-10-10 21:43:06 +11:00
const mainAddons = mainConfig.getFieldValue(['addons']).reduce((acc: string[], addon: any) => {
const name = typeof addon === 'string' ? addon : addon.name;
const match = /@storybook\/addon-(.*)/.exec(name);
if (!match) return acc;
const suffix = match[1];
if (suffix === 'essentials') {
return [...acc, ...essentialsAddons];
return [...acc, suffix];
}, []);
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
const addonDirs = await Promise.all(
2022-10-10 21:43:06 +11:00
[...mainAddons, ...extraAddons].map(async (addon) =>
workspacePath('addon', `@storybook/addon-${addon}`)
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
2022-10-10 21:43:06 +11:00
2023-01-20 09:42:30 +01:00
if (isCoreRenderer) {
const existingStories = await filterExistsInCodeDir(addonDirs, join('template', 'stories'));
2023-01-24 17:33:34 +11:00
for (const packageDir of existingStories) {
await linkPackageStories(packageDir, { mainConfig, cwd });
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
2023-01-20 09:42:30 +01:00
// Add some extra settings (see above for what these do)
if (template.expected.builder === '@storybook/builder-webpack5') {
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
// Some addon stories require extra dependencies
addExtraDependencies({ cwd, dryRun, debug });
2022-10-06 13:57:17 +11:00
2023-01-10 18:56:04 +01:00
await writeConfig(mainConfig);
2022-12-02 13:09:57 +11:00
2023-01-10 18:56:04 +01:00
export const extendMain: Task['run'] = async ({ template, sandboxDir }) => {
logger.log('📝 Extending main.js');
const mainConfig = await readMainConfig({ cwd: sandboxDir });
2023-01-12 10:12:20 +01:00
const templateConfig = template.modifications?.mainConfig || {};
2023-01-10 18:56:04 +01:00
const configToAdd = {
features: {
interactionsDebugger: true,
Object.entries(configToAdd).forEach(([field, value]) => mainConfig.setFieldValue([field], value));
if (template.expected.builder === '@storybook/builder-vite') setSandboxViteFinal(mainConfig);
2022-10-06 13:57:17 +11:00
await writeConfig(mainConfig);
2022-10-05 11:25:31 +11:00
2023-01-12 11:42:31 +01:00
* Sets compodoc option in angular.json projects to false. We have to generate compodoc
* manually to avoid symlink issues related to the template-stories folder.
* In a second step a docs:json script is placed into the package.json to generate the
* Compodoc documentation.json, which respects symlinks
* */
async function prepareAngularSandbox(cwd: string) {
const angularJson = await readJson(join(cwd, 'angular.json'));
Object.keys(angularJson.projects).forEach((projectName: string) => {
angularJson.projects[projectName].architect.storybook.options.compodoc = false;
angularJson.projects[projectName].architect['build-storybook'].options.compodoc = false;
await writeJson(join(cwd, 'angular.json'), angularJson, { spaces: 2 });
const packageJsonPath = join(cwd, 'package.json');
const packageJson = await readJson(packageJsonPath);
packageJson.scripts = {
'docs:json': 'DIR=$PWD; cd ../../scripts; yarn ts-node combine-compodoc $DIR',
storybook: `yarn docs:json && ${packageJson.scripts.storybook}`,
'build-storybook': `yarn docs:json && ${packageJson.scripts['build-storybook']}`,
await writeJson(packageJsonPath, packageJson, { spaces: 2 });