2024-05-17 17:28:24 +01:00
import fs from 'node:fs/promises' ;
import path from 'node:path' ;
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' ;
import type { Edge , Node } from 'reactflow' ;
import matter from 'gray-matter' ;
import type { RoadmapFrontmatter } from '../src/lib/roadmap' ;
import { slugify } from '../src/lib/slugger' ;
import OpenAI from 'openai' ;
import { runPromisesInBatchSequentially } from '../src/lib/promise' ;
// ERROR: `__dirname` is not defined in ES module scope
// https://iamwebwiz.medium.com/how-to-fix-dirname-is-not-defined-in-es-module-scope-34d94a86694d
const __filename = fileURLToPath ( import . meta . url ) ;
const __dirname = path . dirname ( __filename ) ;
// Usage: tsx ./scripts/editor-roadmap-content.ts <roadmapId>
const OPEN_AI_API_KEY = process . env . OPEN_AI_API_KEY ;
console . log ( 'OPEN_AI_API_KEY:' , OPEN_AI_API_KEY ) ;
const ROADMAP_CONTENT_DIR = path . join ( __dirname , '../src/data/roadmaps' ) ;
const roadmapId = process . argv [ 2 ] ;
const allowedRoadmapIds = await fs . readdir ( ROADMAP_CONTENT_DIR ) ;
if ( ! roadmapId ) {
console . error ( 'Roadmap Id is required' ) ;
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( ! allowedRoadmapIds . includes ( roadmapId ) ) {
console . error ( ` Invalid roadmap key ${ roadmapId } ` ) ;
console . error ( ` Allowed keys are ${ allowedRoadmapIds . join ( ', ' ) } ` ) ;
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
const roadmapFrontmatterDir = path . join (
roadmapId ,
` ${ roadmapId } .md ` ,
) ;
const roadmapFrontmatterRaw = await fs . readFile ( roadmapFrontmatterDir , 'utf-8' ) ;
const { data } = matter ( roadmapFrontmatterRaw ) ;
const roadmapFrontmatter = data as RoadmapFrontmatter ;
if ( ! roadmapFrontmatter ) {
console . error ( 'Invalid roadmap frontmatter' ) ;
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( roadmapFrontmatter . renderer !== 'editor' ) {
console . error ( 'Only Editor Rendered Roadmaps are allowed' ) ;
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
const roadmapDir = path . join (
roadmapId ,
` ${ roadmapId } .json ` ,
) ;
const roadmapContent = await fs . readFile ( roadmapDir , 'utf-8' ) ;
let { nodes , edges } = JSON . parse ( roadmapContent ) as {
nodes : Node [ ] ;
edges : Edge [ ] ;
} ;
const enrichedNodes = nodes
. filter (
( node ) = >
node ? . type &&
[ 'topic' , 'subtopic' ] . includes ( node . type ) &&
node . data ? . label ,
. map ( ( node ) = > {
// Because we only need the parent id and title for subtopics
if ( node . type !== 'subtopic' ) {
return node ;
const parentNodeId =
edges . find ( ( edge ) = > edge . target === node . id ) ? . source || '' ;
const parentNode = nodes . find ( ( n ) = > n . id === parentNodeId ) ;
return {
. . . node ,
parentId : parentNodeId ,
parentTitle : parentNode?.data?.label || '' ,
} ;
} ) as ( Node & { parentId? : string ; parentTitle? : string } ) [ ] ;
const roadmapContentDir = path . join ( ROADMAP_CONTENT_DIR , roadmapId , 'content' ) ;
const stats = await fs . stat ( roadmapContentDir ) . catch ( ( ) = > null ) ;
if ( ! stats || ! stats . isDirectory ( ) ) {
await fs . mkdir ( roadmapContentDir , { recursive : true } ) ;
let openai : OpenAI | undefined ;
if ( OPEN_AI_API_KEY ) {
openai = new OpenAI ( {
apiKey : OPEN_AI_API_KEY ,
} ) ;
function writeTopicContent (
roadmapTitle : string ,
childTopic : string ,
parentTopic? : string ,
) {
let prompt = ` I will give you a topic and you need to write a brief introduction for that with regards to " ${ roadmapTitle } ". Your format should be as follows and be in strictly markdown format:
2024-06-21 21:22:16 +01:00
# ( Put a heading for the topic without adding parent "Subtopic in Topic" or "Topic in Roadmap" or "Subtopic under XYZ" etc . )
2024-05-17 17:28:24 +01:00
2024-06-21 21:22:16 +01:00
( Briefly explain the topic in one paragraph using simple english with regards to "${roadmapTitle}" . Don 't start with explaining how important the topic is with regard to "${roadmapTitle}". Don' t say something along the lines of "XYZ plays a crucial role in ${roadmapTitle}" . Don ' t include anything saying "In the context of ${roadmapTitle}" . Instead , start with a simple explanation of the topic itself . For example , if the topic is "React" , you can start with "React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces." and then you can explain how it is used in "${roadmapTitle}" . )
2024-05-17 17:28:24 +01:00
` ;
if ( ! parentTopic ) {
prompt += ` First topic is: ${ childTopic } ` ;
} else {
prompt += ` First topic is: ${ childTopic } under ${ parentTopic } ` ;
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) = > {
openai ? . chat . completions
. create ( {
model : 'gpt-4' ,
messages : [
role : 'user' ,
content : prompt ,
} ,
] ,
} )
. then ( ( response ) = > {
const article = response . choices [ 0 ] . message . content ;
resolve ( article ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( err ) = > {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
async function writeNodeContent ( node : Node & { parentTitle? : string } ) {
const nodeDirPattern = ` ${ slugify ( node . data . label ) } @ ${ node . id } .md ` ;
if ( ! roadmapContentFiles . includes ( nodeDirPattern ) ) {
console . log ( ` Missing file for: ${ nodeDirPattern } ` ) ;
return ;
const nodeDir = path . join ( roadmapContentDir , nodeDirPattern ) ;
const nodeContent = await fs . readFile ( nodeDir , 'utf-8' ) ;
const isFileEmpty = ! nodeContent . replace ( ` # ${ node . data . label } ` , '' ) . trim ( ) ;
if ( ! isFileEmpty ) {
console . log ( ` ❌ Ignoring ${ nodeDirPattern } . Not empty. ` ) ;
return ;
const topic = node . data . label ;
const parentTopic = node . parentTitle ;
console . log ( ` ⏳ Generating content for ${ topic } ... ` ) ;
let newContentFile = '' ;
if ( OPEN_AI_API_KEY ) {
newContentFile = ( await writeTopicContent (
roadmapFrontmatter . title ,
topic ,
parentTopic ,
) ) as string ;
} else {
newContentFile = ` # ${ topic } ` ;
await fs . writeFile ( nodeDir , newContentFile , 'utf-8' ) ;
console . log ( ` ✅ Content generated for ${ topic } ` ) ;
let roadmapContentFiles = await fs . readdir ( roadmapContentDir , {
recursive : true ,
} ) ;
if ( ! OPEN_AI_API_KEY ) {
console . log ( '----------------------------------------' ) ;
console . log ( 'OPEN_AI_API_KEY not found. Skipping openai api calls...' ) ;
console . log ( '----------------------------------------' ) ;
const promises = enrichedNodes . map ( ( node ) = > ( ) = > writeNodeContent ( node ) ) ;
await runPromisesInBatchSequentially ( promises , 20 ) ;
console . log ( '✅ All content generated' ) ;