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# Getting started
2021-04-30 10:09:45 +08:00
- Ensure you have node version 14 installed (suggestion: v14.18.1).
- Ensure if you are using Windows to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
- Run `yarn start` directory to run a basic test Storybook "sandbox".
2022-10-07 16:54:06 +11:00
The `yarn start` script will generate a React Vite TypeScript sandbox with a set of test stories inside it, as well as taking all steps required to get it running (building the various packages we need etc).
# Running against different sandbox templates
You can also pick a specific template to use as your sandbox by running `yarn task`, which will prompt you to make further choices about which template you want and which task you want to run.
# Making code changes
If you want to make code changes to Storybook packages while running a sandbox, you'll need to do the following:
1. In a second terminal run `yarn build --watch <package-1> <package-2>` in the `code/` directory. The package names is the bit after the `@storybook/` in the published package. For instance, to build the `@storybook/react @storybook/core-server @storybook/api @storybook/addon-docs` packages at the same time in watch mode:
cd code
yarn build --watch react core-server api addon-docs
2. If you are running the sandbox in "linked" mode (the default), you should see the changes reflected on a refresh (you may need to restart it if changing server packages)
3. If you are running the sandbox in "unlinked" mode you'll need to re-run the sandbox from the `publish` step to see the changes:
yarn task --task dev --template <your template> --start-from=publish
2022-07-27 11:16:08 +02:00
# Contributing to Storybook
For further advice on how to contribute, please refer to our [NEW contributing guide on the Storybook website](